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Everything posted by snapshotmiki

  1. You and Jeepers both! I believe that all of us have been through challenging times the past year or so! It's so nice to have a place that we can share it all!
  2. Your life and Ambergris's life keep my head spinning! Both interesting and challenging! Already walked and stopped at local clinic for lab work on the way home. Next will take ebay photos. Shovel out the city gutter in preparation for next round of storms. Make oatmeal and cut carrots, both for dog treats. Not sure what next. My life seems very tame at this time. You all have a good day!
  3. That's surely true! @Mt_Rider, now beavers? Don't ask "what next?" Yesterday was Church and storms. Power was out from 5:30 to 8:30. AC was still set at 80 from during the day, so it was really warm and having the windows open didn't help much. This morning, I walked first. Picked up branches. Walked dogs. Maybe take ebay photos, later. Cut up carrots for dogs.
  4. I'm so sorry for all you two are going through @Mt_Rider! Walked first. Did VA video visit with DH. Cleaned up branches, etc. Will go to local doc visit for me, shortly, then drug store. Ebay photos. Having a tired day!
  5. That's a lot of jars! And paper products!
  6. Will walk first. I get to help a friend who owns a little restaurant for a couple of hours today. Should be fun! Only open a few hours on Fridays. I think it's more of a hobby, but he loves to cook. This afternoon, I intend to pick jalapenos from my garden and blackberries from across the street. Nothing else on my list, but I don't like sitting around much. We will see. That's all I clean. Otherwise it pools on the road and heads into our low lying outer meadow. I keep the shovel ready. Have fun with baby! Praying for you both @Mt_Rider! I'm glad you are getting re-organized, @Littlesister. I understand the drive to get it all done now, but try to take it easy on your shoulder. I have that issue, too.
  7. I'm sorry I missed your Birthday 🎂 I hope it was a good one!
  8. Congratulations @Becca_Anne! New baby in the world! Praying for you both @Mt_Rider! And @Jeepers, Happy Happy Belated Birthday!!! Will walk first. Walk dogs. Shovel out rain gutter across the street from storm a day ago. City doesn't get to it and I don't want overflow in my yard. Find some hot sauce and jelly to take with when I get haircut at 1. Bible study this evening.
  9. DH is doing fine with his dental work! Yay! Walked first, of course. Chauffeured my friend around our little town as we aren't going to the bigger one this week. That's it. Taking it easier today! We got 3" rain yesterday in about an hour. It was much needed!
  10. It sounds like you are getting a good bit done even if it's no fun @Jeepers DH made it through his dental ordeal. Seems to be doing fine! Thanks for all the prayers!
  11. Dogs woke me up at 3 am. Sigh Peanut Butter is not feeling well this morning. Will walk first. Walk dogs. Pry up some more bamboo roots. Take DH to oral surgeon this afternoon. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today @Mt_Rider! I hope you feel better soon!
  12. I hope today goes smoothly @Becca_Anne! Praying for you both @Mt_Rider. Big week for you two! My DH's dental surgery is tomorrow afternoon. He doesn't have to fast or anything, since he will be awake. Up at 4 am as dogs woke me up. Walked at 6:30. Made dehydrated sweet potato slices for dogs. Did 2 loads of laundry. Set up DH's meds for the next month. Pried up some bamboo roots with my big pick axe. That was rough! More to go, but not today. Have to take DH's car to have oil sensor something put in. I'm about done. Still can't get my salt rising bread starter to work. This was the fourth or fifth time. I think I need different cornmeal. Maybe. If anyone here has experience with salt rising bread, please help! My grandma used to make it, so I am trying it myself.
  13. Sorry about your mom's hospital visit, @Mt_Rider. I'm glad she is back home and doing well! Hang in there, @Becca_Anne. Hoping Monday goes easily! You have so much going on @Ambergris, I never know what to say! What a life you are living! I've already set up my vitamins for the next month. Church next. Walk dogs. Add some top soil to potatoes and other plants that need it. Make a new dill pickle recipe. Start the salt rising bread starter with heating pad and see if it helps. Up date tomorrow!
  14. Walked first, this morning. Had termite guy back to treat again and more. Walked dogs. Packaged rosemary that I dried yesterday. Getting ready to cook dinner- Chicken Divan. Bible study tonight. I think he will be so numbed that he won't be able to eat or drink until the next day. He needs to load up before surgery. It's at 3 pm.
  15. Walked first, this morning. Took DH to pulmonary doc. Doc won't approve him to be knocked out for oral surgery. Saves almost $600, but rougher for DH. Went to oral surgeon to get new date for surgery. Went to VA clinic about ordering oxygen hoses and were sent back to pulmonary. Sigh I do get my steps in, though! Stopped at day old bread store and got a few more loaves of my bread. $4.45 at Walmart and $2 at day old store. Stopped at thrift store just because we went past it. Home and have to package and vacuum seal rosemary that I dried yesterday. Did month ending books. Not sure if I will go to prayer meeting or not tonight. Me too! I will be getting an antique tag this year. Jeep is 1998. Unless they make me wait until next year.
  16. They are vacuum sealed and in the freezer. I forgot to add that.
  17. 1Praying for peace during your busy week @Mt_Rider! Already walked. Shortly, I will pick up friend and take her to Aldi, Walmart, day old bread store and a thrift store. We will stop at Post office on the way home. Then, walk dogs. Vacuum seal chives from yesterday. Dry rosemary. I think that's it!
  18. I just re-read this. Dates for eating and cooking, not like people. LOL
  19. I'm so glad that you will be getting your electric woes straightened out @Mt_Rider. Persistent problems can be stressful. Is there a grandchild, yet @Becca_Anne? I continue to pray for you @Littlesister! I hope all goes well with GS today! Will walk first. Already have laundry started. Next, package dried parsley. Put onion shoots in dehydrator. (Outside) Vacuum seal some dates that were gifted to me. Call a friend or two. Rest!
  20. After walking, I will go to town with DH. He wants to get some gas additive for my car. Probably stop at a thrift shop. This afternoon, cut up a watermelon. Put up our new Flag. Dehydrate some parsley. Maybe pick up some branches.
  21. @Littlesister, I sure hope you can get GS out this weekend or call for help to make it happen! @Becca_Anne, I hope you get there before grandchild is born! @Jeepers, I'm glad you are home, even if you took the scenic route! LOL Walked first thing, this morning. Mixed up two gallons of baked beans and baked them for funeral meal at Church today. That is where I will be most of the morning and afternoon (serving and cleaning up). Maybe pick up more branches.
  22. Up early and will walk first. Walk dogs. Make a cake for funeral meal tomorrow at Church. Pick up branches. Bible study tonight as long as Peanut Butter is doing well. She seems to have turned the corner and is getting back to her old self with a little less energy so far. We are happy she still is happy!
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