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Vinegar ? Violet, Help Please!

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Violet, when making a recipe with vinegar, is it okay to swap out some of the expensive vinegar with regular vinegar? I'm going to try the vinegar red onion slices in the Ball Book but it calls for 4 cups of red wine vinegar, which is pretty pricey. I was wondering if I could swap out half of the red wine vinegar with regular or apple cider vinegar? It should be safe as long as it's 5% acidity, correct?

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I wanted to try that recipe Andrea, but didn't want to to pay the price for that much red wine vinegar. I'm still thinking about doing it using cider vinegar. I still have a lot of purple onions that I need to do something with. Let us know what you decide to do, and how it turns out. We have a restaurant supply but I never looked for vinegars there! I'll have to check it out!

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Thanks Violet!


I will Trudy. I have a bunch of red onions that I need to do something with too! I wish they stored better. I'm not sure why I planted so many but I'll give this recipe a try. If the onions don't mush up, I think they'll be nice over green salads during the winter.

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Violet, do you have the recipe for the honeyed red onions? I tried finding it in both of my Ball books and couldn't locate it! The vinegared red onions came out fine. I think I should have diluted the red wine vinegar with something less potent because these are really strong! A little goes a long ways. I'm going to sneak them into dh's salad tonight and see if he notices a difference. If he likes them, I'll make 6 more 1/2 pints, otherwise, I think I'm done with these for the year!

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That looks good Violet! I think I'll try it. My friend just gave me a jar of fresh honey from their hives!

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Here ya go Andrea


Red Onions - With Honey

Yield: about 4 pints


2 1/2 quarts thick sliced, peeled red onions (about 15 large)

1 Tablespoon salt

1 cup honey

1 1/2 cups water

1/2 cup white wine


Put red onions in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Combine remaining ingredients in a saucepan. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat. Simmer sauce until reduced by half, about 30 minutes. As sauce thickens stir frequently to prevent sticking. Pack red onions into hot jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Ladle hot sauce over onions, leaving 1-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Adjust two-piece caps. Process pints 15 minutes at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner.



Edited: for spacing issues

Edited by Jeepers
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Will this white wine work for the Red Onions with Honey that Jeepers posted a few days ago? I know absolutely nothing about buying wine. I didn't want to go in a liquor store, so I picked ths up at WalMart. lol It says 'Sweet White Table Wine'. I don't want to waste my honey by using the wrong kind of wine! post-7458-083965300 1344743494_thumb.jpg



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