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Everything posted by TheCG

  1. 6 Ebooks and 9 backissues: http://www.backwoodshome.com/blogs/BehindTheScenes/
  2. One of the sites I'm on is so pro-vaccine that they basically call you a murderer if you say you're not getting it and you're physically able to. If you get the flu after you got the vaccine? Oh, it would have been worse if you hadn't gotten it. They're bugging the crap out of me. Every single person on there who have reported getting the flu...had the flu shot.
  3. Allegra seems to work much, much better than Zyrtec for this one. I took it last night, and when my husband came in an hour or two later, I had to do a "Look, honey!" and inhale through my nose. Still a bit sniffly, but I *could* inhale through my nose. He was impressed. I didn't wake up at 3am with a sore throat. I woke up with a sore throat around 8am, but I could still breathe through my nose. I took Allegra, ibuprofen, and Sudafed. Hopefully I can survive the day without Benadryl, but the Allegra is definitely helping a LOT. I know I'm using it more than they say I should, but I've accidentally been put on triple prescription antihistamines before without a problem, so I'm not too terribly worried about it.
  4. Mine have about 3-4 inches of green on them now. Yay!
  5. If this is allergies, it's either something in the air or a dietary allergy. We've been eating a lot more cornbread and milk lately due to being broke, and I know my digestive system hasn't exactly been appreciative. I think I might just be eating chicken, broccoli, onions, garlic, and tea with honey for the next few days...
  6. I normally don't have much of an issue with allergies, which is why I'm confused. However, we have had a storm come through and another due shortly, which might have brought stuff with them from other areas. If it is allergies, this is going to be bad...when I had allergies in Austin, I was breathing great once they accidentally put me on triple antihistamines (they neglected to tell me to quit taking the others when they gave me a new one). So, uh, what happens if you overdose on antihistamines?
  7. Huh. If it's allergies, it's something new. I've never had allergies like this before. Time to start figuring out what's been different lately...
  8. I started off thinking this was going to be a sinus infection. Do my usual crap, go the doctor if I have to, whatever. It's not. I'm not running a fever (temp's staying around 96 or 97). I have TONS of drainage (clear). A good amount of pressure, but not as bad as when I get a sinus infection. I'm not showing any signs of an infection. It doesn't seem to be going into my lungs. I'm rarely coughing, and that's just 'cause of the drainage tickling my throat. I've tried my usual stuff, and none of it is doing a thing. Ibuprofen keeps my throat from actually hurting. What the crap is this?
  9. Dad's leg accidentally went through the ceiling when he was up in the attic one day. He hoped he was over the laundry room, but looked down and saw the kitchen table. He heard Mom yell at him to not move. He sat there a moment, then realized...she was going to get the camera. He yanked his leg back out just in time that she wasn't able to take a picture.
  10. From reading the blogs I've found on it, it sounds like eventually they quit growing green. I wonder if adding a bit of fertilizer or nutrients would fix that.
  11. http://bakeoff-flunkie.blogspot.com/2012/03/grow-windowsill-green-onions.html I had some green onions that were going bad in the fridge, so I cut off the roots and deslimed them, then stuck them in shot glasses on my windowsill. The covered porch makes it where they don't get direct sunlight, but they each have at least an inch to an inch and a half of green growing out of them now and it's only been a few days.
  12. I left my husband at home when I went to the grocery store.
  13. Yay! Hmmm...do we have Tabasco is the question now...
  14. *blinks* Somebody, please, try that hot and sour soup and report back on it. Hot and sour soup used to be my go-to when I had sinus crud, but I haven't been able to find a good recipe or any place that doesn't put wheat in theirs.
  15. For me, personally, all the mucus that ends up running down the back of my throat ends up making my stomach hurt, whether it's a sinus infection, cold, or flu.
  16. Me too. I have the Pam's Pride Recommendations, plus a few other free book blogs, in my RSS feed, so I check them every morning.
  17. Oh! And apparently the people who wrote Left Behind are doing a series from the viewpoint of the kids. The first book is free right now. http://www.amazon.com/The-Vanishings-Left-Behind-ebook/dp/B008G4T16G/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1357139864&sr=8-3
  18. Include a First Aid Survival Tin! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AVDMZ0O/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=paspr-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B00AVDMZ0O&adid=0M9GM5AK9JCT8K2QB5NE&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fpamspriderecommendations.blogspot.com%2F There's also books on food storage, using coconut oil, using lemons, self-defense, organic gardening, etc. http://pamspriderecommendations.blogspot.com/2013/01/free-kindle-downloads-12.html
  19. I buy the cheapie essential oils from Natural Grocer's (Vitamin Cottage) here in town. I've never tried the more expensive ones that you have to go through an individual to get. And this may or may not be worth checking into for you: When I went gluten-free, I went from 10-13 sinus infections and 2-3 bouts of bronchitis a year to no sinus infections for several years, and 2 in the last 2.
  20. My infection pill cocktail includes Vit D3, Vit C, oil of oregano, and garlic oil. When the kids are snotty, I make them do saline spray 3-4 times per day, and it helps clear them up. I do it as well. We get new bottles after each round. They both take allergy medicine when they're with us and when either of them is feeling sickly, I give them Vit D3 (they normally just get a kid multi-vitamin). I also keep a pot of water boiling on the stove with eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils added. I don't measure amounts, I just put in enough that I can smell it, and keep refilling it.
  21. Linky to the site with the list of books: http://pamspriderecommendations.blogspot.com/ Linky to the book mentioned (still free at this moment): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AA2Q4GM/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=paspr-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B00AA2Q4GM&adid=0HZRQJ1NJ3DVYV6G2Q7G&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fpamspriderecommendations.blogspot.com%2F
  22. Do you know what pressure it holds? My pressure cooker does not hold enough for canning.
  23. Heck, I'm just worried he might start taking too much if I put it in vodka! (just kidding. Maybe if I put it in rum...)
  24. I bet my hubby would be more likely to take it that way...
  25. Sounds tasty. I'm keeping the 2 cups of what I made in the fridge and just dipping a spoon in every day to get my tablespoon out for the moment.
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