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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Jeepers, my insurance doesn't know I have a wood stove. I am not sure if they know this house has a fireplace or not as my DH had the house for a few years before I ever met him. But it is the same insurance. State Farm. I haven't heard anything about being dropped for hurricanes here yet, but I am sure it could be coming. So far, the past few years we haven't had any issues with hurricanes. We have them but we have been very fortunate that they haven't really hit us. I thank the Lord for that. He keeps us safe. Becca Anne, you are going to have a forest of fruit and nut trees. That's a good thing. Will keep your mom in prayer that her memory will come back. This could just be a set back from the stroke. Baby steps are in order for a good recovery.
  2. OOTO, my GD has one. She would use breast milk in it for her. She would freeze it and then give it to the baby. It helped get her through that first tooth. Now she is about to have a second one cut through the gums. She didn't start her on any type of food till she was 6 months old. She will be 7 months on the 9th. And is doing really good on mashed up foods so far.
  3. Here also. that all went well for your DH Miki.
  4. Happy Birthday MidnightMom. I have 2 years over on you. Love the pictures.
  5. Wow Jeepers, I wish they would find a mistake on my taxes and send me money back. Glad they are finally getting the insurance straight. And if you do decide to go with another company don't get Nationwide. They are not on your side. They look for a way to scam you out of more money. My neighbor across from my side yard said Nationwide told her that she has spots on her roof. The roof is about 4 or 5 years old. I'm looking at it and saying what are they talking about. There are no spots. They told her if she didn't pressure wash the roof and send pictures that it was done then they would drop her. Say what! Since when did you have to pressure wash your roof to keep your insurance? And on top of that State Farm has now decided to cancel all insurance for all that live near the ocean or in flood areas. This is what they did in CA. Neighbor is now in the process of looking for a new insurance and she checked to see if we are in a flood zone which we are not.
  6. Yes, my GS and his oldest sister are both ADHD. Though now he is more on the ADD side of that now. He works really hard at work, but he is also more of a hands-on learner than a book learner. But he has to open that book and study for this test if he wants a career from this. His goals are good ones, but he needs to learn to work toward those goals and that means studying for the test. I bought him that book for dummies over 6 months ago I think, and he has never opened it. He won't pass the test unless he studies. My GD's DH said he would help him, but he won't even do that. So, I am at a loss other than to give him the ultimatum. I am hoping and praying that will work. Found out this afternoon that my next-door neighbor is in the hospital. They took her straight from the doctor's office to ER and then to the hospital. Seems her painful leg was a blood clot. She couldn't walk yesterday. She's the one that just lost her DH about 3 months ago. Don't know how long she will be in there but our trip to Ollies and the secondhand stores are definably on hold for a while. GD texted me and wanted to come for a visit with the baby tomorrow and I think she said Friday also. Said she is bored. Don't know how that is since she needs to be packing up for the move on the 8th or 9th. It's right around the corner. But I think it is that the baby is cranky because another tooth is coming in and she is hurting. I have a way to calm that down. It's called sit her in highchair and give her a popsicle. It worked wonders for the first tooth that came in. I am beginning to think I need to just disappear for a couple of months as either way I won't get the house back together at this rate. Disappearing means no cell phone and no one knows where I went.
  7. Andrea, you will get there. It just takes time to figure out what works best for you. It's a challenge to figure out what works best for each of us. Climate has a lot to do with it also.
  8. I am really tired now. But will be working in house for a while. Got a cord of wood stacked. So only one more to go. I don't think there is a full cord of wood left but it is close. Just need to wait for GS to set up the last rack. Jeepers, thank you for the prayers for GS and anyone else that has been praying for him. He does have a goal, but it has taken him forever to get that goal in place. If he would just study for that test and pass it, he would be on his way to a career. But he has to get out of his laziness and study. That is now where the issue is. Too much like school for him. But I will get that issue nipped in the bud soon. He still has one more waver to get done out of 15 of them. So, he has appointment with clinic for that. That one is the kidney stone issue that I thought they already checked him for but that one is the last one to get done. So, then all that is left is the test and he has to wait 30 days to take it again. I am taking a break, and then going to start going through things in the house again. I really need to switch out my winter and summer clothes soon. I am already digging in the dresser where my summer clothes are in another room. Too hot for long sleeves.
  9. Was up at 5am getting some things done in the house. Going outside in a bit to stack wood. I am hoping to get a lot of that finished up today. GS still has the last rack to set up before I can stack wood on that one. But will fill up the one he finished last week. Need to move a ladder that is attached to the fence for storage. It is in the way of the last rack. I won't be using it so need to find it a new home. No, I won't be climbing up on the roof anymore. Compliments of DH not having the balance to get up there anymore. GS is still asleep in car and the woodpile is right in front of it. Oh well, If I wake him up that would be a good thing and he can study that test.
  10. Thank you all for the suggestions. I am going to show him that test above. Thank you, Midnight Mom, for that. I will be able to sit with him on my computer to see what he is doing. He said he was studying from his cell phone. For some reason that didn't hit me. test was not what he was doing but playing games. I am going to be talking with him but need to hit him at the right moment. He still has to get through one more waver and that is for his kidney stone. I know he will do fine on that. He had his physic test. He passed with flying colors and don't ask me how. So, he does have a brain he just chooses not to use it. He wants to go in as a cook and then in 4 years move on to marine science. Unless he studies, he won't get into marine science. Though he does love to cook. So that might be what he does for the next 20 years if he can pass the test. Either way he best pass the test the next time which is in 30 days. Because he will be out of my house and on his own living in his car because I am not giving him anymore chances. If he wants to choose the hard way of growing up, then that is how it is going to be. He has come a long way from what he was about 3 years ago but still has a long way to go. He has learned to control his anger issues which is one of the reasons he sleeps in his car. This summer is going to be a hot one living in a car, but he has to learn, and that learning will be moving out of my driveway and finding another way to bath and wash clothes. I think he best pass that test this next go round. I forgot; he did graduate from high school, and he started college but dropped out. He found out he really has to study for that.
  11. MidnightMom, He has gone to the Coast Guard site where they have sample test but all he does is stare at them and not take the test. But I will be having that talk with him. He best pass it the next time.
  12. Jeepers, you will get there. We just aren't as fast as we used to be. I need to get back into my bedroom and finish going through things. I already have 3 boxes to donate. Just haven't taken them there yet. GS won't rent an apartment again as he really doesn't pay his bills like he should. He lost the last apartment because he wouldn't listen to me or his mom about it being more than he can afford. Not to mention his credit sucks. But he is now trying to get his bills paid off. I also don't think the Coast Guard is going to like the fact that he has medical bills in collections. That might be one of the reasons he keeps failing his test but not sure about it. Though He is paying them now. One medical bill is halfway paid off now. And he is trying to get is credit card paid off and closed out. All I know is he best be studying for that test this time and not lie to me about studying. Otherwise, he might be parked in a Walmart parking lot to sleep. I am getting to a point I am not going to be worrying about his safety sleeping in a store parking lot. I'm bored tonight for some reason. Don't want to watch TV or read or anything else much. I think it is the fact the weather is changing and has been really nice outside and it is staying lighter longer now. In another month it will be getting dark after 9pm. I can go for that.
  13. Ambergris, it is not that he can't pass it. He is in an all-fired hurry to get through it and doesn't use his brain. If he can't figure out the first question, then he just guesses at the answers for the rest. Going to be a hot summer for him. He is not trying like he should. All I get is that he knows the answers and he will pass it. Hopefully the third time is a charm because we are going to have a talk about his car and my driveway. Not to mention it is called Salvation Army for showers and a laundry mat to wash his clothes. I am moving his book to the den and making sure he knows what that book is for. He best open it and study. Didn't go out to stack wood like I thought I was. Couldn't get motivated enough. After being on my feet all day yesterday canning pork, I guess I am still tired. So easy day today. Tomorrow is another day. Will stack wood then.
  14. Mother, he is still living in his car in my driveway. He comes into shower, wash his clothes and eats dinner when he gets back from work only if I have cooked something and put leftovers in fridge for him. He will eat and then right back out to his car. Summer is also coming, and that car is going to get hot. But that is his problem. I am not budging and letting him sleep in the house. If he gets hot enough, then maybe he will open that book and study. He was like this in school also. So, nothing new. He just doesn't like to open a book and study. Got the pork labeled and put away. Will be a long while before I do anymore canning. I will be canning squash when I can get it at the farm but still too early. Not going to be a huge canning year for me this year. I still have a lot of veggies that I canned the past 2 years and I really need to just use down what I have. Then next year, I will resupply everything other than meat. I think I am good for a couple of years before I need to start resupplying that. There was still a lot of meat on the bones of the Boston Butts. I am cooking that in the slow cooker to get the rest of the meat off. With my hands it was hard to do, and my hands were giving out. So, cooking the meat off the bones and using that meat for dinner tonight. Not going to waste it. Might go out in a while to stack more wood. GS will be leaving for work in about an hour. No help from him today. But he will help on his next day off. He said they have inventory today so no truck. Yep, he reminded me that a lot of stores are going to be doing inventory now.
  15. Necie, glad your DD is having a good time visiting all those places. It is good that she has this opportunity to do it. Gave the kitchen a good cleaning this morning and got the pork put away. All 32 jars sealed. I am now good on chicken, pork, beef, turkey and hamburger. Plus, the other things that have meat in them. All of that together will get me through at least 3 years without having to buy any meat at all. That was what I was working toward. I refuse to pay 30 plus dollars for a roast. And they are not even big ones. Steak is crazy here at $40 plus depending on the cut you get. That's not happening either. GS failed his test for the Coast Guard again. So having to wait another 30 days again. I knew he wasn't studying for it. This time he said he was going to pull out the book and study. No, he won't. The questions are timed and does not make since to him. So, he just guesses at the answers instead of trying to figure them out. I am trying to get him to talk with his sister's DH as he is in the Coast Guard and said he would help him. But he won't do it. It's called too lazy to bother. He still has to get checked out for the kidney stone and that is the last of the 15 wavers that he had. He passed all of those so far. So just waiting for him to get in for the last one. But in the meantime, he best be studying for that test. As I might be giving him an ultimatum, Study for it or move out of my house. Those are the two choices. Maybe that will give him the incentive to study.
  16. A few years ago, I saw an article in the paper about non-organic and organic fresh foods. Both fruit and vegetables. A lot of stores will put them together in the same bin. One side being organic and the other being non-organic. Those foods cross pollenate making the organic foods compromised. Stores still tend to keep them in the same bins next to each other. I have no choice in fruits as I don't have fruit trees, but I do have a choice on my veggies. I will NOT use pesticides on my garden of any kind. The issue is that when the fly over releasing those chem trails, how much of those chemicals fall to the ground? That will be in our gardens if they do in fact fall to the ground. Or do they stay in the sky? That is something we cannot avoid. And worse do we know what is in those chemicals. When I asked my yard man about weeding the flower beds and putting down mulch, he wanted to use Roundup. Told him no and it wasn't going to happen. So, he won't weed out my flower beds now. So, I am working on them as I can. It's harder this year for me to do because of my knee making it harder for me to get up and down, but I am getting it done. I think all of you are right about what was said above. Don't think there is any real organic foods any longer.
  17. Got the pork canned. All 32 jars of them. 4 canner loads and I am beat. My feet hurt, my shoulder hurts and my hands hurt. Not going to stack wood today. I call it quits for the day. I cut up 5 Boston Butts. Just did have enough for the 4 canners full. Necie, I hope all goes well at the market and you are able to sell everything. DD, GD and I are going to the Bazaar in a couple of weeks. Don't know what I will find but will be fun. Going to sit down a read for a while. Been on my feet to long.
  18. I agree Darlene. With making our own, we know what goes into it. I will be passing the Cambell's soups to the food pantry at church. GMO is in almost everything anymore. Hard to get away from that totally.
  19. I have some Cambell's soup in the pantry. I will be checking that out for sure and get rid of it. I think it is time to start really reading all labels on any canned foods we buy now. Can't trust anything any longer. I do know that the chickens that are labeled smart chicken is not real chicken but the bioengineered or lab produced. I have been getting really picky about my meats for a while.
  20. Beautiful day outside again today. May go outside this afternoon and stack more wood. Canning the Boston butts since early this morning. Lots of work and for me hard to cut up with my hands but it's done. Need to head out to Evans Farm later this week and see if they have anything yet. Thinking it is still too early but will see what they have. Shoulder a bit ackey now so giving it a rest. Cutting up meat doesn't help that issue. But must get done. After this I will be slowing down on all meat. I have plenty to hold me for a long while now. I would like to find some fresh tuna to can though as well as salmon.
  21. That stove looks like the one I have. I have others also but this one for sure. DD and SIL will be back in town week after next and the following week. We are going to the Bazaar on one of those weekends. I think it is in about 3 weeks. We are going to help GD as her DH has duty right after they move into the new house. Bad timing. But it is what it is. Went back to Food Lion to get another Boston butt. So now I have the 4 I needed to can. Tomorrow I will be canning those up. This is like when I was trying to get 10lbs of hamburger and had to keep going back to get it. Took 2 stores to get that. And no hamburger in the Food Lion as they had a sign up saying the machine was broke down and they can't grind meat for hamburger. Glad I wasn't getting any hamburger. GS said that yesterday when he went to work there was hardly any meat in there. He works at a different Food Lion than the one I go to. Don't know why it was so low on meat. I know the beef has been scarce for a while. Not much to choose from and now the pork is getting that way. But usually there is a lot of chicken. Maybe it will be restocked when he goes in tomorrow.
  22. DD and SIL are on the way back home now. GS almost has another rack finished so I can start stacking wood again. DD said I am crazy. Told her I only paid for 2 cords, and they threw in a third one for free. I wasn't going to turn that down. And when they are home freezing, I will be all warm and toasty by my wood stove. SIL is drooling because he really wants a wood stove, but she again is now putting her foot down to a no go. Thought for a while she was going to let him put one in. The grandkids did get a lot packed up yesterday. So that was good. Just under 2 weeks to go. So, I am sure DD and SIL will be back down again soon.
  23. Yeah, I don't do snakes. Though we have had the black snakes slivering around here at times. Though they eat mice and such. Good snakes but keep them away from me. GS did clean up last night after eating his spaghetti. At least that was just from a jar and cooking the noodles. It was easy, but I don't cook that time of night. All that food in fridge and he wants spaghetti. Waiting for DD and her DH to call as they are coming over today before heading back home. She only has a baby squirrel to tend with for the wildlife and bought it with her. I guess just having one squirrel was doable for a road trip. Not sure what time they will get here. But I figure around noon. She's still trying to get her baby time in. She doesn't see the baby as much as I do so I wouldn't go over to GD's house yesterday even though DD wanted me to. That drive is too far with my knee anyway. I didn't want to stir the pot with that knee and start it hurting again. I am starting to notice a difference from that injection now.
  24. I stacked 5 cart loads of wood this afternoon. I am thinking maybe 2 more loads will finish filling up that one wood bin and then the other 2, I hope GS will get set up for me tomorrow. Then I can get that job done and move on. GS came home and tried on his new pants that came today. One pair I will have to take in at the waist a bit but not much. The other pair he tried on and won't take off now. Then he decided he wanted spaghetti tonight. It's almost 11 pm and he wants me to fix it. So now he is in the kitchen eating. Hope he cleans it up and puts things away. Mother, I used to be on 50,000 units of Vit. D years ago. Different doctor. Not sure about this one.
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