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Writing project - help, please?


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I have a writing project - write a quick note or write me a book, privately or publicly... I'd love to know the serious answer to this question...

Why did you have a child (children)?

If you couldn't or didn't, what do you think having a child might have done to or changed in your life?

I'm honestly interested in finding out the actual reasons people give.

If something comes of it, no names will be ever exposed. But of course, a "public" posting here will mean you've done it to yourself.

Thank you... :wub:



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In my case, it was expected. We tend to large families, so in that I am the exception. One by first husband (RIP), one by second.


Frankly, in my culture, I can not imagine not having children in a household. If a couple is not a fertile match, there is adoption. A *LOT* of adoption. Further, if a family simply can not support theirs, the 'extras' are lovingly 'fostered'.


Nor is it unusual for a child who shows special aptitude in a trade, etc, not supportable by a family, they may also be fostered to provide them with the support of their apparent calling.


I do not have a 'fosterling'. My husband and I have the resources should such become. Being that my husband is a master craftsman, it could happern. And my equipment is still in working order, so who knows.



of the Librum

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Childbearing was discussed before we married. I told him it would not matter- I would

take what came.

He did not think he could sire children....

My Mother was one of 11, and many of her siblings had 10-11 children so the

possibility was there for me..


So within 3 months of our marriage my pregnancy came as a shock <G>.


Children are a learning experience, no two are alike! Think you have learned with the first

and then the second comes totally different....

Parenting is caretaking, and like a garden the children will need different training....

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I had two miscarriages then my husband left me. The Lord never sent another man into my life and I adopted a 4 yr old with Down Syndrome when I was 31. Maybe that kept some man from being interested in marrying me. If so, no big loss. Yes, I often think of what it would have been like if I had not lost my natural children. I probably would not have adopted. Whether I would have remarried I don't know. Whether my life has been better or worse, I certainly couldn't say. Only God knows those things.

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DH and I both planned to adopt children.....before we ever met. Thus the DD's - adopted as older children/bio-sisters.


The reason....SO many children need a family. Why make more? :shrug: We were in agreement on this and God led us together.


But....I did think we'd adopt more.... :sigh:


MtRider .....as DD2 stated as we watched another two little girls arrive at the airport to meet their new family: "Everyone wants a mom and dad!"

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I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl. I love the smell of new babies...how everything is new and fascinating to toddlers and preschoolers....learning all over again during the preteen years. Okay....I could skip some of the hormonal teen years...but thank God most of them grow out of it...and it's great to watch them grow into themselves. Yes, there are some extremely difficult times when that we need to help them get through...but...I often find I've grown myself once you get through it. And hopefully, someday, I'll get some grandkids out of it!

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