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Everything posted by Homesteader

  1. With the shortage of lids, you might want to rethink canning in pint jars. Yes, a quart jar is a lot of food, but just pull out what you need each day and have a few meals from just one canning jar lid.
  2. Our long-term hospice nurse said that mom was getting 'sassy' with me. Sometimes I'd just go out to the garden and rip a few weeds out by their necks. Seemed to be good therapy.
  3. It was a sad week this past week. I had been sleeping on the floor at my mom's new assisted living apartment just down the road. She had gotten so bad, I couldn't care for her anymore (6 aides and a chef replaced me) . The social worker is a very wise woman. She asked me if I wanted to be the 'daughter' once again. I said Yes!. The private facility where we placed my mom is brand new. It's state of the art and CNA's are trying to get a job there. They are very particular and hire very compassionate and trained people. They took care of all her physical and medical needs, and I was able to spend each day by her side being her daughter once again. Well, mom only lasted three weeks and passed away two days ago. Either my brother or myself were there full-time the past week. We switched places on the living room floor and talked mom into taking her meds. She thought the staff was poisoning her with the pills. She went psychotic and paranoid on us. I am so thankful she didn't turn on my brother or me. She always knew a familiar voice and would follow our commands, except one time when she stuck out her tongue at us. Bro and I would argue at the end of her bed as to who was the most favorite child. Towards the end, she could only grunt or moan, but we knew we made her laugh on the inside. Wow. Caregiving isn't for sissies. I don't recommend it for everybody, but God gave us the grace to care for mom the last 1.5 years in our home. DH was awesome. He kept picking up the pieces and kept everything tweaked and humming around here, including new central air and a new 40' deck this past year to keep mom busy and comfortable. He's the best. We have a quick turn-around on the funeral. Grandchildren are in town for a baby shower. They agreed to stay for the funeral on Monday. Everything is in place except a hole hasn't been dug at the cemetery yet. It seems the city worker who makes that decision is in Canada. The gravedigger said if he could get permission on Monday morning to start digging, he would be ready for the funeral in early afternoon. What a guy!! If not, mom goes back into the refrigerator until there's a hole to receive her body. I have SO MUCH to do for paperwork. Everything has been set-aside the past few months. I barely keep up with a few things in the garden. I guess I'm thankful I didn't have the time to plant like in past years. It won't be so overwhelming this Autumn. I did ask mom several weeks ago if she would help me snap some beans like I've done for her the past 60 years. She just grunted at me.
  4. Yes, hubby flew into there and then 15 hr cross country trip. We installed radio stations.
  5. Copied and pasted from a post in FOX online. Since only 1-2% are actually reported, we are in deep doo doo. "VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 595,622 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,068 deaths and 81,050 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 13, 2021."
  6. We worked in many African countries in the west. Would you care to divulge which country she is in?
  7. Our Hospice nurse ended up with a frozen shoulder after her second injection. Spent weeks at the chiro trying to get some nighttime relief from the pain. She left the medical world several weeks ago. Such a huge loss to the hospice patients in our area. We're seeing more and more burn-out from those we cross paths with. My niece went after a religious exemption and received it. They told her that she would have to continue to wear her mask at the hospital. She laughed and said that they were too. We had to tweak mom's psychotic and pain meds at the assisted living facility last night. She wakes up and starts yelling when family isn't there. She thinks they are poisoning her with her meds. We backed off all meds except pain and psychotic ones. They added a morphine patch and all pills are now being crushed and given with a water in the side of her mouth. Thankfully, I have a friend who just went through this with her husband. She keeps me ahead of what's coming in the next phase. It helps me and gives her a feeling of helpfulness in the midst of grief. That's how God works in the church body. I am hoping to get some green beans canned today. I carve out time here and there to prep the garden food and then look at all the food getting backed up in the refrig, ready to process.
  8. I am working on snapping green beans and canning them today. Need to clean a bucket of peppers and get them dried. May try powdering them today. Found out that Madison is back to mandatory indoor masks, starting today. It may spread north if we allow them to continue to fudge the numbers. . I keep getting emails from the VA in response to the disastrous pull out in Afghanistan. We must be having Gulf War veterans coming unglued with PTSD. I've never seen so many attempts at stop-gapping a coming tsunami.
  9. I found a few boxes of these lids in both regular and wide-mouth. Made in China. I took several boxes of both as I can use them for dry goods and honey. At the same store yesterday, it said on a new sign that those lids HAVE to be use with the Country Classics canning jars. Sure glad I didn't make an investment in them.
  10. I read in the news yesterday that the City of Brotherly Love (Philly) will require all employees to wear TWO masks if they want to keep their jobs. There's a great research story about experiments done in the 1950's and decades beyond, using the same set up. (Peak Prosperity, Dr. Mortensen, YouTube). It talks about a rat that's put in a metal cage. Every once in awhile an electric shock is administered. The rat jumps and runs around the cage. Then it settles down and goes back to eating or sleeping. This continues for quite awhile. The rat never knows where the pain is coming from. Then another rat is introduced to the cage. After awhile the first rat thinks the shocks are somehow related to the second rat. It begins to attack the second rat every time the shock is administered. He never thinks to see if it's the researcher that's pushing all the buttons. The moral of the story? It's not the people around you that are the problem. It's the conditioning from above that's turning us onto each other i.e. politicians, big pharma, doctors, and social media story scrubbers. If it was put into a spiritual realm, it's satan stirring up God's little darlings to turn on each other ... us. I am thankful I live in the boonies, away from the crazies. They are closing in on us though, and freedoms will continue to be eroded away at lightning speed. Keep your pantries full and your bills empty.
  11. Thanks for the update! We installed a cell site within an hour of them (MANY) years ago, so I popped in and fell in love with them. Thanks for the update. I try not to get caught buying anything from China. It's probably too late for our #1 economy in the world, but I will go down with a fight. I would like several more iron skillets, but struggle with the one that I have. I need to get back to the gym.
  12. This guy blew my mind. He's tops in so many different areas, and writes peer review articles for major US medical publications. Listen to how he hits the nail on the head!! No one wants to talk therapeutic drugs but only want to discuss the 'shot'. The testimony in front of the Texas State HHS is second to none.
  13. I have been saying for months, "If I ever have the opportunity to meet Trump, I only want to ask him him one question. Why did you ever give that doctor the mic?"
  14. MtRider - 2 weeks ago, DH graciously shared his cold with me. Men aren't too careful when they hack all over the house. Thankfully, I was able to keep mama from getting it. With her COPD, it probably would have her singing angelic songs in no time. Then they would have blamed it on C Vid. Yesterday, I went down to the VA hospital ER and had them check out a deer tick wound. Came back with a diagnosis of Lymes Disease and a bottle of antibiotics. Will have to drink lots more smoothies and eat pounds of yogurt in the next 2 weeks.
  15. Been a rough day today. Just have not felt good and thinking it is one of the meds for B/P doctor put me on. Will be calling him tomorrow about it. Same thing happened to DH. They changed meds several times, and the strengths. Adding the water pill may have complicated things. Be sure to take your time when working with new drugs. I do get motivated, though, when you guys post what you've done.
  16. Place 10 seeds in a wet paper towel. Count how many sprout after a few days. That will give you the percent that's needed to calculate your yield. Parsnips are only 50% even when bought in the same year.
  17. See if you can get a rebate from your utility company. Our heat pump system allowed a $750 rebate check. It arrived today. Love our system. So quiet and efficient. It will also heat the place down to 30 F ambient temperature very efficiently. That's easier than trying to get a draft from the woodburner chimney. 😉
  18. I was reading about the breakdown of some of the latest stimulus package. A total of $3 BILLION dollars was allocated to marketing the jab. I was shocked beyond belief. As a marketing major, I find that this has gone way beyond medicine and science. I see the ads all the time as I walk past mom's sitting room during the ads on tv.
  19. When I left the farm store last week, there was a table with hundreds of hand sanitizers sitting on it. The sign said "FREE". I didn't take any, and they can't seem to get rid of them these days. I try to be careful around others, and am uncomfortable after leaving a place, I use my sanitizer in the car. This virus sure changed my shopping habits. I have more money in our savings account to buy what the old homestead needs. Too bad the lumber prices are through the roof.
  20. This is where I have to disagree. It 'IS' my body and my choice on an experimental drug that's not approved by the FDA. Abortion, on the other hand, always kills a person, on purpose.
  21. The VA keeps calling me when I have an appointment and pressuring me to get a covid shot while I'm at the clinic. Finally, after a soft badgering yesterday, I told the lady that my records should show that I am part of the Control Group and not the Test Group. Silence. Then she went on with her script and said that they're close to having the vaccines receiving a final approval. I told her that when the animal testing phase is completed, I'd like to read the report and then make an intelligent decision on the injection. Silence for a bit of time. Then, She said, 'would you like for me to take you off the Covid reminder calling list?" I said YES, PLEASE.
  22. Homesteader


    I have done wet sand in 5-gal buckets for storing carrots but have never tried bags in the refrig. Thanks for the idea.
  23. How many true cases of Covid 19 are there? (June 4, 2021, Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom) The CDC seems to be changing its definition of a “case. ”For over a year, they’ve counted all PCR positive tests, even those that it took up to 45 cycles to find a speck of virus. But now that the CDC is investigating breakthrough Covid-19 cases after vaccination, they only want specimens where the virus was found after 28 or fewer cycles. Apparently, these are the only tests they see as positive. Scientists have been cautioning against high cycle thresholds for a year. So how many true cases have there actually been?This is something that we will discover in years to come.“COVID-19 Breakthrough Case Investigations and Reporting,”CDC, Last reviewed May 14, 2021, https://bit.ly/2RLn2Ql“Predicting Infectious SARS-CoV-2 from Diagnostic Samples,”Jared Bullard, MD, et al, Clinical Infectious Disease, May 22, 2020: https://bit.ly/2R43DcU
  24. I have most of the attachments to the Kitchen-Ade and really enjoy them during harvest season. I've not tried the peeler/spiralizer attachment. When DH gets too snoopy in the kitchen, I just hand him the peeler and the bag of potatoes. An add-on grain grinder 25 years ago was awesome. Don't remember where DH found it but I still use it every week. The pasta maker, not so much. Dar gave me one of hers and I use it for homemade pastas, but pasta is still pretty cheap in the stores.
  25. You might want to consider another career before you kill yourself. The sad part is that they will always find others to replace you. Your life is worth more than what they are giving you credit for. Step back and analyze your life. What is the worst that can happen if you change directions in life and save your health? Once gone, you can never get your health back. No job is worth your health.
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