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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. You don't have to be "doing" anything for the heat to sap it right out of you. Just wait until the humidity kicks in.....it will kick your butt.
  2. I was curious about the differences between a pacemaker and a defibrillator, so I looked it up: Also, here is a link to a site that has a good explanation of your condition: https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/brugada-syndrome/
  3. Mt Rider- Every once in a while my DH would decide to take the "scenic" road home from the valley to the ridge where we lived. It too was a narrow winding road with granite on one side and a drop off to the valley on the other. In Calif traffic driving UPhill has right-of-way so every time we would approach one of the blind turns he would slow down to almost a stop and beep the horn to "warn" others we were coming. Not everybody "got the message." I was sooooooooooooooo glad HE was the one that was driving!
  4. I learned something new! mordant (noun)- a substance, typically an inorganic oxide, that combines with a dye or stain and thereby fixes it in a material.
  5. Thanks everyone. My oldest son surprised me by coming up after work and we went to Round Table for dinner. Then he spent oodles of time trying to figure out what was wrong with my "smart phone" and fixing it for me. He wound up doing a "factory reset" on the thing which was no big deal since I bought the thing mainly because I wanted to use the camera function to upload pics via my WiFi, NOT because I needed the cell phone part of it--I already have a prepaid "flip phone" that I keep with me for emergencies.
  6. Yep. Following in the footsteps of the great Jack Benny, I'm celebrating my 39th birthday for the 27th time!
  7. ........to ME! Have a slice of cake and a cool beverage with me as I celebrate my (guess my age) birthday.
  8. Wowser. That was a lot to catch up on! A few comments: 1. Miki, an "event monitor" for the heart is called a Holter Test. You are supposed to make a note on a paper log every time you "feel" one of the events they are looking for. That way they can match your event log by time and date to the ECG readout from the monitor. (Ask me how I know. ) It is normally worn for 24 hours but sometimes they like to monitor you for a few days. A Holter monitor is a battery-operated portable device that measures and records your heart's activity (ECG) continuously for 24 to 48 hours or longer depending on the type of monitoring used. The device is the size of a small camera. It has wires with silver dollar-sized electrodes that attach to your skin.Jan 5, 2018 http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/SymptomsDiagnosisofHeartAttack/Holter-Monitor_UCM_446437_Article.jsp 2. Ann, as I have recently learned, a pacemaker is used to prevent your heart rate from dropping below 60 when they give you meds to slow it down (say, from 180). 3. Kappy, I watched a few episodes of a '"reality" show where a couple of guys paid other people to allow THEM to fell trees on their property! Imagine having someone pay YOU to clear YOUR property instead of the other way around. They were looking for knots, not sweetgum trees, but it COULD happen! 4. Ann, you know we need to see pics of that awesome sprinkler system you rigged for your mom!
  9. Error, error, error.............................. It is CHUNK white albacore; Winco brand. That is all.
  10. Winco had pork picnic shoulder in the bag for 99c/lb. I bought TWO of them (~10 lbs each). Spent the day cooking them and getting them ready for canning: roasted, trimmed and cut into pieces, scraps added to dog food. Now in the fridge. Tomorrow or Mon I will cook the bones for broth to add to the jars before I can it. I am hoping to get two loads (9 pints each) out of this meat.
  11. If you have a Winco near you, check out the "Wall of Bargains" on the way into the store. My store has solid white albacore tuna for 88c/can! I bought 2 to check it out......it is GOOD STUFF! Time to stock up. (Not a "name brand." It has a blue & white label)
  12. You ALMOST had me! ETA: I've been trying to post a link to some FB groups I'm on, but have not been able to write the code that would change the text to a hyperlink. :/ If that is Zucks fault, I "hate" him!!! (It's hard to post an April Fool's joke if it is revealed BEFORE you land on the page!!!)
  13. These look pretty yummy. I think when I make them I will sub in 1 cup of oat fiber for 1 cup of almond flour to cut down on the carb count.
  14. It is definitely more challenging to "prep" when you live a ketogenic lifestyle. Canned veggies (for me, anyway) are limited to green beans, sauerkraut, and some spinach--no corn or beans (legumes) of any kind. I recently gave all of my stores of sugar, flour, and cornmeal to the mission. I do stock chix broth (by the case!) and some tomato products--as long as there is no added sugar (toms are kinda "carby" on their own). I buy tuna when it is on sale, and I love the Bacon flavored SPAM. I jar up chix, gr beef, and pork when I can get it in large enough bulk at a cheap enough price to make it worth the effort. I also stock olive oil, coconut oil, and have recently added avocado oil to my pantry. I use erythritol, splenda, and stevia as sweeteners; almond and coconut for flour. More expensive and can go rancid unless you store them in the freezer, so I don't keep too much on hand. It is surprisingly easy to learn to live without bread!
  15. Hey CG. I've been doing a ketogenic diet since Dec 2016. Have lost 125+ pounds! Here's a link to my keto page. Maybe there is something there that will help or inspire you. You can also ask me any questions you may have about the keto WOE. (Way of Eating). For example, I can give you links to recipes or support boards. I am also adding a link to my Pinterest--lots of keto recipes there. https://www.facebook.com/ketobetic/ https://www.pinterest.com/clayborn0660/lchf/
  16. I had that kind of stress test too, several years ago. Easy-peasy. And the "best" part was when they gave me the med to stop the stressor--I felt absolutely fabulous and able to breathe freely -- for about 2 minutes until that med wore off. :/
  17. If you can identify the "problem" jar, you should probably err on the side of caution and refrigerate it to be used first.
  18. These forums are more private, but FB is more immediate; ie, provides instant gratification. Not really sure which one I prefer. OK, I'm lying if I say I don't prefer FB. But FB is also slowly killing itself w/ its "censoring" policies, so I wouldn't give up on this site (or others like it) just yet.
  19. It's the rule of "unintended consequences." And even if they decided to have a child (or a second one), who's to say that the gov't STILL wouldn't be enforcing their policy of male babies being preferred over female ones?!?!?
  20. Here are some ideas for "sprucing up" the place, using (of all things) old pallets!
  21. Kappy, I've had a CPAP for several years now. My children are EXTREMELY happy that I got one -- THEY can finally SLEEP when they come for a visit! (I'm sure you know what I mean. ) At my request, I did a new sleep test about a year ago. The result are a higher setting, from 10 to 13. I see the pulmonologist again in Sept. Have to see him once/year to keep my Rx up-to-date so my insurance will continue to cover the cost of supplies (hoses, cushions, air filters). Here are some "selfies" from the latest sleep test. It's sooooooooooooo uncomfortable and unnatural to "sleep" with all of this stuff taped and glued to you. I finally managed to get enough sleep for them to be able to recalibrate my machine.
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