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Persimmon Cake


Beat together one stick of butter, two cups brown sugar. Beat in two ex-ex large eggs (or half a cup of banty eggs, or two extra-large eggs and a spare yolk or white), plus two teaspoons vanilla, plus juice of half a lemon. When fluffy, stir in pulp of four large or five smallish Kaki persimmons. (Remove any grotty-looking dark seeds.) Stir in two cups of self-rising flour, a quarter teaspoon of baking powder, and either two teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice or up to a teaspoon of some cool spice mix you've been looking for a place to use. (Ras el hanout? Five spice? Warning--if you're experimenting with something that might be potent, take it very lightly so you don't make a block of chicken food out of this cake.) Stir in a cup of chopped pecans if you have them and like them. Stir in a cup of raisins or chopped dried figs if you have them and like them. Bake like pound cake. It's heavy and good.

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You can freeze them whole (set them blossom-end down on a biscuit pan and freeze, then wrap and bag) or measure puree by the cup, adding a little lemon juice, and freeze in zipper-lock bags.

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