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Everything posted by TheCG

  1. Today's fun game is called, "Allergies or Cold or Covid". Yes, I've seen the chart. No, it doesn't actually help.
  2. 3M has said to please not use the AC or vacuum filters as they may have materials in them that you don't want to be breathing in that close to your face.
  3. TheCG

    Garden 2020

    I don't know if any of y'all would sit and watch videos, but this seems interesting. Home-Grown Food Summit. It's free to watch while it's going on. https://thegrownetwork.com/2020-home-grown-food-summit-registration-aff/?SSAID=1824779&sscid=41k4_urgdb&utm_source=aff&utm_medium=sas&utm_campaign=1824779
  4. What do you use the celery leaves for?
  5. The number of cases in our area jumped by half again (from 40-something to 60-something) in the last few days...and almost all are from the same nursing home.
  6. Oh yeah, Mom sent me this tutorial: 3-minute Masks. I need to work on my pleating some more. I’m doing them in opposite directions instead of the same because it’s easier.
  7. Sewing masks today. I’d already planned to sew some. Hubby said he won’t wear one, so I wasn’t planning on prioritizing his. Now one of his potential customers says that nobody without a mask can come in, so he’s asking if I can make them for him AND for the guys he works with. Also making a bunch for up at church.
  8. From what I’ve heard, only the one payment was in the legislation that was passed, but earlier versions had 2.
  9. Ours came in. Hubby's talking about using part of it to build the back porch, but other than that, it'll just sit in savings until there's a light at the end of the tunnel that isn't an oncoming train and get thrown at debt. That's our general plan for right now - save any extra, and pay the minimums on everything.
  10. Heading into the office today, with a mask on, so the IT people can remotely access everything. My brain is getting tired of everything. I'm retreating into fantasy lands more often in the form of video games, and that's probably not for the best. I should put parental limits on myself so I can't overdo it.
  11. Maybe if they bump ours, it'll work better....
  12. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2020/04/13/smithfield-foods-close-sioux-falls-plant-indefinetly-amid-covid-19-outbreak/2982640001/ 238 employees tested positive for COVID-19.
  13. Our county is up to 32 cases, I believe. We're in oilfield country - I've been told that a lot of the kids that were going to the public schools have basically evaporated because when their parents lose their jobs/get a pay cut, they move on to somewhere else. The RV parks are advertising openings on Facebook more than I was seeing before.
  14. Some friends of mine have said that the tie ones are getting much more popular with the nurses, as there are issues with the elastic failing after being washed on high heat too many times.
  15. Y'know, I'm seeing a distinct lack of differentiation between people who were already prepped and people who go clear out all the shelves. A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. it's part of a grocery store manager's rant, supposed, about being nice to the grocery store workers. I'm wondering if she actually read the whole thing, 'cause I'm pretty certain her family is one that preps. Definitely part of why you don't tell people what you have available.
  16. Hobby Lobby said they'd been out of elastic and binding for weeks already.
  17. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3563092 Talking about possibly using povidone iodine to reduce transmission.
  18. Nebulizer: https://www.drbrownstein.com/there-is-still-hope-out-there-v:-more-about-nebulizing/?cat_id=32
  19. Mom said that the ones they're making for EMS have the interfacing in them as well.
  20. Duuuuude. This one just uses a stapler. https://medium.com/@kuovonne/2-minute-no-sew-no-elastic-washable-face-mask-with-filter-pocket-6ec7ad7ee908
  21. I think I'll be running by Hobby Lobby after work and seeing if they have any elastic left. And appropriate cloth.
  22. Not as good as surgical mask, but here's a no-sew using a handkerchief and pony tail holders: http://blog.japanesecreations.com/no-sew-face-mask-with-handkerchief-and-hair-tie?fbclid=IwAR349nM_FSstmjxtLdEwHmoU_ggSMZdlgCGZOqhMsyUPNc5opifvL0UzXRA
  23. The USNS Comfort, a hospital ship, arrived in New York since NY is running out of hospital beds. So, proper reaction? Hey, let's go join the crowd to see the ship! Errrr....no. I think they missed the point.
  24. I figure we're saving it until this mess is over to cover (more) loss of income, then throwing it at debt.
  25. He told me I'm not allowed to buzz mine until he buzzes his (which won't be until his hair starts falling out). Hubby said he'd buzz his in solidarity. Fr. said he appreciates the sacrifice (hubby already shaves his head...).
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