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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. You two have done an amazing amount of work in just a short time! Your garden is impressive and your pup is adorable!!! I guess we will have to use our imaginations about what you looked like while directing traffic though.
  2. We need pictures! Of the new truck Of you directing traffic with your cane in hand Of your new puppy Of your fall garden
  3. Maybe this will give some insights into why coupons for prepping have dropped off. :/
  4. I posted this on the "Friends of MrsS" FB group. Hopefully I will get some replies and I can pass the info on to you and you can add them to the list for this year.
  5. Are you SURE you want to handle that THIS year???
  6. Ambergris- Thank you for the link. My recipe is very similar, 'cept I start with tomato sauce (from a can!) and use erythritol instead of cane sugar. I am so glad to see that this can be water bathed! Never done that before, but it's GOT to be easier than pressure canning, right???
  7. I prefer the complimentary packets of mustard, ketchup, and mayo that you can get from deli's and fast food places. I don't use mustard very often, and never the ketchup (mainly because of the HFCS in it), but they are good to have around in case a "guest" would like to have some on their food. They mayo packets are for "traveling/boxed" lunches. I also make sure the brand I am taking does NOT include HFCS. I am actually thinking of making a big batch of SF ketchup and jarring it up. I have a recipe but am not sure what the canning procedure is for it...yet. Once I have that made it's just a few more steps to make BBQ sauce, sweet & sour sauce, and cocktail sauce.
  8. It's the same reason a fly swatter works and not a rolled up newspaper. 'Cept in this case it's the air pressure that a fly "feels," not the sound.
  9. Seriously...................how could a hospital NOT HAVE anti-nausea meds??? When I had my second TKA (back in 2001) I was feeling fine post op, and even had something to eat. THEN it happened! When the head of the bed was lowered down after eating I experienced some horrible vomiting: projectile, hitting the wall across the room, style vomiting. I spent the next 48 hrs in and out of awareness and even experienced some paranoia(?). I worried my poor daughter to death when I called her at 3AM from the hosp and told her they (nursing staff) were "starving" me to death. I even tried to call 9-1-1 from INSIDE the hosp! (NOT possible to do in case you were wondering). When the Dr made his rounds the next morning I told him I wanted to be transferred to the rehab hosp RIGHT AWAY and he said I wasn't in any shape to be anywhere other than a primary care hosp. I insisted. They transferred. Best decision ever!!! BTW- I have NO idea what the general anesthesia was.
  10. motherearth- I can't even begin to imagine how many jars you must have! How many canners do you have going at one time? Do you do quarts or pints? Soooooooooooooooo many questions.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Lbx1Hj9CY
  12. Samaritan's purse has been here too because of the Carr Fire. Once the evac-ed areas were opened for "repopulation" they started helping home-owners sift through the ashes and rubble to try and find ANY keepsake, no matter how small.
  13. Probably the same two I had for my pacemaker surgery. One of them was F~yl, don't know what the other one was. :/
  14. Well, you DO live in the "Show Me" state!!!
  15. The Carr Fire is still burning, but it is no longer threatening any towns and all evacuation orders have been lifted. We have had new help coming from Texas, Australia, and Samoa to help quench this thing. As for it joining another one, there are 2 new fires burning north of the Carr Fire. The Hirz Fire is on the same side of Lake Shasta and that may be what you have been hearing about. It appears to be burning quite aggressively and is causing many evacuations. As a result, the smoke down here is still pretty thick. The immediate needs have all been met, but the marathon is just beginning.......................
  16. Fill a ziplock with a 50/50 mix of water & isopropyl alcohol. It will get very cold and slushy, but it will still be "bendable" and not be a stiff brick of ice!!!
  17. How close was that mobile to where YOU live???
  18. Computers and electronic money transfers are definitely a two-edged sword! I hope it all works out for you.
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