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Everything posted by TheCG

  1. We're starting a new method of budgeting January 1 - DH's way. Mine has never made sense to him and we've run into a problem once or twice when I haven't kept up. We're starting back on low carb December 29, the day after the kids go back to their mom for the rest of winter break. If I can meal plan it properly, there's no way it can be as expensive as not planning has been.
  2. I have a few lotion bars, but I normally can't warm them up quite right to really use them. I've heard that some people use clean deodorant containers for them and that works pretty well.
  3. TheCG

    Low Carb Diet

    I'm working on going low carb, but seem to be doing badly when we have things going on, so I've decided I'll be have on normal days and not worry about it on days when we have Christmas parties as generally the only thing I can safely eat at those is fruit. Down a few pounds in a month, but I was feeling better until I had a crazy amount of sugar yesterday. I've now ordered low carb supplies for baking so I can still make cookies this year.
  4. TheCG

    Roll call...

    I'll bring veggie tray soup. It's on the stove right now!
  5. They have a recipe for leek soup in French Women Don't Get Fat - just leeks boiled with a bit of salt and pepper. Apparently leeks are diuretic. Just something to keep in mind before a long car trip. The video looks much better!
  6. I have the stuff to make sweet potatoes, GF stuffing, cheesy garlic biscuits, and mashed potatoes, plus a box of gravy. DMIL is considering buying a ham, which comes with a free turkey, so I'll probably end up cooking a turkey at some point. Friends have been told they're welcome to show up if they need an escape from their families.
  7. We thought about joining my parents for T-day, then hubby brought up the fact that I either cook everything or end up crying because they didn't care enough to even make sure the turkey was safe. Yeah, we'll stay home this year.
  8. Horizon Organic butter was $3.89/pound when I was in the health food store the other day.
  9. If you store them upside down, it's supposed to solve the problem with the layer of peanut oil.
  10. $400 later...it's fixed. No BOOM.
  11. We're now living in our new mobile home. RV has been cleaned out and drained. Sitting outside our old house in town waiting for the plumbers to be finished - the inspector found a gas leak behind the hot water heater!
  12. No hubby tonight. I believe I will eat shredded chicken and spinach with cream cheese.
  13. Crockpot chicken: Put chicken breasts or thighs in crockpot. Dump pasta sauce over. Cook for 6-8 hours on low (it's done funky things on high before, so I just don't do it). Put a brick of cream cheese on top & let it melt in (if desired). Can be eaten as is, frozen for later, dumped over cooked pasta or rice, etc.
  14. WE'RE PAST THE 10-DAY OPTION PERIOD for selling our house in town. Now, as long as the financing comes through, we'll be good to go.
  15. Organic Micro Gardening: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00LDAVIXO/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=38KZT360IADCO&coliid=I7FLOP6AJUZ8N
  16. They apparently loose the peppery bite when you roast them...I'm pondering what would happen if I try to make something like mashed potatoes with them...
  17. I did something today I normally wouldn't have before. I bought radishes to test out because they're relatively low carb and cheap. We haven't been big on them raw, and instead of letting them die in the fridge, I'm attempting to roast them to see if we like them better that way!
  18. Last night I made chicken nuggets and creamed spinach. It's amazing what kids will eat when you mix it with cream cheese... Tonight, hamburgers, peas, and a bag of stir fry veggies.
  19. Yup. We're doing low carb + my dietary restrictions, which sadly now include nightshades so no peppers or tomatoes. But hey, I don't get nauseated at night every day now! I have about 30-40 pounds to get down in the reasonable range, hubby has a bit more. Planning to hit Sam's after I pick up kids - they'll get samples which thrills them and I'll get 6 bricks of cream cheese for $7. Dinner tonight: cheesy sausages and more burgers and salad. Hopefully I'll remember to put the rest of my mushrooms on top of my burger - they were sautéed in butter, then had a bit of Alouette cheese (herby garlicky goodness) added.
  20. Happy birthday Mr. WE2! Dinner tonight will be burgers - buns for the kids, but not for hubby and me. Down 4 pounds since Sunday!
  21. Broccoli cheese soup last night. Need to replace some of the cheddar with a different cheese next time. Tonight... Fettuccine Alfredo (using shiritaki noodles) & sausage.
  22. Just FYI, you really shouldn't show this to your spouse in the middle of Chik-Fil-A, especially if he's loud when amused...
  23. Sass - sounds like keratosis pilaris or dermatitis herpetiforis (I may have spelled that wrong). I've been told that the CIA GF baking book was awesome, but I never actually tried anything out of it. It's pretty cheap online.
  24. Halloween was our first night in the new house. Had an offer on the old one, but we're not accepting it. We're making a looooong list of everything that needs to be fixed.
  25. Sass - What's the thing on your forearms you're talking about with celiac? It runs in my family and I eat completely gluten-free, working towards Paleo. I can't tolerate night shades well, though.
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