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Everything posted by Annarchy

  1. Wellll, I’m thinking because I come here, browse, click off, think about what to say, do stuff around the house, come back, browse…. maybe post… browse… click off…. that might be why my icon has changed…. I am always checking to make sure we are online… and see who has posted… especially when I’m working around the house…. I use it as an excuse to sit down for a moment…. I rarely log out, unless I clear my browsing history, but, I’m wondering if it is counting how many times my browser clicks off & on. Still reading about it. Need to get into the programming & find the place, to see when, where, why it does what it does.
  2. Telegraph Fire 148,300 acres, and only 59% contained now. Pinacle Fire almost 16,000 acres.
  3. It is HOT here. Summer hit with a vengeance. 115°F. The garden is down to a couple tomatillo plants and a couple dozen beets. Spice garden is faring better, because it gets more shade. Staying inside, is a life saver.
  4. Logging in gives you points, commenting/posting, & reacting to a post gets points too… still looking, reading & such.
  5. Hopefully, today, I can find out more about the “Ranks” and how the ‘points’ work, and whether it’s possible to remove that add-on. Here’s the list of ranks…. Newbie = 0 points Rookie = 40 points Apprentice = 90 points Explorer = 185 points Contributor = 250 points Enthusiast = 400 points Collaborator = 800 points Community Regular = 1,300 points Rising Star = 1,950 points Proficient = 2,600 points Experienced = 3,900 points Mentor = 5,200 points Veteran = 9,100 points Grand Master = 13,000 points
  6. I clicked on the menu, under my name, on my iPad, to choose, ‘Activity’, and down at the bottom of the list, it said I’m an “Apprentice’’…. Excuse me…. Turned my pad sideways, and the notification is at the top. See my reply below…….
  7. 9.7k. Really? I liked the exact totals…. Change…. Doesn’t sit well with me sometimes.
  8. My “Newbie” status changed to a leaf, after starting a thread & replying.. I will try, tomorrow, to see if I can disable the app or let you all know, what each change means. Okay?
  9. I noticed a minor change, when you add a picture, instead of the plus sign, (+) it says “insert”.
  10. Annarchy


    Was thinking the same. I hope they are ok.
  11. This is the landscape burning...
  12. The Telegraph Fire is 104,755 acres… The Pinacle Fire is 9,911 acres. Seeing smoke from one, that started on the 13th, to the west of us now. Ash is beginning to fall in our area.
  13. I had a few, for a time, before my hysterectomy. Horrible awful nasty, debilitating things. Brother had to drive me to the doc. Doc gave me a shot, closed the windows and waited a while… I was totally nauseous, couldn’t move, and sounds were extremely loud.. I could hear my watch ticking! Terrible things for people to have to endure. Headaches now, so not compare to the migraines. Thank God! They are gone.
  14. He says he’s feeling better, just ‘twinges’ when he moves. IDK.
  15. It says we ALL are. Computers are stupid. From what I have had a chance to read, I am guessing, our status should go up as we post. I will read more on it tomorrow… after I get more teeth pulled…. Need to do “quiet” work… the perfect opportunity has presented itself.
  16. I did our update. Some things are different. I will be checking to see what’s going on.
  17. The fire located lower left, Pinacle Fire, was reported yesterday, & is now around 5,000 acres.
  18. They said the Telegraph Fire is 88,500+ acres and 76% contained… however, this is what the sky looked like at 8:00am 10:00 am 11:00 am Not looking good, what-so-ever!
  19. I read, Gates & Fauci, funded the initial research, & had it released, to stop Trumps “Make America Great” campaign, starting in late 2019. Nothing better then a quarantining to shut down the whole country. Don’t have the links… but, now, it really doesn’t matter. We have a governing caucus that seems, IMHO, to be destroying our country. No oil production left, no coal, we gotta buy it now from foreign countries. I paid $3.80/gal. to fill up on my trip this month.
  20. Home from TX. DH isn’t feeling well. Stopped by Twilight’s house for a few. Storm was a good boy! Nasty air. Dusty, smoky and windy, until I passed TX Canyon, headwinds the whole trip. Wish I took a pic, the mountains looked like a huge smoldering fire pit. Sigh. DH & MIL aren’t feeling well, so I’m will be focusing specifically on them. Forgive me if I am a bit quiet.
  21. Telegraph Fire is almost 86,000 acres today.
  22. Annarchy


    Thank you, Dee! I’ve often wondered whether it was just me, lol. I’ve always put any bag of carrots in the crisper bin in the frig, but, I will blow into the bag, then, twist the top. Store bought will last almost a year, as long as I open the bag, use one or two, blow into the bag & re-twist the top. They will grow roots and greens. Home grown…. (embarrassing)… have lasted 2-3 years. They get pushed to the back & I forget they are in there. Sometimes I think I am loosing my memory… at my age…probably.
  23. I certainly hope & pray the highway acts as a fire block. As long as the wind dies down and the fires don’t backtrack. It is truly a deep sadness that all our local wilderness forests are burning. Yeah, it probably needed it. Native Indians used to do controlled burns, years ago, before Fed. land management took over. Plus, as DH & I were talking, AZ is the only place on earth, our Saguaro species can live naturally. Imagine how many are gone.
  24. I’m very grateful your family is safe, May they stay that way. Truly sad part, they evac’ed Superior & Top of the World to the evac center in Globe, for the Telegraph Fire. There isn’t a route out of Globe with the Mescal Fire encroaching. We are also going into an excessive heat warning, unseasonably high temps over 110°. Today, the Telegraph is 76,260 acres & Mescal is over 70,000 acres. There’s another big one in the Gila National forest, in NM, the Johnson Fire, 45,500 acres. Then, just for the info….. yeah, there’s a few fires burning…..CA looks bad too.
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