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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Shared to my traffic safety FB group. I will let you know how it was received/accepted. ;)
  2. Midnightmom

    Lose weight

    Have you heard of the ketogenic diet? Here's a link to my experience/journey. https://www.facebook.com/ketobetic/
  3. Sounds like bar measurements might be your solution. https://drinks.seriouseats.com/2011/06/cocktail-101-measuring-utensils-jiggers-cups.html Follow the link for more info.
  4. 3 tsp = ONE Tbsp Most shot glasses are 1 oz (unless it's a "jigger." I have no idea what the measurement is in a jigger.) The chart above (with the milk bottles in it) says that 2 Tbs = 1 fluid oz
  5. I'm pretty sure that 2T = 1/8 c (discovered by pouring from one measuring device to another) Found some pics I had saved. Hope these help.
  6. Are you talking about the LARGE jars, or regular pint/quart size jars. If they are being used mostly by crafters I would be concerned about using them for pressure canning - UNLESS it says specifically on the packaging that they ARE suitable for that use.
  7. I recently "met" a lady (online through a rock painting group) who is also agoraphobic. I didn't really understand what it was all about until I did some research on it. Correct me if I'm wrong: It's basically not leaving the house to go anywhere in "public" as an attempt to control possible panic attacks (thus the need for plans and backup plans). In YOUR case, your safety zone has been compromised by your MIL living with you! How can you ever relax when you have to be constantly on guard in your own home - which is supposed to be your refuge? It also sounds like your husband doesn't fully understand your agoraphobia, or worse, dismisses it! (or,perhaps he thinks his mother is/should be taking the place of his role in your life.) I don't know HOW you will do it, but you need to reclaim your home as your fortress of solitude. Best of Luck euphrasyne. <3
  8. That makes no sense whatsoever! Pain meds can SUPPRESS your breathing so I would think that having a steady flow of air keeping your airway OPEN would be an advantage, not a problem.
  9. I don't really know - thyroid meds confuse me. But...................my endocrinologist has steadily been decreasing the strength of my dosage of Levothyroxine from 125 MCG to 112 MCG to 100 MCG. Yesterday she said my levels were in the "normal" range but she thought still a little high for my age so she made another adjustment down to 75 MCG.
  10. Whenever you see something like this on FB ALWAYS click on the link that was shared and chase it down until you find the SOURCE. The recall of Levothyroxine and Liothyronine was in 2018 and was due to inconsistent dosing of the active ingredients in the meds. It is NOT a CURRENT re-call. https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls/ucm616601.htm
  11. Found this info concerning storing eggs w/o refrigeration:
  12. Ambergis.......................... I just realized that I didn't add the link to the YouTube gardening channel I was talking about! Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVGVbOl6F5rGF4wSYS6Y5yQ
  13. Midnightmom


    This was definitely ME during the great snowstorm of 2019!
  14. I have no idea what your level of expertise and knowledge is when it comes to gardening, but this is pretty good YouTube channel for growing tips, etc (mostly organic). It couldn't hurt to check it out, right?
  15. I am also a diabetic (Type II) and have a pacemaker (since March 2018). My cardiologist has never mentioned anything about being careful with "greens," or any other food either. Can you explain more???
  16. CNN) — Thousands of people gathered Saturday at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to watch a famous groundhog deliver his highly anticipated forecast. Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow around 7:30 a.m. ET and did not see his shadow, predicting an early spring for us all. "Faithful followers, there is no shadow of me and a beautiful spring it shall be," a member of Phil's Inner Circle read from the groundhog's prediction scroll to the cheers and applause from the crowd. As the legend goes, if Phil sees his shadow, he considers it an "omen" of six more weeks of bad weather and heads back into his hole. If it's cloudy and he doesn't, you can put away that winter coat sooner than expected. But of course, his predictions aren't always correct. The groundhog doesn't have the best track record In the past decade, Phil has predicted a longer winter seven times and an early spring three times. He was only right about 40% of the time, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which says the groundhog shows "no predictive skill." A.J. Dereume, one of the groundhog's handlers, insists Phil's predictions have a 100% accuracy rate -- they just get lost in translation.
  17. Just an "appetizer" for what FUBAR is to come! "Hurry up and wait" is also the new order of the day. :/ BTDT - my son was in the Air Force for 6 years. "Boot Camp" (they don't call it that any more) was rough even though he'd had some "experience" having been in CAP (Civil Air Patrol), but he survived and so will your son. :D They keep them so busy and tired that they don't have a chance to be "homesick." His TI (Training Instructor) will help him through the rough spots and so will his fellow recruits. But.................it is tough on US not knowing how it is going. :( Try to follow the military's example - keep yourself busy so you don't have time to wonder and worry.
  18. I make a soup with previously pureed canned pumpkin, so the end product is definitely less dense than the straight puree from the can. Does anyone know if that can be safely pressure canned?
  19. This man has one CRAZY cat!
  20. Keep an eye on your data usage. It can get SPENDY if you go over! (Kind of like when AOL came out with the first internet browser and you only had X number of hours/month covered by your subscription. Do you remember those days???)
  21. The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, "Christmas Day" is considered the "First Day of Christmas" and the Twelve Days are 25 December – 5 January, inclusive.[1] For many Christian denominations—for example, the Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church—the Twelve Days are identical to Christmastide,[2][3][4] but for others, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church, Christmastide lasts longer than the Twelve Days of Christmas.[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Days_of_Christmas AND: What are the 12 days of Christmas? The 12 days of Christmas is the period that in Christian theology marks the span between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi, the three wise men. It begins on December 25 (Christmas) and runs through January 6 (the Epiphany, sometimes also called Three Kings' Day). The four weeks preceding Christmas are collectively known as Advent, which begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on December 24. https://www.vox.com/2015/12/25/10661878/12-days-of-christmas-explained
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