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Home in Greece

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Very astute. I decided to post it to FB from the blog site of course, not mrs s. I posed my concerns, a little bit about the similarities i face and IM single. Paid 88$ yesterday, I had two bags of groceries, it wasn't much and none of it fancy or junkfood..... it isn't close to what I need for a good what... a week? Most of it already has to last for a good two weeks for me.....

I posted a request for people to consider it and make comparisons and think about it.


You can't feed kids only what they were able to buy for long. malnutrition will occur, as well as for adults. They will pay the price in the long run.


In a decade since, and now living in about the farthest point away from most food crops that have to be transported, costs here are about 400% of some pretty decent eating and a few friday night ice cream and dvd's sessions and a little bit of eating out or grabbing coffee or a burger meal on the run doing errands for my son and I when he was still with me as a teen. We ate pretty well.


I do not know how anyone can truly sustain themselves at this rate.


The reasonable behavior of this down to earth housewife was a terrific example and those politicians, geeeeeeeeeez........ they did NOT get the point.


I certainly still need to fill in monthly gaps. I have to be able to round that out , my diabetes and nutrition needs require it.


I can't just eat out of a cooler and a hot plate anymore or sandwiches. I did that for about 3 yrs , mostly when I first arrived. It sure doesnt' work long.


Young children need protein and produce and milk and such... for brain development and everything else. The nutrients, yikes...


Yes, we have these problems here. I have a huge variety of friends in all income brackets and home populations at their homes, I wanted to share that.


Part of that letter I wrote to a patriot Polish American who left when Mr. O got nominated, he knows exactly what is going on and hes striving there to educate Polish folks , once again....


I respect this man so much and I had promised to write. But as messed up as my foggy brain got with the blood sugar and not getting it taken care of alot sooner with my doctor situation up here, well... I felt really shy about trying to write that letter.

He is more comfortable thinking in Polish, and you know me, I write essays.... lol. It drives him nuts, and he asked me to break down my thoughts in 3 sentences a piece.


Wow, that is the challenge of a lifetime. This man is fine historian lecturer, very astute, can speak briefly and just nail the issue.


so, finally I am starting to think more clearly,,,,,, yea right you all can see how thats going.


I am steaming away at my own writing, the past couple weeks and finally I think I can knock a book out of the park , but I am so zoned into that..... it is so very hard to switch gears , but I knew I had to explain why I hadnt written.


so yes there is a point to all this. some of it has to do with starvation feeding of families. He knows that inside out. He once got really upset when I posted a simple but tasty recipe for muffins and being hospitable I wanted to share it with my FB friends.... yikes.. very sensitive subject.......



He didn't understand where I was coming from at all.


ok. so I had to explain how really difficult it has already become and still trying to stock up and fill at least a few more holes over the summer, in my own predicament.


and I know I am only one person. not a family unit to keep fed. I have friends with growing kids ... we have talked. I have talked about it with the diabetic nurse. She knows this.


In Poland the avg income is 881 US dollars for a worker of avg skills. People on SSI get that in NY state. About a hundred in food stamps? Single adult .

I get 936, maybe 30 in food stamps if I bothered. no thanks. I really hate paperwork etc. I have at least 160 in copay but that is being reviewed probably to go up. Other bills that were not covered my state medicaid.


I am only using it because the VA is so bad here, absolutely abhorrent too, except I do need serious dental and until I get the VA disability, and still maybe not dental. I need to be under the state thumb controls, or flat out work my on my writing and develop a series, and this book is a gem in the making. But that takes time.... thats the positive, stable plan for the long run

UNFORTUNATELY, we have an even bigger and very precarious mess on our hands due to the political and financial situation , and its continuing to get worse.... only steps away from total chaos. That halts everything else if they get there way.


This man in Poland knows how it goes. It just broke his heart after about 25 yrs , he couldn't bear to watch and he is like John Wayne, man! lol.


And I wanted to tell him it really was 'progressing' to the last stages very likely.


I understand that and he wanted to be sure I did.


And over there, well , same stuff.


I told him what I would try and do for myself if it comes to boots on the ground , that I had been trying to get ready .. I asked him to just think of me if I have to do that, and that would help me get through it.


I spent several hours writing it, breaking it down in to small paragraphs and using a free translator to do each section underneath. It felt like writing a whole chapter and tried to be careful and clear about several things that he sort of knew about me. I wanted him to understand I have lived this control crud a long time and the other stuff but that I had a good basis to begin with and i knew what must be done and I was doing my best to refresh things about our history and such and help others understand. One at a time but it is definitely coming down the wire and even if R gets elected, he is just one fellow and there are many many creeps still on the hill, its going to take a very long time if have to keep doing this in a civil manner to get things back to 'normal'.


heck if O doesnt get reelected I would really watch out ... he will be desperate and desperate people do savage things when they are pushed in a corner.


I do not think he will go quietly. No matter how casual he appears.


Heck I hear things and see some real tough things done too that make me wonder if we should be concerned preelection months so he can get away with NO election in November.


I do not know how many exec orders he has written but someone who is well versed and tries her best to do proper research said over 900????


Who in the history of our country has ever written that many???? And all that stuff is directly out of the commie notes basically. Adolf H too.


There was publically revealed facts about a KILL List.


I bought a fishing license. I am on a list. this year they required my residence address, not just my po box.


And all I was worried about was talking on FB really or here but mrs s wasnt on the list DHS has at least that they 'monitor' ..... many other survival blogs and sites are, etc.


But certainly there are those who can be so unkind to be looky loos. We know this.


I told him I was going outside if I had to, Id rather get eaten by a bear, or try not to freeze to death or get hurt and die out there but I knew the best thing was to get away from the roads here, possibly I would have time..... get my stuff out little by little as soon as chaos strikes , before it spreads this far.

that I had been trying to get ready for a few years at least, bit by bit.


Stealth at least til things calm down some and I can connect with those who are stronger around here. do what is needed then.


Im not 25 anymore, lol.. but I would be darned if I would be taken to a reeducation camp, work camp .


He knows what that is ...... I wanted to be sure I told him that I knew too.


He did forestry work here in the US .


So he knows I have woods around me. :americanflag:


Getting too doggone old for that , lol.. at that level but sheesh, you do need to stand up no matter your circumstances.


" Got guns? " I wish.


Well, Davy brought down Goliath with a sling.... i can weave one or two..... and have afew archery things I can manage with my bad shoulder and weak arm. close range , quiet if Im careful...not able to deal with fifty men coming at me all decked out however, so yea I will go hid a while at least.


And if I came out of all that, then I earned some better 'standing' again and I wanted to try for the sake of the children, after all I just got informed Im going to be a grandma.


so, reasonable plan with writing , alternate as necessary and its really looking like it will be now.


Another 11 pm or longer night of hard writing, then I emailed it, reviewing it. First. 1am



Honest to Gosh I really am shy in person when I meet somebody too... very quiet, it really was hard to write all that and some other stuff. You cant even see somebodys face when you have to do that..... that is my big fear. I guess.


I did say thats how i felt and i had no idea when he reads it what in the heck he is thinking. no way to guage his reaction.


I probably drive him nuts as bad as I drive Louis nuts. lol. :sHa_sarcasticlol:


I definitely have not been living in polite society a long time except for you gems here...... lol. Several on FB too, friends there.


Its easier to first chat a while then if I ever do a road trip again. then I at least know a few things and the ice is broken. the trust is already started. It feels safer.


when you translate to Polish, it has wayyyy more consonants in alot of words. not all are sounded out though... confusing to look at. no wonder he asked for small paragraphs.


trusting a translator can be iffy. It not infallible.


I am very nervous... I tried to use resources though at least.


Still it was a rough draft, not all that refined. I still sent it. He can correct it all he wants, lol.....


maybe even fathom it.....


I truly respect him very much. it would be precious to have him as a long distance friend.


but he needed to understand where I am coming from too.


He can read it at his leisure too. If he wants.


If he ever speaks to me again after this, that is the big question. :grinning-smiley-044:


I am just vegging on country music too..... trying to remember to eat as tuckered out as I am and this was also quite a week about all the savage crimes and stuff going on. Real live zombies eating people. I was having such a great time with the book. Trying to be upbeat ..... well I was upbeat. More than I have felt in so long... but its hard to switch gears like that and well.... gosh!

Please do not say anything to him on FB if you figure out who he is via my friends list. He cherishes his privacy . It wouldn't be nice or funny. If he expressed an interest in this site.... but I don't think he would, even so.......just DON"T. He has his reasons. Different cultural. Very strict. My life could be at stake.


Absolutely. It probably wouldn't if he were over here, but he isn't.

Edited by arby
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Just read this. It is heartbreaking to see this ,knowing all to well that very soon it could be us. We live in a world where the politicians are more concerned with "party lines" and greed than the peoples' well being. They asked for her opinion, but did not listen. Why not start a soup kitchen at the schools or community. Offering to buy a chocolate bar is the answer. Ha! I bet none of the politicians or their children were hungry.


She is working and stretching her budget as far as she can go. I am not talking about handouts. Community gardens, classes in surviving day to day living and bartering, with God's mercy and grace, may be the only way we will survive in what is coming. Being surrounded by like minded people is surmountable to our survival in this day and time.






I have been reading the 'Deep Winter' series downloaded on my computer so this is where my mindset is coming from right now. This just confirms how fast and easy things will go south. No work or contribution means no food. Even if not physically able to do manual labor there are so many things we can do to be productive (reading to children, remembering what used to be done in the past (canning,food prep and storage, gardening, sewing, fishing, etc.) and helping those able to do a better job. I do remember Katrina. The people who came here and hit all of the food pantries in our small city. Quite a few were demanding, insulted that we would give them store brands of food--demanding name brand instead. We were told since we got some food from the local food bank, we had to service them. Most of our food and donations at church came from our people, a lot of them senior adults on limited income. We always gave several sacks of groceries, enought to sustain them for a few weeks. They would leave ours, and then go to another pantry. They would even tell us this. Admittedly, there were some that were very thankful and humble. They lost everything but the clothes on their backs. These are the ones who were already looking for jobs and trying to get their families settled. I had to pray many a prayer to get through this. A very wise older man, 84, told me that it was in God's hands what they did with the food. (We found out from the police later that some were trading the food for drugs.) We had done what we were commanded to do which was to feed the least of these and help when needed.


The main thing is prayer, a closer walk with our heavenly Father, wisdom and discernment in the coming events. Other countries in the world desperately need our prayers now also. May God have mercy upon us all, even though it is not deserved. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Edited by AMarthaByHeart
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yep. I cant defend this place here much at all. there are people who are my peers who could turn real nasty , if they really caught anything. just my neigbors could be major problems if they get 'upset' with no preps in a long emergency.


I did what I could so far. that is mine as long as I can keep it and I plan to as much as I can. It will be long labor getting it to a place and caching it.... if its not frozen ground, with a super nasty windchill or blizzard stuff going on. Id rather stuff hit the fan end of summer, would have time out there to get ready for real cold at least .... but time will be of an essence if they dont hit us here right away.


I want to avoid conflict. For my own safety, being alone and not armed to the teeth as it is.


At this point trying to just balance a budget and get those good quality hiking boots some how in the next two months , next month, that is..... well.... I can only do so much.... those are vital too.


and somehow manage some decent food and preps in the holes.... it is not much by any means.


If this all blows over and things start getting normalized again and the method to pay basics, then I can just stay put. Work for my future again, and be very grateful to the good Lord for that.


But its reaching 'critical mass' as it always does when they do what they are doing .


Just was seeing a bunch who have been quieter patriots online talking and talking about facing that level of things in general;... its starting to fly.


In the navy we called it 'short time' but for good things. 100 days, then double digits and then 10 days and less.


This is everybody's short time in a huge fashion. Not fun that's for sure!

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This is why I am so passionate about teaching food preservation. It may help save some people. If they are able to grow something, at least they may be able to know how to save what little precious food they have.

May not seem like a huge "gift" to give someone, but if it saves one life or one family from starvation, then I feel it will have been worth it.


I could be home enjoying more of my life here, but I feel strongly that people need to be taught these skills while there is time. I would rather stay home and sew and quilt, but for now I am pouring my heart into teaching while I am able.


The other day I got a call from a lady up north, where I teach a series of classes each year. Tuesday I start the series again for 6 weeks. Well, she said she had taken some classes 2 years ago up there. I asked her where they were held, etc. She told me, and I replied that it was I that had taught her. Made me feel good to know I had made a difference in at least one persons life ! She is really thinking through some of her canning practices and it hit home that she is feeding those foods to her grandkids. From now on she will not take shortcuts, but preserve her foods by the book. So, if you can do just a little to help people learn something to help sustain themselves not only now, but for the future, then please do it ! Share what you know NOW.


I don't understand why so many people are burying their heads in the sand and just assuming life will always be like they have it now. I am sorry, but I don't feel that way ! I think this famine will hit us, too.

Then, I have gotten extra vitamins stocked, as at least this should help with some nutrients, even if food is scarce. I am trying to think things through without panic, but just being wise.


I am going to try to lose some weight. Hopefully to get off the insulin, at least. Just one more thing to not have to worry about finding to sustain myself. No idea how to get metformin, but at least every little step should help me.


I like the thread about "what have you done today to prepare ". May not have the title right here, but you know what I mean.


Everyone hang in there. Pray for those in the other places, like Greece.

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When I read the blog post, I was moved by it. I couldn't help wondering of our politicians would do any better. I think they might but would like to find out!


This lady belongs to another forum that I'm a member of too. She's been posting updates on Greece for many months and just started the blog. Her husband is a music teacher and she had posted quite awhile back about some of his students fainting in class from hunger. It's sad. His income was cut way back, maybe by half, I can't remember for sure.

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Violet, I was thinking about you teaching people to can, etc. That is such a good work. Some folks are asking me to do a dehydrating class at our church. DD and I probably will do it. It would be a great opportunity to.

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Yep Violet, I would so rather see my son buy a foodsaver, dehydrator, let me help share your basic instructions with him and his wife, so they could stock their home. Prepare for their baby and probably its toddler years at least.

They live too close to Dallas Ft Worth. A few guns and even being Marines, no... they just don't quite grasp it but still I see, now that they really are more settled , have a home and he's teaching history classes to 8th graders or just did that this semester and is paying abit more attention .... we have started to have some good talks. He's starting to recognize I do have some wisdom after all.


Yea they could afford all that and they are paying down new vehicle debts and take very good care of what they have, and by God, she's a Texan too, his wife. LOL. But now I think there is too little time for them to do all they would need to. That scares me and none of her family down there thinks about it.


Fortunately I need either a steady good diet and its less carbs and more protein than average serving that helps me most , regarding blood sugar and enough variety with produce and such that gives all the nutrients, many were not enough with how I was eating for a long time, it helps us think straight too! For things like anxiety and depression.... and yes, many do battle this. Maybe even enough to give enough stable days to not feel like you have to only depend on the toxic crud the doctors insist you take that had some pretty horrid side affects.


Yes, I have metformin and about to get another big jar .... keeping that handy, probably should remind myself to take it too, sometimes.


I sure hope we can hold this nation together without chaos, destruction and violence, I truly do, just being hungry is hard enough!


:duck 1: ( Instead, I wish it was peaceful, that we all could have healthy homegrown food again, that we all could so simply prosper again and people were more decent and honest again. )


It's going to take some doing to get that back too, from what many of us have 'noticed' going on all around us and only getting worse.


we need to prepare, to help us get through hard times, even if it holds , its still very prudent to do so. Disasters, job losses, sickness.... decent food not the stuff they are jamming down our throats that are killing us slowly. It takes massive work and effort too. But very worth it for when you need it. Any time!


I have seen so many 'patriots' friends on FB really talking the past few days alone, GET READY FOLKS, prep ..... yes, more know its not just politics any more. That just is not very affective up against all this bad stuff, as it continues to march forward.

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Daylily, yes, go for it ! That class really could make a difference in people's lives.


One word of advice, be sure to give current guidelines on making jerky. We don't want people to get ecoli or anything from jerky.


Yogurt drops are a fun thing to add to the class. Most kids really like them. Just 8 oz. vanilla yogurt and 3 oz. sugar free gelatin. Drop onto the sheets, spread a bit with a spoon, and let dry.

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Daylily, yes, go for it ! That class really could make a difference in people's lives.


One word of advice, be sure to give current guidelines on making jerky. We don't want people to get ecoli or anything from jerky.


Yogurt drops are a fun thing to add to the class. Most kids really like them. Just 8 oz. vanilla yogurt and 3 oz. sugar free gelatin. Drop onto the sheets, spread a bit with a spoon, and let dry.


Thanks for the encouragement! We'll most likely do this. We would like to serve a meal of mostly dried food so folks could try them as part of the class. We are total vegetarian so we don't have to worry about the jerky :)

Edited by Daylily
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  • 4 weeks later...

Daylily, yes, go for it ! That class really could make a difference in people's lives.


One word of advice, be sure to give current guidelines on making jerky. We don't want people to get ecoli or anything from jerky.


Yogurt drops are a fun thing to add to the class. Most kids really like them. Just 8 oz. vanilla yogurt and 3 oz. sugar free gelatin. Drop onto the sheets, spread a bit with a spoon, and let dry.


Violet, is the gelatin the powder in the packets? How long do you dry them? And can they be stored in vaccumm sealed jars?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Now I feel better about teaching about canning in my preppers group. I was told it was the most attended meeting thay had so far, and we only covered water bath canning and rouched on pressure canning. I wanted to show them that canning was not difficult, mysterious, etc. I also brought samples of pickled cabbage and three-bean salad I had WB canned. I lost track of how many times I repeated "that is not recommended by the USDA" and referred them to the Blue Book. I got many complements though.

Later I will do a class on 'easy dehydrating' stressing dehydrating of store bought foods that do not need blanching (frozen foods) and (yes) yogurt drops. I will of course include recipes for those foods' use since I am a firm believer in handouts making for a popular class. Next on the agenda after that? Some of the other women and I want to do a foraging wild foods class.

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