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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Winco had pork picnic shoulder in the bag for 99c/lb. I bought TWO of them (~10 lbs each). Spent the day cooking them and getting them ready for canning: roasted, trimmed and cut into pieces, scraps added to dog food. Now in the fridge. Tomorrow or Mon I will cook the bones for broth to add to the jars before I can it. I am hoping to get two loads (9 pints each) out of this meat.
  2. If you have a Winco near you, check out the "Wall of Bargains" on the way into the store. My store has solid white albacore tuna for 88c/can! I bought 2 to check it out......it is GOOD STUFF! Time to stock up. (Not a "name brand." It has a blue & white label)
  3. You ALMOST had me! ETA: I've been trying to post a link to some FB groups I'm on, but have not been able to write the code that would change the text to a hyperlink. :/ If that is Zucks fault, I "hate" him!!! (It's hard to post an April Fool's joke if it is revealed BEFORE you land on the page!!!)
  4. These look pretty yummy. I think when I make them I will sub in 1 cup of oat fiber for 1 cup of almond flour to cut down on the carb count.
  5. It is definitely more challenging to "prep" when you live a ketogenic lifestyle. Canned veggies (for me, anyway) are limited to green beans, sauerkraut, and some spinach--no corn or beans (legumes) of any kind. I recently gave all of my stores of sugar, flour, and cornmeal to the mission. I do stock chix broth (by the case!) and some tomato products--as long as there is no added sugar (toms are kinda "carby" on their own). I buy tuna when it is on sale, and I love the Bacon flavored SPAM. I jar up chix, gr beef, and pork when I can get it in large enough bulk at a cheap enough price to make it worth the effort. I also stock olive oil, coconut oil, and have recently added avocado oil to my pantry. I use erythritol, splenda, and stevia as sweeteners; almond and coconut for flour. More expensive and can go rancid unless you store them in the freezer, so I don't keep too much on hand. It is surprisingly easy to learn to live without bread!
  6. Hey CG. I've been doing a ketogenic diet since Dec 2016. Have lost 125+ pounds! Here's a link to my keto page. Maybe there is something there that will help or inspire you. You can also ask me any questions you may have about the keto WOE. (Way of Eating). For example, I can give you links to recipes or support boards. I am also adding a link to my Pinterest--lots of keto recipes there. https://www.facebook.com/ketobetic/ https://www.pinterest.com/clayborn0660/lchf/
  7. I had that kind of stress test too, several years ago. Easy-peasy. And the "best" part was when they gave me the med to stop the stressor--I felt absolutely fabulous and able to breathe freely -- for about 2 minutes until that med wore off. :/
  8. If you can identify the "problem" jar, you should probably err on the side of caution and refrigerate it to be used first.
  9. These forums are more private, but FB is more immediate; ie, provides instant gratification. Not really sure which one I prefer. OK, I'm lying if I say I don't prefer FB. But FB is also slowly killing itself w/ its "censoring" policies, so I wouldn't give up on this site (or others like it) just yet.
  10. It's the rule of "unintended consequences." And even if they decided to have a child (or a second one), who's to say that the gov't STILL wouldn't be enforcing their policy of male babies being preferred over female ones?!?!?
  11. Here are some ideas for "sprucing up" the place, using (of all things) old pallets!
  12. Kappy, I've had a CPAP for several years now. My children are EXTREMELY happy that I got one -- THEY can finally SLEEP when they come for a visit! (I'm sure you know what I mean. ) At my request, I did a new sleep test about a year ago. The result are a higher setting, from 10 to 13. I see the pulmonologist again in Sept. Have to see him once/year to keep my Rx up-to-date so my insurance will continue to cover the cost of supplies (hoses, cushions, air filters). Here are some "selfies" from the latest sleep test. It's sooooooooooooo uncomfortable and unnatural to "sleep" with all of this stuff taped and glued to you. I finally managed to get enough sleep for them to be able to recalibrate my machine.
  13. Tomorrow is "President's Day." I hope whoever you need to deal with is open!!!
  14. This information came across my newsfeed today: There is a '"Resources" tab and there is a "Find a Course" tab. These classes are FREE if you can find one near you.
  15. Will your power company allow you to spread the payments for that bill over 2-3 months? (I've had to do something similar with my power bill in the past. Your company may not allow it, but it worth looking in to.)
  16. The biggest reason pot can be sold "legally" for recreational use is because of the tax revenue!!! Calif has decided if you can't stop it, stop trying to spend money to stem the tide (law enforcement) and get on the gravy train.
  17. Wow! The skies are really CROWDED!
  18. Have them check around and see if there is a "diabetic" version. Lots of time they are made w/o the sugars & dyes.
  19. SAME thing is happening (or will begin to happen) in my relatively "small" town in Calif! The County wants to ok it, but the City doesn't (or is it the other way around? :/ ) A smaller town just north of here has already voted for "legal" shops in their community. All over the state it is now legal for RECREATIONAL use and is no longer restricted to medicinal purposes! You have to be 21, and you can only smoke in the privacy of your own home. RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Violations are nothing more serious than a citation. Same thing for meth in this idiotic state! Is it any wonder that there are cars being stolen or broken into every day? Or that theft in ALL types of businesses has increased, including break-ins and shoplifting! The jail is full so there is no place to put these criminals, and THEY KNOW IT! It's a revolving door. Commit a crime; get booked and released with a court appearance date; commit another crime while you are waiting to appear in court on the other one!!! It took OVER A YEAR for the person who was in possession of the registration from my stolen car to appear in court for sentencing. She just kept piling on the charges and when she finally appeared they plea bargained most of it away! She was found guilty on the car theft charge and is supposed to be paying me restitution for my deductible and a few other things, but................................. It's totally crazy when WE think we know better than GOD how to handle law breakers.
  20. It's good to have that in your purse, BUT.................................First Responders DON'T KNOW THAT and may not be able to find it in time to use the info to evaluate your immediate condition for the emergency they are responding to! That's why it is a good idea to post the info on your fridge (they look there), let someone else know where it is, and/or wear a medical alert bracelet/necklace.
  21. I copied this from my FB page where I keep track of my progress on my ketogenic diet (https://www.facebook.com/ketobetic/) and its effect on my diabetes (Type II). It was quite an interesting day! ---------------------------------------------------- AFTER THE CRASH (sugar--NOT auto) As I have posted previously, I'd decided to split my Lantus dosage into 2 injections: breakfast (50 units) and dinner (also 50 units) to try and achieve better long lasting glucose numbers. As a result, I started waking up with the opposite of "Dawn Phenomenon" -- being hypoglycemic (one morning it was only 66!) So, I decided to adjust the evening dosage down to 40 units. This morning's result was a slightly higher but still hypoglycemic reading of 77. I ate some peanut butter drizzled with honey (thought that was "healthier" than just plain sugar) and my glucose went up to 133. I thought that was a fairly safe number and decided to inject my morning dose of 50 units. I must have somehow injected it directly into a blood vessel instead of into fat, because I CRASHED........I CRASHED HARD!!! Within less than 10 minutes I was flushed, dizzy, disoriented, and seeing spots in front of my eyes. I was barely able to see to put the test strip into the meter, and somehow I was able to get the blood drop onto the strip (it was difficult with those d**m spots obscuring my view). It was even harder to read the meter............. 41 !!! I called my neighbor and she came right over. She called 9-1-1 for me and took my dog to her apt so she wouldn't be in the way. When help arrived I think it was the WHOLE dept! I must have counted about 10 responders!!!!!!!!!! (one exclamation mark for each responder ) I remember them asking me which hospital I wanted to go to but I was incoherent and had a difficult time letting them know. I also remember trying to let them know where my meds were. I don't remember a thing after that! * I don't remember them quizzing my neighbor about things she didn't know--am I allergic to anything, how old I was, etc, etc, etc. (She told me all about it later.) * I don't remember them bringing in the gurney or getting me on it. * I don't remember the ambulance ride to the hospital. (Even when I had been kicked in the head by a horse way back in '74 I remembered the ambulance ride!) * I don't remember them getting me out of my clothes and into a hospital gown. * I don't remember them putting all of the leads on for the heart monitor. * I don't remember the MRI (or was it a CT?) they did (checking for stroke damage, maybe?) * I don't remember them putting in TWO "IV" lines. * I don't remember looking at them with open eyes and not being able to answer their questions. I didn't know that my glucose had dropped to 33 !!! (I would put 33 exclamation marks, but that would be over-kill, don't you think. ) When I started to come back around, it was almost 3:30 (about 3 hrs later). I can remember them asking me my name, how old I was, did I know what day it was, what year it was etc. They brought me some apple juice, and then a little bit later some orange juice, some apple slices, and a turkey sandwich. I told them I didn't want my sugars to soar; they said they weren't worried about me being a little bit "sweet" today, the were just trying to get my glucose up. (I must admit, I DID enjoy picking at the roll the sandwich was on, and it had been a long time since I had had some fresh apples.) Another problem presented itself though when it was time to go home. Although my purse had made it to the hospital with me, my cell phone wasn't in it! And I couldn't find the printed address/phone number list that I THOUGHT was in it. I had to call the emergency number for my apt complex and ask them to get word to my neighbor if she could come pick me up. :/ (Which they did, thankfully.) Another thing. When I got transported to the hospital, I wasn't wearing any shoes, so all I had on my feet was the non-slip socks they put on me at the hospital. I also didn't have my sweater because I had taken it off at home due to being flushed and warm. I had to wrap myself in one of the blankets I had taken from the ER. I'm glad it wasn't raining! LESSONS LEARNED Make sure my medical info is readily available - post it on the fridge. Make sure my friends and neighbors know where it is. Make sure my cell phone OR a printed copy of addresses and phone numbers is IN MY PURSE. Make sure my neighbor gets my keys -- so she can lock my door after the gurney leaves, and so she can get back in to take the dog out etc if I stay longer than expected. AND, so she can drive my car to the hospital to pick me up. (BTW-- I am skipping my evening injection of Lantus tonight, and possibly even the one in the morning.
  22. The heavy rain and mudslides are happening in southern CA (Los Angeles area), I am north of Sacramento--not happening here. Thanks for asking and for being concerned. <3
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