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Everything posted by TheCG

  1. I bought some of the white plastic lids for the regular Ball canning jars. The jars and lids are both Ball brand. They don't seal, at all! They're not even close to being watertight, much less air tight! I had wanted to use them for some stuff I can't use metal lids with, but so much for that idea. Do y'all know of any other lids that are NOT metal that can be used on them?
  2. *huggles PM* I'm completely gluten-free, but do much better on a diet with practically no grains (other than a bit of white rice), ESPECIALLY whole corn, and very little sugar. There are very few places I still go out to eat. Luckily, I don't have to worry too much about minimal amounts of stuff like corn starch. We used to host a game night with a bunch of my husband's friends. Used to. We quit, as it was getting too expensive to feed everybody and I flat out do not allow gluten in my kitchen, so it was definitely well-known. One of our friends insisted that she could organize one as a potluck. A grand total of 3 people brought stuff, and only one of those people made sure it was something I could eat...and that one person wasn't even the one who organized it. We pretty much realized that most of those people are mooches, not friends. If I eat wheat, I end up feeling exhausted, freeze, and don't want to eat much for a few days. If I eat whole corn, it pretty much cleans out my system rather quickly. If I eat a lot of other grains and sugars (ie, gluten-free breads, cookies, etc.), my joints start hurting and my circulation goes down. I freeze when it's 75 or below when that happens, no matter how many layers I have on.
  3. Huh. I should probably be dead by now, based on that information. I'll dump the broth cubes. *sniffles* They were so pretty, too....
  4. Thanks! Ours stays cold enough that we can't actually thaw meat in it...it just barely thaws around the edges after 2 days.
  5. I made some broth about a week ago, put it into sealed canning jars (not canned, just with the white plastic lids) in the fridge, then felt like crap so I never did anything about it. It doesn't smell off or look off, and nothing is growing in any of the jars. As long as I bring it to a rolling boil, it should be fine, right? ETA: I boiled it good and reduced almost 3 quarts down to 2 ice cube trays, which are now in the freezer. Hope I didn't do that for nothing!
  6. You're family. We HAVE to let you in! So, since I used to put at the end of all my posts, I guess that's me over on the tires...
  7. The standard disclaimers I've seen are as follows: Oh for the love of all that is holy, do NOT do this with something hot. No way for steam to release, so it can go kablooey. Make sure your jars are in good condition so they don't break under pressure. Some people even talk about putting a plastic pitcher over it while it's going so that if it does go kablooey, it's contained instead of embedded. And yet, I've seen no reports of them going kablooey...
  8. Hmmm. Never thought of ASKING if I was allowed to return after the times I've wandered off. You're trying to make me look bad, aren't you?
  9. Am I the last one to hear that you can use Mason jars on many blender bases? This could revolutionize our Saturday nights! http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/tip_blender_and_mason_jar/
  10. Well, how do you propose she keep him still? :frying pan: Wouldn't that risk more neck injury?
  11. Well, how do you propose she keep him still?
  12. Arthur rocks. We started doing DDP Yoga back in October. It definitely helps loosen everything up and make back pain go away...and we've stuck to it better than we've stuck to anything else exercise-wise.
  13. You do have duct tape in your preps, right? *whistles innocently*
  14. Note that most Kindle books can only be lent once, and some are unable to lent. It is determined by the publisher.
  15. So...it's effectively a golf cart that looks like a buggy?
  16. Milk & cornbread. With honey for me, with margarine for hubby.
  17. I have issues with citric acid, especially in the form of tomatoes. It's not AS bad as it was when I was younger, but I have to wash my hands right after cutting up tomatoes or they itch like crazy. When I was younger, if I didn't get it wiped off immediately, I'd break out in a red rash everywhere the tomatoes had been. If I eat too many tomatoes, my gums start to feel raw. That also goes for soda and candy that has too much citric acid in it. It's even been set off by kid vitamins! I have to be careful about how much lemon juice I add to my water. Mom used to joke that if she ever wanted to get rid of me, she'd send me to one of those South American countries that has a tomato festival where they are knee-deep in the streets. I'm starting to think the early settlers might have had a point when they thought tomatoes were poisonous.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B40Q1VM/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00B40Q1VM&linkCode=as2&tag=paspr-20
  19. Over the weekend, I picked up 45 lovely 5-ounce (they also have mL marked) glass bottles for $5 at a garage sale. Now I get to ponder what I should stick in them.
  20. Turn oven onto 350F. Oiled dutch oven. Put 2 cups rice and 2 cups chicken broth in the bottom. Mixed in half a packet of onion soup mix. Put 2 chicken breasts on top, then the rest of the onion soup mix. Put lid on dutch oven, then put dutch oven in oven. Oven was only at 290, so it took 40 minutes for the chicken to cook all the way through. Tasty tasty.
  21. The link is to Left Behind on the Nook (btw, it's free for the Kindle today as well).
  22. http://www.civilwarhome.com/drugsshsp.htm There's a LOT more information in there.
  23. You might read their notes on the Linux version of Kindle. It may only work on certain distros.
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