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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. Mimi , does DH also have cholesterol battles? This would make a difference in my suggestions.
  2. CoM, can you post the link to the Debbie Meyer bags for produce? I can't find my link for them! I want to get some now that I have some extra money I can put to preps.
  3. Blender Tortillas 1 1/2 cups water (I use filtered.) 1 cup flour 1/2 cup cornmeal ( you can vary the flours as you choose). 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg Place water, all the dry ingredients and the egg into the water in the blender. Put your blender top on. Place on blender and zap it awhile. I use a beautiful high quality teflon pan I have because I can rotate after I pour the thin mix into the pan and spread them out big enough to make a fair sized burrito out of. Basically its like making pancakes. I use a fairly hot burner, and the water cooks out and leaves a pretty elastic tortilla thats more yellow on one side than the other.. you know what a tortilla looks like in the store, but these are far more elastic. You can set them on paper towels but I find a warm oven , and just putting them on the rack inside the oven while I am making them, is just fine. I immediately use the warm, elastic tortillas with homemade refrieds and cheese or whatever else I want to stuff them with and fold and bake in a pan once they have been made. I find using a blender is alot cleaner than making by hand, it saves the kitchen and clothes and hands from a big mess. The teflon pan I have is a high quality past christmas present from my son, so I keep it immaculate and lined with toweling in the cupboard to make it last. It produces such a nice even heat all around, that I love to use it for the tortillas. P.S. I do want to try some variations on the recipe this coming year. But its a quick bread source and very handy for food fillings. And I will be working on replacing given away , moved away losses regarding all of my past cast iron stuff..... this is a major prep category I need to fill.
  4. I think with a large family, a rice cooker is great, Stephanie. I don't need one with just me. So that is a consideration!
  5. You all just jogged my memory and creativity!
  6. Thanks cat for reposting this! Ive saved the recipes including emailing many of them to my son who may be the chef for TDay this year once he is home. He is a decent cook so I know he can choose some and go for it.
  7. Chefddr I too received my mothers jewelry after she passed on last year. Most of it I will keep to pass down through my son and if my neices are good adults they may receive some of it eventually, but there is one big ring that is really good gold and quite heavy in amount, probably an ounce or so, with a worn out fire opal in it, and the setting is rather strong triangular shaped leaves sticking out. It was a beautiful ring at one time, I remember when my dad got it for her. But if I can get a decent amount I would sell it for preps, I need basic stuff and more food, and this could be a good choice for me. I think my dad even said I could sell it if I needed to. Of course there is a lot i just flat wont sell but pass down. I do wear a ring or two and a medallion with a lovely celtic like setting with four small diamonds... because it is very special to me and suits me.... although its rustic enough and I think most believe me when I say its costume jewelry so I get away with it around these days, mostly its under my shirt anyway. I need to do some research and also get some things appraised as I am not sure about some gold bracelets, if they are quality or not, but knowing my dad and mom, they all are! She was a real lady. But that particular ring could help me out alot and knowing I can really use what I got with it would be ok with her. It is not that comfortable to wear because it is so heavy and the tips of the triangular leaves even press into my stout finger and the opal is needing replacement, or more rock polishing to be re-used. I might have enough for a canner and lots of canning supplies and a good dehydrator or a hunting rifle if I did so. The majority of things are very nice stuff and I will pass them on later. ( there is one ring thats a favorite of mine, its a beautiful setting, casted, and a lovely blue zircon in a round cut with fantastic facets within). It may be a better stone than a zircon but I need to find that out too when I get things appraised. She used to work with really beautiful antique jewelry, and we also had a very nice quality antique clock shop and my dad was a master repairman with those for many years, so she really knew jewelry well. ( One of my dads many careers). I worked with them in my teens with that business. I became pretty good with refinishing wooden parts of antique clocks and tables and such small furniture. But that one ring and maybe a bracelet or two would transfer into some really useful stuff for me. So I will do research pretty soon, get the stuff appraised on a trip to the city next month I think, sort of, ballpark figures anyway, and probably some good advice.
  8. Tonight I worked on my scenario story. It just seems to flow out of me, and there are some wonderful subplots going on too. It really has me relaxed now, emotionally. Lots of things came together this weekend too and it was worth watching the Pats win today too. Time for sleep!
  9. Rezgirl, is the sourdough pretty tangy or is it tamed down and sweet due to the sugar in the starter?
  10. Almost all of the books Aint2nuts put down, and Louis L'mour and James Michener's Centennial, books on all the mountain men and Daniel Boone ( of course! ). Also, the bible , Where the Red Fern Grows, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. I reread some of the Tom Sawyer books and found them to really be quite sophisticated more recently. There were plenty of books I read as well as all those... As many of the Zane Grey books as I could get ahold of too. All the Hardy Boys books!
  11. Those star patterns, the sewing together would boggle my head up good, but I love em! Wonderful choice!
  12. MacCormack ( Ny State) May be related to Buchanans and MacLeans in Scotland prior to four years after the Battle of Culloden, Scotland. Kondratowicz, Alexa, Alexander in Vilnius/Vilna Lithuanian or Polish territory depending on year, Prior to 1907 and also after 1915 for a few years Also look at business ties possibly as far back as 1700s between Kondratowicz and LaFerriere ( have seen brandy label with both names.... was told early in life they had been long time friends... ) . Hurley LaFerriere Turner Wilson Yingst ( Middletown PA Amish, also MacCormack in Amish) Collett, Theodore, master carpenter from Oslo Norway, going back to Camilla Collett Berg Welsh Earliest known Patrick Welsh 1910 Duluth MN Looking further back to Wexford, Ireland Campbell..... havent found it up the tree yet but its supposed to be there, kin to LaFerriere in Quebec/Montreal/Saskatchewan Before and during first years of 1900's ( Have to look at Dads baby book for more of his side) Dusablon possibly married LaFerriere
  13. It all sounds delicious. As to drying apples, how thick should one slice the rings ? I have to dehydrate since I do not have canning equipment, but I want alot of my food portable anyway, so dehydration for now. Also, I want it really dry, what texture should the apple slices be when considered totally dry?
  14. i used a bit more than one pint of seashells on a pencil holder of a glass jar, using a glue gun to secure the shells. Added the rafia on top. Maybe I will make some more! Colored tissue and those foam cut outs like stars and suns and such can also be useful. Stashing them in the kids rooms might dissuade a robber... they would tend to look more in parents room, office, den, at the computer site in your home.... You could roll alot of bills into a jam jar size pencil keeper. I covered mine entirely and you cannot see it in at all.
  15. can applesauce be frozen in plastic containers?
  16. Thanks for the ideas ladies. I like the idea of refacing a comforter with new material. I can do that! Loved the tin lid wall idea too.
  17. I have to giggle about the girls qualifying as 1st class Boy Scouts. I too, as a girl could easily do many of the Boy Scout badges and my dad even wrote a couple articles, one of which made it to Life magazine when I was in my early teens. My own son was Order of the Arrow and would have gotten Eagle Scout with his troop in northern California but he wanted to finish highschool with his Dad in GA at the time. But he has always continued to be very motivated and went from enlisted to the naval academy and became a Marine officer. He now is on terminal leave ( even if his cell phone finally died), and is going to become a teacher of history and probably English, as well as work further down the line to become a Ph.D. professor at college level in history and also a coach at collegiate level later on. ( Right now I just hope he gets his masters ok for teaching period! ) But no matter what, he's not afraid of long term hard work.... and he might be a redneck, cause he likes the South!
  18. Originally Posted By: arby ok, how long does a piece of duct tape have to be on a wart to kill it off? I have the good stuff. hehehe Ok, again, who knows the answer to how long the duct tape has to stay on a wart to kill it and remove it?
  19. B names : Berg, possibly Berglund C names in my family: Collett ( Norwegian/French beginnings), Campbell D names Dusoblonski, Dusablon Polish and French lines
  20. Bealadybug, putting duct tape on teeth to remove them... Do you mean that for childrens baby teeth, or well set adult teeth as well ( if need be in an emergency?)
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