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Everything posted by TheCG

  1. Nope, I'm looking at the small type that I can literally set on the stove with the fan going. Too hot out here to be doing it outside during the summer.
  2. I've been seeing this going around: https://www.yourbasin.com/news/study-these-are-the-six-covid-19-symptom-clusters-to-watch-for/
  3. I'm looking at an electric smoker from Presto that looks like an oversized crockpot.
  4. We just received the options through our school district for next year. In person or online, with the ability to switch at the end of each 6 weeks. I think...we'll stick with the virtual schooling we'd already looked at. I imagine going through an established system would be better organized than the frantic rush I'm sure is happening in the local school district to figure things out.
  5. Our church is doing every other row, then sanitizing and switching rows for the second service. They are doing Sunday school, but very spread out. Still doing an online service as well, pre-recorded, because they can't get the one part we need to be able to livestream.
  6. The wording of the Governor's order in Texas makes it where people can make a strong case for masks not being mandatory as long as you can maintain the 6' distances.
  7. I found a pack of 4 hacky sacks for $2 in the party aisle. :-)
  8. Went to Walmart today. Was looking for juggling balls (don't ask), so I was over in the toys and sporting goods. They took out the bike racks. Like, there's a gaping hole there, and they haven't refilled it with anything yet.
  9. Somebody posted this in another forum I'm in: https://www.dhs.gov/publication/st-master-question-list-covid-19 Updated July 7. Gave the link to the page that contains the PDF as the PDF link will change when they update it. Seems like a good source for information. Still going through it all. Going to add random quotes I find interesting to this post as I find them. Doesn't necessarily mean I agree with them. Bolding is probably mine. Blue is theirs. Standard practice in our area is to keep your mask on your dashboard. I wonder if the windshield blocks the rays that inactivate it? Again, these are just things I found interesting, not necessarily things that I like or agree with.
  10. Random thing we learned with the kid who used to throw up on every single long car ride and half the short ones: Those big plastic gas station cups? If you buy them, keep them. They're big enough for mouth and nose to fit in when somebody throws up, keeps it contained without splattering like a bowl might, and can be kept right next to somebody so they can grab it quickly. The kid mastered the art around the age of 6 or 7. We bought them JUST to keep in the car (same price as with a drink, but useful enough we didn't care). If you're out and about, baby wipes to wipe off the face and a gallon-sized ziplock to put the cup in until you can chunk it. Before that, we used the plastic bibs that had the tray at the bottom, water bottles (to rinse off things on the side of the road), baby wipes (to wipe off kid, car seat, etc.), paper towels (to dry things after being rinsed off), and gallon-sized plastic bags (because if I had to smell it until we got to the next trash can, there might be 2 messes to clean up).
  11. Went to sleep after midnight. Woke up at 5:53. Worked out, watered the garden, added some more mulch to some of the pots and to the trees, played video games for about an hour. About to work on the program I have on planning out your life while drinking my coffee. 4 hours after I got up...and hubby's still asleep. Ah well, I need my quiet time, and that's a good way to get it. Maybe I need to talk to hubby about me doing cyclical keto until we're ready to jump right in, or at least not eating all the crap I was eating. But, somebody is going to have to eat the taco meat in the freezer that's mixed with lentils - I'm pretty certain I'm feeling better because I haven't been eating anything with much nightshades at all, hubby hates beans, and the kids...well, they might eat some of it. I've been feeling a LOT better the last few days, to the point that I've actually exercised 2 days in a row. That's a major accomplishment for me!
  12. I am very happy that I was set up as a customer with Butcher Box and kept a decent stash before any of this hit. The only thing I had problems getting from them was chicken. We could still get beef and pork without a problem. The only things I'm still seeing an issue getting in the stores are the random things that I don't think about documenting. I tend to be looking for very specific brand-name items due to everything having to be gluten-free. For a bit, we couldn't find the bread we like (but we had a small stash, and I keep 2 bags of bread mix for the bread maker just in case). There are things that I don't know if they can't get them or if they just stopped carrying them (Nature's Hollow Sugar-Free Honey is one thing I was looking for on my last trip).
  13. In other news, I started keto again and made it 3 days...because when talking about starting after we eat through some of the stuff in the house, hubby used the word WE. As in, when WE start. I can handle that.
  14. It's from this. Brought up a LOT of questions regarding the differences society allows in male-on-female violence versus female-on-male violence. Short story: Best friends, one marries an abusive jerk who puts her in the ICU AFTER she gets a restraining order, so they decide he has to go.
  15. 108 109 110 105 101 That's the next 5 days. We're not supposed to have a high under 100 until Tuesday, July 21. I'm going to have to actively work on not melting. And water the garden. I should water the garden...
  16. This is why I PDF things if they have really good information: https://www.drbrownstein.com/there-is-still-hope-out-there........and-we-are-taking-time-out-to-re-group/ All of his blogs have now been taken down.
  17. Starting low carb again. I think my brain is convinced that if it tells me I'm not hungry for long enough, I'll go cook some rice. Punk. Had an AC guy out on Monday. He said that it might help if we add another air return before trying to upsize the unit, so he came out and added another air return right above the old one. My sinuses are acting up. I was running a temp yesterday, so didn't go into the office for a meeting. Fine most of today, but a definite headache tonight. I might go to bed pretty soon (and it's only 6:20 pm). I supposed I should at least wait until hubby gets home - he said around 6:30.
  18. I can answer that one! Some books won't work on basic Kindles because of the formatting or even videos embedded. I have several textbooks that I can read using the Kindle app on my computer or iPad, but NOT on my Kindle Paperwhite.
  19. ...does Wanda have a friend named MaryAnn?
  20. Dr. Pepper is the favored source of caffeine in this house. I’m working on switching to Zevia instead so I don’t have the sugar.
  21. Protestors are supposed to be in our area this weekend. The cops are down a whole dayshift because they're quarantined - someone has coronavirus, and I don't know how many or any other info. They basically have everybody available on call for this weekend. Y'know, I think after the farmer's market tomorrow morning, it might be a good time to kind of hunker down.
  22. They won't test positive until it's had enough time to build up in their system to levels that the test can detect. I'd be a nervous wreck as well, and pissed as hell at the selfishness of their "friend".
  23. Weeds are normally easier to pull when the ground is wet, right? I was working most of today, but I got in a new type of tea. I ordered the 100-pack on Amazon because it was only a bit more than twice as much as the 18-pack. Can I just say, I *love* chocolate tea? This one is called Christmas in Paris from Stash (the other reason I was ordering from Amazon - it's seasonal and out of stock everywhere!), and it's fabulous.
  24. Or people who can prove they have 7 kids, including a few teenagers, at home. A friend of mine is in that category, and she was having tons of fun trying to keep everybody fed when a bag of flour really only covers baking for a day or 3.
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