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Everything posted by Becca_Anne

  1. Howdy ya'll! I've not posted much lately cuz I've been too busy with work and life. Ain't it funny how those things get in the way? Anyways, hope everyone is doing well. Have a lovely day, mommafitz
  2. A quick update on the dishwasher.....Hubby took some things apart, claned out some nasty gunk from the drains, and said that's all he can do. We ran an empty cycle to clean it. I haven't had a full load of dishes to wash yet so we're still wating to see if it is better. mommafitz
  3. Have I ever mentioned that I HATE WASHING DISHES!!!!!!!! mommafitz
  4. Howdy ya'll! I thought I'd check in today because I'll be working lots of hours this upcoming week and won't be able to visit. It's a gorgeous morning. We're in the 70's today with sunshine!!!!
  5. Mornin' ya'll! It's still raining and windy this morning. We have massive puddles in the yard. Public schools are canceled for today due to dangers of flooding. The surrounding counties are also out. I don't know what kind of damage, if any, has occurred around here. Obviously, our electricity is still on! (I'm the afternoon/evening receptionist.) Every one take care today! mommafitz
  6. Mornin'! I'm up and at 'em early again this morning. DH and I must go into town this morning after dropping younger DS off at school. I'm going to the library to sign checks for them and do some research. (I'm the treasurer for our County library.) I'm going to get some more Christmas crafting books. Also, I've started taking donations to our local Goodwill-type store each week. This is helping me clean out so much! I have too much to save for a yard sale and I don't have time to have one this fall. My house looks like we have just moved in because of all the boxes. We moved in April............... Our local weatherman says today will be the last day this week to expect pretty weather. I hate running errands in the rain so that's why we're going today. We are to expect some possible flooding from Ivan. We live about 2 1/2 hours away from unikemom, I think. Since we live On The Mountain, we haven't had the same precautions directed at us. I think it'll hit her before me. I sure hope everyone comes out of this one okay. Everyone take care and enjoy the day, mommafitz
  7. theyd: *snicker* So is my secret out or what? Whew!
  8. Sorry Buttercup. We must have been posting at the same time. Did I ever tell you guys that I HATE WASHING DISHES!!! mommafitz
  9. Mornin' ya'll! We're expecting clouds with temps in the upper 70's today. This week is supposed to be more "normal" for me regarding hours at work. I'm working from home during the day and going into the office in the afternoons. I definitely like it! The job change my supervisor spoke to me about some weeks ago is still in the process of developing. That will be a full time position at the office, I gather. For some reason, I'm still being kept in the dark about the exact job. mommafitz
  10. Ummmm.....did I mention I HATE WASHING DISHES? Glad you're feeling better!!!!! mommafitz
  11. I have debated for a couple of days now about joining. This was great fun last year. I don't think I received an ornament from everyone that promised, though. Please, everyone keep your promise to send out the ornaments. It is great fun to receive these in the mail. And on that note, I have decided to play too! mommafitz
  12. I understand ! We all need Pity Parties. Especially if we have to do a household chore we hate.....Like WASHING DISHES!!!!! mommafitz
  13. Mornin' ya'll! I love Sundays cuz they're the only days I know I won't get called into work ! Have a lovely day, folks!!!! mommafitz
  14. Howdy ya'll!!! I've been so busy that I've not been able to visit! Have a lovely day, mommafitz
  15. Mornin' folks! I haven't had time to post much in a couple of weeks. I've been doing some serious working. I am pooped. (10 hours per day for 6 days a week at the office !
  16. Gotta love that title!!!!! (Hope the son is feeling bettr!) mommafitz
  17. Ladies, I think I'm too tired to be any fun!!!!! mommafitz
  18. Sorry to hear about your cat, Buttercup. Last week, my cat, Patches, also died. We'd had her over 10 years. We'd rescued her from the animal shelter. She had some sort of urinary tract/ kidney ailment. It's hard to lose a pet........
  19. Mornin', ya'll! It is beautiful at our house this morning. The sun is shining through the windows....... and highlighting all my dust bunnies!!!!Arggh!!!! friends is concerned because they haven't heard from some of her family. We spoke yeserday evening and I haven't heard from her yet today. I'll need to check with her later this morning. What a nightmare!!!! Have a lovely day everybody, mommafitz
  20. Hi guys and gals! I'm checking in before going to work at the office today. This sure has been a busy week at our house. I spoke with DS football coaches because they were shocked that he decided to quit. They begged him to come back and give it another try. He thought it over and he loves to play so much that he decided to try again. He stayed after school yesterday and our county elementary football jamboree is this evening. He'll be playing in that. It is so stressful worrying about your children, idn't it? That really takes a toll on me. I'll be glad to get home tonight and stay home until Monday morning. I'd like to be able to stay home for about 3 days straight (or maybe more?) and just concentrate on getting this place organized. We have boxes that haven't been touched since we moved in April. And they're in the way. mommafitz
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