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Everything posted by Becca_Anne

  1. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/09/12/opinion/what-were-afraid-to-say-about-ebola.html?referrer The author of this article was on NPR this AM and is very knowledgable
  2. I'd also like to put out there that for those who cannot afford these items, plastic bags can be used as a "hazmat" suit if you are very careful taping it on and then cutting it off to dispose of it. Chances are we will not need these items and spending too much can impede our abilities to prep in other areas. A N95 mask is still lightyears better than a bandana, and any disposable gown will be better than nothing. For now this is not airborne so all the portals of entry we are likely to expose are in the face, or through cuts. So gloves, biohazard bags (or biohazard tape with regular double bagged plastic bags to dispose of waste), bleach, rubber boots, and eye coverings are the most important protectors if this is ever in the US. All items you can re-use or re-purpose if nothing happens. IF all you have is being re-used and laundered then that is still much better than nothing as long as you have face protection and gloves and process the waste and contaminated laundry properly wearing PPE.
  3. Oh and one thing I would like to point out is that you need N100 masks for Ebola, N95 masks will not be good enough. This is not just in case it becomes airborne, it is in case droplets are on the mask, as the virus is .03 microns in size but if there are droplets spewed in the air virus will take a ride. Since vomiting is one symptom of ebola you can guarantee that there will be droplets. You can find them here http://www.amazon.com/3M-Particulate-Respirator-8233-N100/dp/B008MCV43K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410844946&sr=8-1&keywords=n100+respirator+mask Coverallls like these will also be good to have. http://www.amazon.com/DuPont-TY122S-Disposable-Elastic-Coverall/dp/B0008F5HIM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410846852&sr=8-1&keywords=tyvek+coverall+suit Not sure why the editor just cropped my post but with rubber boots and gloves taped to the coveralls and goggles over the eyes and a respirator all the entry portals into the body will be covered. You must decontaminate with bleach solution after coming out of the exposure area. You will need to have a plan for this.
  4. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/unidentified-respiratory-virus-hit-kids-country/story?id=25334106 This is an enterovirus. There are several strains that float around, most of them adults have been exposed to and are more common so we are more likely to have immunity. Most of them do not have respiratory symptoms so it wouldn't seem like the same illness by outward symptoms. Children and anyone with asthma should be aware and seek treatment if cold symptoms develop and they become short of breath. Seek Dr's treatment sooner than normal if you are vulnerable and have these symptoms. Important to note that if treatment if sought out the recovery rate is very good. Oxygen and fluids are usually enough to help these pts.
  5. Glad to be of any help I can be. I think it's very important to note that in the US where we have hospitals and modern medicine the survival rate will be MUCH higher, as well as having access to the developing medications that they are testing. I am hopeful they will pan out, as the initial information looks hopeful on the ones they are trying now. Mass producing them on the other hand is very tricky before they are "vetted" and also may not work so keep that in mind. In most cases supportive therapy seems to be very effective. Not one to try to treat at home but I wanted all of you to have access to what to do in the worst case scenario of not having access to a medical staff.
  6. I didn't see this post before I posted in Nature's Prescriptions, so I'm going to move my post here and delete that one. God forbid we ever need it, but given the out of control situation in Africa I am sharing this information which came to me at work through a health bulletin which is sent to us at work. I'm an RN so I get lots of information from the county and state. This information comes straight from the CDC. The current strain in Africa that is spreading is Ebola Zaire. Currently it is only known to be able to spread through contact with bodily fluids- this includes blood, vomit, urine, feces, vaginal secretions, semen and mucus. However I think it is important to keep in mind that this virus mutates a lot, and another strain of Ebola (Ebola Reston) has been known to be transmitted through airborne means. (Read all about it in the Hot Zone a book you can find on Amazon which is a true account of an outbreak in a Monkey House in the Washington D.C. area) While that strain appears not to be lethal in humans it is VERY closely related to the other strains of Ebola and Zaire has the potential to mutate to possibly become airborne. Ebola Zaire has a fatality rate >50% and up to 90%. This is not a threat to take lightly and all of us should be aware of the symptoms since this virus is one plane ride away from ending up anywhere in the world. The support in Africa is pathetic to try to contain this virus. And our government is not doing nearly enough to try to help contain this. We are sending a medical ship with 25 beds, when they need thousands of beds and don't even have enough gloves for the few Dr's and RN's that still are uninfected to protect themselves. I for one am planning to gather basic supplies over my usual medical supplies in case it is needed and I have a plan to isolate myself from my loved ones if I need to work through an outbreak here in the US. As an RN I feel it is my duty to protect not only my family but my community and stay on the job as long as possible if I am needed. Please read this and gather personal protective equipment such as gloves, plastic disposable gowns, face shields, bio-hazard bags and goggles and bleach. Trash bags, food, water etc so you do not need to leave your home unless needed. CDC manual http://www.cdc.gov/v...setting-vhf.pdf
  7. ((((Cat))) My son left for college (first one to leave the nest) last fall and it has been bittersweet. I still miss him terribly but I know he is spreading his wings and learning to fly. He has been home only twice for Thanksgiving and Christmas and we kidnapped him for our summer vacation for a few days in the middle of summer term (he chose to do the extra term to shorten his college time to 4 yrs with a computer science minor intstead of taking a 5th yr). I am sure it will be tough to drop her off but phones help!
  8. How I wish I could make it! If my husband ever gets a job and we have any extra $ it is top of my list. Your soaps look amazing!
  9. So sorry this happened! Hope he is doing better now.
  10. I can relate! Thanks for popping by
  11. So sorry for your loss. We recently lost 2 fur babies and it is always so hard
  12. Welcome back! I'm so glad you were able to get in!
  13. Welcome back! You have been through a lot!
  14. Becca_Anne


    I really need to revamp my preps. Pretty much everything got put on maintenance mode when I was in nursing school and then when Ben was born. I just tossed flour that expired in2006....oops!
  15. Well I haven't had much time to get into trouble. Too busy working and chasing after my 2 yr old. DD is a junior in college, DS#1 starting college this fall, DS#2 will be a sophomore in HS and DS#3 starting middle school. DH is unemployed and watching our yougest DS. I am working full time as an RN so my life looks quite different since you were last here I put in 3 raspberry bushes but that is the extent of the garden I have this year despite my plans to get in a bigger garden we couldn't get the fencing put up so rather than feed the deer again and get dissapointed I opted to wait until we can fix the fence. How is life going for you MM?
  16. Ouch! Hope they heal up fast.
  17. Welcome back! Hope by now your son is recovered ok from his surgery. Congratulations on baby #6!
  18. Sending many prayers! Congratulations on the expected grandbaby!
  19. Glad almost all the sorting is done. Time to pamper yourself and your Dh!
  20. Congratulations to Josiah and to Jordan! My Max graduated this year as well. He's headed to college to study engineering.
  21. Drumrunner I'm just now seeing this. Sending prayers for you and your family!
  22. Happy Birthday Darlene! Glad you had a good one
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