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Let's Introduce Ourselves

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Hi, my name is Bobbie. I'm 22 years old . . . seriously. My husband and I have been married for a year this past Aug 16. I attend college and should graduate next May with a BS in business administration (hospitality). I don't have any human kids . . . yet . . . but we do have plans of a few in the future. For the time being I have to wonderful dogs . . . Cannon and Jade. Staffordshire pitbull and American/Rednose pit bull respectively. I also have Sugardaddy, a stray Siamese cat that I adopted when I moved to the great state of Michigan. My granny keeps saying that I should get rid of him because he will "suck the breath out of my babies" but since I moved 11 hours from my family to be with my husband he has been like my "family" when I could reach my mom or sister.


Hmmm . . . I think that is about all. I found you guys in a google search when I was looking for Graemlins to use on another forum that I'm associated with, but this looked like too much fun to skip out on. Hopefully I'll be out of the "thinking about it" category soon, cause I'm certainly not thinking about it.


I hope to learn many new things from you all and meet some new people and make some new friends. I've seen a few people are from Michigan, and I'm glad to know that you are expecting a lot of snow this year too, because I can't wait to have a winter something like last year. 2 feet of snow is amazing.


Anyway, just wanted to say hi to you all!

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Welcome mstook57...where in Cleveland do you live? I lived up in the west side suburbs for 20 years and graduated from high school there...


*waving to Cleveland from hurricane prone Miami*

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Whew! Hello everyone! I finally have a minute to sit and introduce myself. I was diong a search for watermelon jelly (had JUST got some from a farmers market and the lady wouldnt part with her recipe) and fell into this site. Boy am I glad I did! You ladies all seem wonderful and I'm looking forward to the companionship I can see here. Now for a little about myself.


I'm 31 years young (and feeling younger every day) I have 3 BEAUTIFUL sons, ds#1 is 9, he has a few problems, severe ADHD and some depression issues, but is coping very very well. DS#2 is 4, and tries to be spoiled rotten, but mean old mommy only lets that go so far lol. DS#3 is my baby, he just turned 2 and also just started going to a combination preschool/daycare. He adores it, I absolutely hate it I've been married to DH for 10 years now last June, but we've been seperated for almost 3 of those years. He lives in Boston MA and the boys and I live in Glendive MT. IF any of you try to look that up on a map, it's middle of the eastern edge of Montana, about 35 miles from the north Dakota border. This is my hometown, so when dh and I seperated I came running home. It's comforting to be around family and childhood things when in a situation like that. I just bought the home my grandfather built and my mother lived in from the time she was 5 so it's pretty special to me, although I would at some time like to buy a small parcel of land and have a little farm. DH has been pretty good at supporting me and the boys even though we were seperated, but he's now trying to move out here so I'm currently looking for work. The economy out here isnt anything like back east, so we will both have to work to support our brood. At the moment we dont have any pets, I'm allergic to animal dander so no indoor dogs or cats unless they are the hairless kind that I find so funny to look at! I used to do a lot of canning and crocheting when i was younger, but when i turned 19 I joined the army, then met dh, we were a military family until 2.5 years ago, so with being transfered so often and deployments and stuff didnt have much time to do anything with it. I'm just now starting to get back into it. this spring I will be putting in a HUGE garden where my grandmother had hers, the soil is wonderful (she had a compost pile there for 20+ years) and cant wait to start reaping the benefits of the work of my hands. anyway, as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm a blabber mouth, so I'll stop now. also ds#3 is now sitting on my lap trying to help type this lol. Looking forward to getting t know you all better!



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Hi BigSky


Nice to have you on the group. It sounds like you fit is just perfectly. This site has a lot of wonderful information for you and your family. I do know Glendive, I was just through there last month on my way to Dickenson ND. If you can you should take the boys to the new recreation center in Dickenson, it is an awsome indoor play land for the entire family. There is a flowing river with tubes and waterslides, even childcare if you need it. It is a fun new place.


Again, welcome to MRS




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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone... I'm new here, but I have been lurking for so long that I feel I know most of you. This is a wonderful site with a lot of great information and people.... and wonderful virtual food... my favorite is chocolate, so I'll be sure to be there if there is any around...

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Hmmm. Introduce myself? Well, Here goes.....


Um, I'm 25, single (for now, he doesn't know his mom just spilled the beans ) am living with my folks (just for another few weeks, I'm moving to the city for a year due to work - insert a BIG ol ick right there) in Northern Ohio. I am a (deep breath, ala Mary Poppins) editor, typist, private secretaray, manager & publicist, co-own a cleaning business with my mom, seamstress, theater tec who spends WAY too much time and far too much money on her RenFaire habit. I read, pretty much anything (in desperation I have been known to read the backs of cleaning bottles), sew, cross-stitch, cook, clean, and play with my two cats. No children, just the cats (and they are more than enough.). I am an aunt to the cutest little girl in the world, soon to be aunt of a quarterback to be named later.


I own four acres that I will be moving and building on in a year and a half (money is apparently needed. how very small minded of the banks.) and am looking forward to having my own little nest in the woods. By then (cross the toes, wings, and beak) I'll be sharing it with quite possibly the most wonderful man that ever got down on one knee to sing Music of the Night to me. Hopefully.


Well. Thats me. I'm viewed as a bit odd, but only a bit. (Except on Tuesdays, never got the hang of Tuesdays.)

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You should read the children's book, Spider Sparrow. This is an old book but a very "good'un" (read the book and you will know why I said that). Spider Sparrow is a good book that deals with a boy with disabilities and gifts. He is nicknamed "Spider" because of the way he gets around as a toddler.


Spider Sparrow

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Hi, I'm Bobbie, I live in the middle of the mitt Michigan too!! And the fact that you are currently enrolled in two colleges makes me wonder if you don't go to CMU or MMCC. I am also in college!! Maybe we could trade school advice. Welcome to Mrs. S. I don't post often but I read alot on the site every day! Glad to have another Michigander joining us!!!

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AHHHHH!!!! Introductions to so many interesting people. Well I dont know if I have such an interesting life but here it goes:


Hello all I am Audra. I am today 28. My husband and I have been married for I guess 9 years this past August 5th. We have 3 children. Christopher who just turned 10 Jeremy who turned 8 and our newest daughter Jasmyn who is 7 weeks. I am a stay at home mom not by choice, but husband insists.

We live in a small town in Texas. There is like 2000 people here but I am convinced that includes all the cows, horses, and chickens...lol. No I love living in a small town everyone here knows one another and my kids cant get away with anything..lol.


I have never been self sufficient when it comes to gardening, canning, or dehydrating. I would love someone to take me under their wing and teach me. I have a huge backyard that I would love to turn into somewhere I can go and work since I cant go out and get a job.


My husband and I are going through a real rough time due to our income right now so I am trying to learn what I can to help out. My husbands job deducted him $2.00 per hour due to him having to take me to the hospital to have my emergency C-Section with out daughter. UMMMMM.....


I love to read, learn, crosstitch, do bible studies on anything I can get my hands on, help at my kids school, and play with our animals.


At this time we have Cassie Mae who is a Pitt Terrior who thinks she is Queen of the house ( trying to convince her that I am but I am loosing), We have Tommie who is our cat who just doesnt care about anything but the birds in the yard, and a few fish. At this time we are looking into get chickens again, but not sure if it is feasible.


I love to put the little one in the stroller and just go on a walk. I really dont get to do that very often due to the fact that she has collic now , and doesnt sleep at night, but to keep up with my weight lose goal of 40 lbs I do pilates. I am a published poet, and go through phases of just writing.


Well I am not sure what else to write about myself so I guess I will end it here.


Smooches to all!!!!

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