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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. I will blanch and do some blueberries and do up some jerky this weekend. If the blueberries turn out good I will be going to an organic farm and getting blueberries later this month. Everything is ripening very slowly, with the cold damp weather here, so its all about a month or more late. Down in the forties tonight too. I think Fall will be early this year. I hope the farmers can get their corn in !
  2. You will want to get the cannister set for sealing jars with the food saver. This attaches to the foodsaver. In average room temps, sealing the jars this way, say with flour or dry milk or dehydrated food you put into the jars you want to seal will extend the food life up to twice as long, generally. The cannister set has various sizes for certain sized jars to be sealed.
  3. HappyCamper. I am in upstate NY and I believe our local apple orchards only grow Cortlands? I can get them easily for about a dollar a pound so applesauce and apple butter are July's sweet canning I think, along with other fruit jam I hope. Whatever these apples are, they are soft and yellowish inside and make superb applesauce so would be good for the apple butter. I love apple butter!
  4. Well since its only me, me. As to that kind of thing.....its why its a fire safe choice. has some time before it burns..... But I may rethink the bolt set up. Its a very small place, would be about two steps to the nearest window from where it would be in the bedroom and would be out the window... and down on the dirt and me following it likely. If I am not home and the place caught fire, the firesafe is set up not to burn for 30 mins, minimum. Its still better than an envelope or money inside a wall.. besides, imp papers and other small valuable items will be in that safe too. Certainly I can stash small amounts ready to grab for temporary bugout situations that can be grabbed in a couple mins, but out of sight of visitors. Its simply a matter of securing it well enough from the majority of threat levels, no one will be perfect about it, and it can certainly be figured out if some cretan has the time to look, most of these methods. But it keeps it close to grab, not in a bank, where when electricity fails or the ATM is empty by the time you can reach one..... and the fire safe doesnt have to be a big one.
  5. I have an envelope on the front of my frig that reads 'lunch and egg money' ...... thats all they get! The other cash is hidden away and am considering burying it vaccuum sealed in pvc pipe sealed shut on the ends with caps, in the woods because of potential fire in this structure at any time if I had large amounts set aside for emergencies. The problem is retrieval in the winter time. The snow and hard ground are solid as ice at that point of the year. Thinking a true fire safe is a good investment and bolting it down in my closet for large amounts of cash I couldn't really afford to lose as money is precious to me anyway these days. Around here if they cant carry it off, it ain't going, usually.
  6. HI Judy. I have sjogrens, fibro, lupus, CFS, no, its not fun. I believe sjogrens is the culprit also for the anti-cardio lipin antibodies, also for causing me three miscarriages, early and mid gestation. Believe me, I know how you feel. Fibro causes depression and anxiety and along with chronic pain and weakness and magnifies sprains badly, from the rheumatalogical stuff for 30 yrs now, all the meds make the mouth drier. I have been weaning myself off of things, and I think its helping me with the moisture factor. In fact my salivary glands work overtime when I drink a berry vitamin drink in the afternoons, and other foods are also making them work more. I know how all this goes. I have had to try and find things to deal with arthritis inflammation that won't chew my stomach and IT tract up, and I've been lucky. I definitely understand the frustration and anger issue. Have been working on it, but also am getting so cut and dried about certain things in life, that I know I am still very stern, at times. So, I do know. I wish you the best, Judy. I am tired of being a guinea pig for the docs, I am going to try to do the best I can with much less interference. Some of the alternatives I found, which do work for me, are just fine. Little other affect too, and that bothers me about many of the scrips for these types of disorders lately. But everyone is different and if you find things that do work for you, all the more power to you. The problem with dry eyes, is that eventually, it can ruin the cornea, and it makes you blind without a cornea transplant. Its not something that someone else can readily see either, and there are many other things that can happen from sjogrens and similarly grouped disorders. But its hard for others to understand, because its not obvious. I can deal with losing my teeth, but my eyes? Add the other stuff and its flares and tis a three ringed circus. Not having the energy to do things or the strength is a true challenge. It is also hard to get others to understand that, they just dont, for the most part, but it is debilitating.
  7. BUMP This is the recommended way to isolate patients in the home and remedial treatments one can choose to use. Equipment and medical supply lists here in this thread.
  8. I received my book today to help with the study as it goes. Looking forward to it!
  9. Hi Stephanie and your scientific kids! Try a little salt in the mix. Salt enhances flavor in its own way. Most commercial peanut butters have salt. The label ingredients on the generic peanut butter I have has salt and molasses in it... so I gave you another hint!
  10. Westie, ya know , minus the rabbit food , those treats would be good for human consumption! If the links dont work, try searching with keywords in the search button link.
  11. I like the way you explained it and how you are breaking it down. Keep up the good blogging! We look forward to this one!
  12. Dear Procrastination, I am so glad I have this tool, of writing to you, it will allow me to express my feelings about you and the role you are playing in my life. Procrastination, you have really jumbled up my life. When I realized how helpless you make me feel, the lies you tell me, how much of the devil is in you, it certainly ticked me off. I do hate the grip you have had on me in the past, and the insiduous way you still, so subtly, sneak into my every day life still, despite the actual fact that I am working to get rid of you. Despite my low energy, my chronic fatigue and fibro affecting me and my back getting painful periodically. My place is small and still cluttered, and it is distracting and frustrating that it takes me so long to organize it, partly because of the above factors, but mostly because of you Procrastination, as the physical stuff is improving. Having to wait constantly to be able to go get things just to organize my place is a sore point, I admit, with lack of money and transportation at hand. The clutter is a distraction and you use that as a weapon with me. Make it seem overwhelming in my mind. But, Procrastination, you can take ANY issue, any concern or worry, and you make me feel absolutely rotten all the way through me if you can. ( You can be quite successful with this, especially when I see how much others do get done from day to day. ) Well, Dear Procrastination", I have been and will continue to take steps, babysteps some days, bigger steps on other days, when I feel true, clear, strong motivation or need to do a chore, a projec, hem up some second hand pants, tear up and throw out cardboard, a tedious task here since I cannot recycle from where I reside, move that pile of books, clean my kitchen or my bedroom, simply to make that little effort that truly overcomes you and I know I am now winning battles more and more with you. Arby P.S. BTW, The Lord is on my side in this matter! He can do anything! You, Procrastination, are nothing compared to Him. As long as I remember this and remind myself, I will win the war against you, Procrastination.
  13. Welcome Karelle, what everyone above has posted is absolutely true, even though I admit some things do make me put on my 'tinfoil' hat and freak for about 30 minutes, then I do the research! We ARE getting better at determining who on the Internet is a font of good information, and those who are not. Thankyou for every second it took for you to raise up such a wonderful, faithful, intelligent and compassionate, wise daughter, Darlene. Yes, we will now be working on a Queen smilie, because that has to be you because Darlene is the Princess!
  14. Cat thats a good idea about forum site passwords. That guy at Flu Talk is a jerk! Well I just won't bother with that site. There is enough info out there elsewhere and on our threads if they are coming up. Thanks for bumping this thread up.
  15. perhaps scrubbing scalp with baking soda instead of shampoo might stimulate hair growth. It will open up pores as well which may help. Would stimulate scalp circulation as well.
  16. Thursdays are usually a good day for me to do my writing, which I hope will develop an income to live on in due time. Right now its just time to get nose to grindstone on the writing and today is the first day in a couple weeks where I can really get back to it. Still working on revision of first two chapters since they really set the tone. The good thing about revision , which every writer tends to groan about, speculate about, procrastinate about, is that it really does improve because you can add more and more details of all kinds to the rough draft you really start out with! Revision many times, is necessary! I actually find I enjoy it as I do it, so its not as much of a formidable foe as I tend to think of it as...... so, non $$$ prepping at this time but hope that gets changed in a few years, maybe sooner!
  17. I hope you are having a good time at your friends and hope you can check in sometime this week!!

  18. TY! to all who helped me figure it all out today!!!
  19. OK, got the weighted gauge on , but it only had two ring weights, so only one for under 1000 ft, to be for 10 lbs pressure?????? Anyone know? Ready to can now!
  20. Ok, got the canner, got the weighted gauge, which has two weight rings so I take one off right, for 10lbs pressure at 600 feet elevation? THEN, do I just set it on top of the little thingy and then it rocks. It does not seem that you screw it on in place of that little piece for the regulator on a Presto Canner 16qt. I am ready to start canning the chicken breasts today and need to get them done! Also, should I do hot pack with the chicken cooked? Amazon still has not shipped my new Ball Blue Book, so I had to ask these questions, to anyone that can help! I want to get this going asap today, please. I have 35 lbs to process! Also , just soak pinto beans and process after soaking ? I have a canning book that will give me times for the processing, but wasnt sure about chicken these days and what folks who have been canning it, might make it more tender and palatable ( cold pack or hot pack, which one works best?Also want to be sure it is cooked through .....
  21. Thanks for the help CGA. I am still waiting for my new Ball Blue Book to be shipped. Been waiting a month for Amazon to get more in. So, your instructions are perfectly understandable... how many minutes processing for quarts? for pints? I might just make mini patties. The gelatin will heat back up just fine. And yeah, I just want it preserved and handy for consumption. Do i just brown the patties and put in jars with broth?( then process ) or cook all the way through as patties and then can them?
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