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Actually tuesday was not so great


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And since it was wednesday all day, we'll blame that on sleep deprivation. Scuse the title.



First the side-effects of the meds. Not sleeping again (as you can tell me being up this time of night).

I was on the rota yesterday to search for a dog. She is from the Animalinneed.com foundation, got adopted last friday, owners wanted to go walkies, she enthousiastically jumped for the door and is missing since then.

Last days were freezing nights which she can manage probably but lately lots of rain.

Been walking the woods where she is seen, asked every man and his dog, rang doors, stopped cars, nada.

Came home knackered, just wanting to take a shower and get some sleep. Search parties are organised for every day, we'll try saturday if she is not found by then to surround the woods (huge!) and circle inwards to find her. Great day, the day before Christmas to try and rustle up around a hundred or so people. Surprising amount of people already volunteerd though.


Them my best male friend rang from the UK. In tears and so shaken. Some of you may remember he lost his 22 year old son last year. Today the boy would have turned 24.

My friend is in the UK and no chance to come over and asked me (2pm already) to bring him some flowers at the cemetery. Poor man was afraid to ask but knows I'd never let my best buddy and closest thing to a brother down.

I dragged upstairs to change clothes, went to flowershop, found gorgeous Christmas arrangement and went to get gas. Started crying at the pump, called my BFF and picked her up. We managed to get to Amsterdam, about 15 minutes before the cemetery closes.

So just enough time to find his grave, take pics, light the candles and hear the gates shut behind us the moment we went out! That was 5pm and Amsterdam is not exactly very easy to reach or get out in rushhour around Christmas.


Downloaded the pics, called friend who went to work and received an email with the tears running down my screen almost.

Poor man, his heart is broken.


So now I'm up again, will spare you the details of the side effects but it´s getting bad again.

Think I´m not fulfilling my dog-search rota tomorrow and hope to be able to stop crying at the thought of young Choco as he was nicknamed, robbed so early in life from us.

I´d appreciate any prayers you have to offer for his peace in the life hereafter.



It was getting real dark and just managed to take some pics with the mobile:



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I'm sorry you had such a rough day!


Sending prayers to your friend and some for you too. Also for all the people doing the search and rescue for the missing dog.


I hope you get some sleep soon. :pray:


You made a beautiful memorial and I'm sure that helped ease the mind of your dear friend.

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Christy - I am praying first for your health, rest and peace of mind.

Now for your friend who lost his child. Holidays are so hard.

Now for Choco. I pray for safety and return of your dog,protection for the searchers and you that he may be found.

God bless and know you are in our thoughts. Even in your situation, you still found time to think of your friend.

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oh what a couple of days! Ditto on everything. The memorial is lovely. Do try to rest even if you cannot sleep. You have had quite the week already and your son too. :bouquet: I am so sorry this special dog is missing as well, and you have been a trooper. Is there no location chip installed for it? ( Do they use those there yet?) I do hope its found only cold and hungry and soon. :unsure:

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Just got off the phone with my friend in the UK. He was so grateful and happy about the visit and flowers.

We cried a while together and he'll need a lot of time to heal. He asked me to thank you for the prayers and cried at the thought of strangers being so kind.

His son choco was a lovely young man. Quiet, helpful, never a bad word. Never asked for much in life, instead only got very little time on this earth.


It's not my dog that is missing, it's one from the same foundation my dog is adopted from. Realistically, she's not going to hold out much longer and may crawl away in a bush to die. So hoping we find her today or tomorrow.


Thank you for all your prayers, wishes and thoughts. Christmas is about the last thing on my mind now and we might just display the ornaments in a nice bowl and forget about doing other things.

Hugs to you all.

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Just got a call that the dog has been found. The family where she was as an inbetween station between Spanish pound and adoption, live 2 hours drive away, one way drive that is. They came up here nearly every day.

They rang at all doors in that area (huge villas and mansions) and someone spotted dog in the garden. The woman she had stayed with before adoption called her... and she just came to her.

Tears of joy now.

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So glad the dog was found, but sure hoping you will get some sleep very soon.


Hugs my dear friend.


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Thank you, dog is at the vet now for a check up.


Hope tonight will be better.

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