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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Glad to see someone is stepping up and stirring the pot. Hopefully he will be very successful in this. We need our RX prices to come down. We have already done enough to make big pharm rich. It's all about the dollar and fattening their pockets.
  2. I opened up a can of my homemade soup for dinner last night Veg. beef. So having the rest tonight. I canned them in quart jars and that makes 2 meals for me. I really need to get busy on canning again as I am getting low on my soups. But will have to hold out till after first of year.
  3. Finally got my retirement money redone. Some money should hit my bank by either Friday or Monday. Then will pay off a bill and call the well guy about the well again. I really want to go ahead and get that project finished. Need to rip out the garage sink and counter and get a utility sink and see if well can be set up for that but thinking I will need to get the sink in first. Need to find a plumber that will switch that out for me. I also need to head out to Lowe's or Home Depot to look at the sinks to see what I want. Then going to order more wood but need to order another wood stacker. Maybe will need a couple of them. I have only had to use the wood stove twice this winter so far. Our weather has been a bit warmer than usual. So that is a good thing. But most of our really cold weather comes in January and February. I have already figured out I can go through about a cord each winter if using it daily. Already cleaned wood stove out and cleaned up around it for next use. Need to find more uses for wood ash. Have used some in the garden but don't want to overdo it. Jeepers, Hope you can get everything fixed the right way. As for the fridge, can you return it for a smaller size? I would check it out to see if that is possible. If so, they hopefully will pick it up when they bring out the smaller one. Worth a try anyway.
  4. Got all the Christmas shopping done as well as most of the Christmas cards. Still some to send to some homebound friends. Still time for that. This year for first time I took advantage of the Black Friday deals and the Cyber Monday deals. Nope no TV yet. I bought for 50 to 70 percent off a Wonder Mill grinder, A Ninja indoor grill, and an outdoor pizza oven. The pizza oven can bake bread and cook meats as well. It is a wood burning oven. Merry Christmas to me. I don't usually do that. But this year these were things I needed. Well, I probably could have done without the indoor grill, but I like to grill and when it is very cold outside, I don't use that grill. Now I have the best of both worlds. But the other 2 items were on my prepping list. Two of those items were 70% off so couldn't pass that up. The Wonder mill I have been looking at for the past 6 years or so. I have a non-electric one but wanted this one because it is faster, and my arms won't fall off turning a handle. That was one of the 70% off items. The other was the pizza oven. As they say, hold out for the right time and the prices will drop like a bomb. OK I am done shopping. Floor in kitchen and den is mopped and all clean again. Dusted the bedroom floors and dusted in den as well. Now to start wrapping the gifts. Hope my hands hold out as some of those gifts are heavy. GS can help me with those. Might need to go back to dollar tree for more wrapping paper. Tree will go up as soon as the front window is replaced. Hoping that will be done by first part of next week. Windows are on the way now.
  5. That's what it is Jeepers, I couldn't think of it at the time I posted. My brain seems to be in a dozen different places at once these days. I also need to get some of those. I really need to make a Lowe's or Home Depot trip for a few things but can wait till after Christmas. I ordered some storage boxes and things for my closet and for under my bed. The underbed storage containers I had won't fit under this bed as it has supports in the middle of bed. So, ordered 3 that will fit under there. When I said I need to organize and downsize I was not kidding but it has totally torn this house apart trying to get it all done. I have stuff piled everywhere it seems. And I don't need all the interruptions I keep getting. It has slowed me town a bit too much. Need to finish the Christmas wrapping also. It is a very damp cold here today. So not much working outside today. Need to get GS to take the raised garden beds to shed till I can get them put together and in place early spring. Will get him to do that tomorrow. I said I wasn't going to do a garden next year but with the raised beds I can let areas where I have been gardening rest for a year or so. And now will have new areas for a garden. The raised bed gardening will make life so much easier. I am going to the farm markets for things I don't have room to grow like corn. I also need to fix the garage to have that room for the upright freezer as well. Wish I didn't have those 3 huge windows in garage as it would give me better room to put things. But don't want to totally block the windows with tall things as I won't be able to wash the windows. But I will get that figured out at some point. Moving things around and going through it. Yep, another box for Goodwill. It's going slowly but surely and at the same time I feel like I haven't put a dent in anything. But I think it is just the Un organization right now. GS left for work about 3 hours ago, so he is out of my way now, so mopped the den and kitchen floor. Nothing like mopping a floor just to have kids walking all over it before it dries. He can track in faster than I can clean up. He is only half living here now but may be moving in with a friend in January. Lord, please let that happen and that it works out for him. DD is now trying to get him to go into the shipyard. Not sure what happened to the Coast Guard yet. But he is still talking about it. Going in the Shipyard now for an apprentice is not the right time if he does Coast Guard. Just wish things would move along faster for him. He needs to get started in a career.
  6. For between the studs, you need get those medal things (can't think of what you call them) they open up and has a small spring on them. You put those into the wall and then screw the picture hook into them. I am not explaining that very well. But they are in the same area in hardware store as the nails and screws and such. Be very careful of Pinterest, it is abdicating. I love going on there and finding ideas, canning recipes, just general recipes for something I want to make for dinner, and so much more. It is a never-ending form of information on everything you can think of. I have to time myself on there or I might be on there all day. Been doing some cleaning and going through papers and getting those filed away. Getting ready to get some of the Christmas gifts wrapped. Need to get started on that now. So much to do and still haven't gotten to my sewing machine to make the curtains for bathroom. It just sits there looking at me. I need to get that done but at the rate I am going it might be after Christmas.
  7. Jeepers, hope you start feeling better soon. You need to find the studs if you can. Then use those plastic things that you put in the wall and then screw the shelf in. Go on Pinterest and type in what you are doing, and it will take to places that show you how to do it. Sometimes it takes you to U Tube for directions. I use it for that all the time. Did you find any ideas for your back yard? There are hundreds of ideas on there. Just type in back yard ideas and it will take you to all those posts. Got dining room cleaned up and dusted today. Garland is now hung over top of the China hutch. So, decorating has now started. Just need to put the Christmas tablecloth on table but it has been packed up the past 4 years so want to wash it first. Still a lot to get done but it is getting there.
  8. Went to bank this morning and off to pay taxes as well. They were due today. Don't know why I waited till the last-minute other than I am getting tired of real estate taxes going up so much every year. Need to move out of this area where the taxes aren't so bad. Suffolk is getting well known for high taxes on everything. Even personal property taxes on our cars went up. I thought that should have deprecated. Nope, not in Suffolk. They get you anyway they can. Going to finish up wrapping the Christmas gifts today. But still waiting on some to come in. Delivery is slow. Just one book for GS and gifts for both DD and DGD. Need to pick up one more gift card and that is finished. Will Pick up around the house and get a few things put away. Otherwise, I will be done for the day. Just a bit on the tired side today.
  9. Thank you, Miki. I never thought about that, and I don't have any Christmas aprons anyway. Could make some for Christmas gifts for next year.
  10. Jeepers, Hope you are feeling better soon. I also have been getting delays on Amazon gifts. It's been crazy. I am waiting another day to wrap GD's and the baby's gifts as some things are still not here yet. So, hopefully tomorrow night I can get those done. Went through all the Christmas tablecloths. A few that was for the old table I had I am thinking about taking to Goodwill. But then I thought about rather I can do some DIY projects with them. So will thank about it before taking them there. I am open for suggestions on that. Sat on couch to go through a few things a fell asleep. I don't do that often but must have been tired. Fixed dinner, cleaned kitchen and here I am. And my hands are freezing and have been all day. Just put on my anthric gloves. They are fingerless so I can type and hope to warm up my hands. That is a lot of canning you got done today, Necie. Wish I had your energy. My energy is tanking again. Thyroid issues, I am sure.
  11. Ambergris, I hope you heal up soon. Bear needs some serious altitude adjustments. She is going to cause you to get seriously hurt and that is a big concern. I hope you can find someone good to train her soon. I am finishing up the decorating in dining room. Living room is on hold till that window is replaced. I am not doing a lot of decorating, so it won't take long to get the small tree up once the window is in. Windows were shipped out today so should have them in about a week. Then someone will come out and get them in for me. Then I will be home free to get a lot more done. Christmas gifts are starting to come in now. So, need to check e mail to see what is left. Don't think it is much more left. Just a couple of things for the baby and the things I got for DD and DGD. Then that is done. Going to start wrapping things hopefully this evening. Need to find my shirt boxes though. I think they are still in the shed.
  12. Jeepers, I PM'd you. It doesn't seem hard to do. I am going to use the older garden area for potatoes and sweet potatoes I also am looking around for a good area for asparagus. those will still be straight into the ground as well as tomatoes. Onions also will be straight into the ground.
  13. That's a lot of deer meat to get done. I think you are going to be very busy for a while. Jeepers both Urban survival and Pinterest has the instructions on how to fill a raised bed. Some are different than others but basically the same. I have it posted on my Pinterest account also. If you want to know my Pinterest account to find it as I have Urban survival pinned to it. Let me know and I will PM you with that.
  14. Amazon never sends anything like they used to even though we pay for next day delivery. Seems these days it's more like you will get it when we get it. Mail is even delivering for Amazon now along with UPS and Fed-X. Yes, I have had Amazon packages delivered by all of those. But at least it is free postage. I guess that counts for something. I cut down a lot of boxes earlier. Now my hands are sore. Going to put them in the shed for my raised bed boxes. I watched on Amazon how they line the bottom of the beds with cardboard to keep the grass and weeds out, then put the weed barrier down. Then they put dead leaves and twigs on top of that. Then the garden soil all the way to the very top of the beds. They have no bottoms; it is just the sides. But they are high up off ground to make it easier to garden. GS told me he is talking with a guy at work that he takes home every night. He and his sister are getting an apartment, and they want him to move in with them to help with rent and utilities. They are going to split the rent and utilities 3 ways. I hope it works out for him because he won't be coming back here this time. He sleeps in car now but comes in to shower, wash clothes and eat. That is not being totally homeless. GD and her DH came over this morning after church. So, I played with the baby a bit. She is getting strong. And yep, still fights sleep but easier now to calm her down. She loves to be bounced up and down. Though after a while your arms will fall off. Need to start wrapping Christmas gifts this week. Have to wait to put the small tree up in living room as the replacement windows will be shipped out tomorrow and then someone will come to put them in. After that I can get the rest of decorating done and clean up the living room. I bought a few organizers for both my bedroom closet and pantry. So, hoping to get started on all of that soon. Then I can finally get the whole house cleaned up and organized like I want. Still going through things and decluttering. But a lot will have to wait till after the holidays and for when it warms up again.
  15. Miki, I just saw where you have another fer baby not doing well. I really hope this pup makes a recovery and does well. It is hard losing our pets to illness and old age.
  16. Miki, I am so sorry to hear about Peanut. I know he is going to be greatly missed as our fur babies are very much a part of our family. I have lost so many dogs and cats both over the years that I can't bring myself to get another dog or cat. So, I just play with the neighbor's dogs. The neighbor that had the cats passed away several years ago and no one around here that I know have has cats now just dogs. So, they are my dogs also. I baby sit one neighbor's dog now and again.
  17. Miki, so sorry about Peanut. And yes, we only have them for a little while. But those times are cherished. and Today took GS and I to go get a haircut. My hair was getting so long I couldn't do anything with it anymore. So cut off 5 inches. Still long but easier to manage. GS chopped his off short again. Yes, he now has eyeballs. Then we went to the grocery store so I could help him shop for lunch type foods to take with him to work. Sat him down to make him understand his paychecks are going into nothing but food. So hopefully I have him set for that. Will see how that goes. But on the bright side, he finally called the social service about his card showing up with nothing on it. They reactivate it. He now has 900 bucks on it because he thought they were sending him a new card. So, I will no longer be buying any food for him. He is set for a long while. With that and teaching him how to shop sells I hope that will last him for months. He's off today and is going to help me with some things around the house shortly. I can't decorate in the living room for Christmas now as I got the e-mail about the 2 windows that I have to replace. They will be shipped out on Dec. 4th, and one is the middle picture window. where the small tree will be sitting. So, I need to have GS help me move a couch table that sits in front of that window out from there so they can get to the window. The other one is in my bedroom. I am going to ask them when they come about the type of storm doors they have. Not replacing those yet but hoping to next year along with gutters and light fixtures on the outside of house. Then hopefully everything will be done. Garage sink needs to be done and they are still working on the well pump. I showed them a picture of what I would like to have if it will work. Both electric and hand pump. So, they are coming up with something that will work for both. I will then be done with the house other than painting the rest of house and redoing the hardwood floors.
  18. They wouldn't take the generic back. She just gave me the name brand. I still have the generic. By law they can't take back medications. I am sitting by the wood stove getting nice an, d toas ty. But my hands are freezing. DD texted and said she's got GS some tee shirts. That was good because it's really getting cold here now. I got him a beanie cap and he spotted it. He wore it to work. The books are hidden. Got him a fleece hoodie, gloves and socks. That should hold him awhile. He needs warm clothes.
  19. Jeepers, playing guitar is fun. Yep, I used to have one and played a little. Never got to take lessons though. I have been thinking about getting one for a few years but never did. But if I do this time, I will be taken lessons. GS is driving me crazy. Now he wants to see the books he wanted for Christmas. I got them but one won't be here till Jan. 9th. It was a preorder. So, I need to get them together and wrapped before he gets home from work tonight. I already gave him the beanie as it has been getting cold now. He wore that to work today. He goes tomorrow for lab work and X-Ray. They think the issue with the arm he broke didn't quite heal right. Doctor thinks the bone is rubbing against the nerve. So, they are going to X-Ray it and then try physical therapy depending on what the X-Ray shows. They want a chest X-Ray also. After that, once the coast guard gets that lab result. They should call him in for boot camp. My raised garden bed items came today. They were heavy. GS put them in the den for now. We will deal with that later. Christmas shopping is finished. Just waiting on the 2 big boxes of diapers to come. I ordered them from Walmart and will be coming by Fed-X. I figured since all my grandkids are grown and 5 are married now, I would do practical things this year. We don't know what next year will bring yet. So, ways to make bread. I couldn't believe my DD when I told her what I was getting the 2 granddaughters. She wanted a bread dough mixer also. So, she's getting one also. My SIL will get the Ninja grill. Grandson in laws, that just doesn't sound right but they are getting grocery store gift cards. The one in Washington is out of work and things are tight for them. And the one here wanted diapers and a Harris Teeter gift card. Well, the baby gets the diapers. But at least he was looking out for the baby. Picked up my RX and didn't look to see what it was. It was my Synthroid. In generic brand. They know I can't take generic, so I had to go back to get the name brand. That is the only one I can't take generic of. It cost me $45.00 and when I went to pick it up, she wouldn't charge me. Saved me some money there. I had checked out the clearance table the first time I went in and hit the jack pot. Saved a small fortune on the floor cleaner I use. Now I need to sit down a wrap gifts.
  20. Heading out shortly to Harris Teeter to pick up prescription. The do a small amount of shopping. Need milk, eggs and a few other things. Then home to go through some things and then clean up a bit. Then I will call it a day and watch some TV or read.
  21. Got the diapers for the baby ordered through Walmart. So, should be here Friday. She's in a size 1 now, so I ordered size 2 and 3. They are the big boxes so that will get her started when the time comes. DD ordered the 1 and 2 size. So DGD is good on diapers for a while. Lots of clothes from both me and DD. So, the sizes we both bought will get her to the start of next winter and now. Yea, only one more gift card to get tomorrow and I am done with Christmas shopping. Only 3 things coming from Amazon and all that will be in. Then a trip to Dollar Tree. Yes, I also buy my wrapping paper and gift bags from the Dollar tree. Never had an issue with them. Wood stove has warmed the house up to a nice comfortable temp. Den a bit warmer as that is where the stove is. But very comfortable. That thing does really good at heating up the house. Still want to get at least 4 more cords of wood ahead of the game. Part of my preps is to get a good stockpile of wood. Tomorrow I will get the small Christmas tree up and finish cleaning living room and dining room. Then work on den to get that done and just a couple of Christmas things on the end tables. The reef is already on the front door. Last night I made a huge casserole for dinner and GS has already eating half of it. Glad he likes it because that is his dinner tonight also. He should be home around 11:30 tonight or so. He will come in to eat, wash up and then to car to bed. Yep, it's working out. New attitude. Just glad he loves cold weather.
  22. Finished up the last of the Christmas shopping almost. Just some diapers and a gift card that will be a local gift card. Needed to get a Safeway gift card for Granddaughter and her DH in Washington. Had to jump through hoops to get that one. But got it done. They are struggling since her DH doesn't have a job yet. Though he does have an interview tomorrow. But the gift card will get them through till things get better. And they are getting the dough mixer as well as they do like to make bread. So, all that should help them. I am trying to be practical with everyone this year and get things they either need or will use. They all want to start making bread and GD in Washington has already started learning to do that with a friend. She is trying to prep as best she can. But now using her food preps she has put up for a rainy day. Broke down and fired up the wood stove. It was 20* last night and 42* today but is now dropping again. Now it is nice and toasty in the house. Shoulder and knee are doing better today. Knee is a bit sore but not hurting. So that's a good thing. Getting ready to go through a couple of boxes to see what I am keeping and what goes to Goodwill. I think when my downsizing is finished. Things will be a lot easier around here.
  23. Maybe one day with all the crazy prepping we have been having to prepare for, we will hopefully be able to look back on all the stuff we have done and have a good laugh. Though I still can't figure out why the TP was the first thing to disappear when covid began. I would have thought food and bottled water would have been the first to dwindle down to slim pickings. So, here we are talking about butt wipes.
  24. Jeepers, they are called coin tissues. I also have a couple of boxes of them. 500 in each box. Meds are the only thing that I am concerned about. I need to go pick one up now. But holding out till Thursday for senior day. Might pick up some cat litter for the 5 gal. buckets for toilets. I have a couple of buckets of cat litter now but had to use some for-oil leak from construction workers trucks and then the over spill from when I had the oil changed in my car. Most medication will go way beyond the expiration dates. Not liquids. It is why I don't buy Advil or Aleve in the gel form. Aspirin you have to watch. If it smells like vinegar, it is no good. I am good on paper plates, bowls, table napkins, Kleenex I could use more. and paper towels. I only use those for bad spills and with canning. I might look around the pantry at foods that I use a lot of. And make a decision later about stocking more of only those items.
  25. OK, I keep hearing we are going to have a huge shortage of food, paper goods and such. Does everyone have their TP. It might be the first to go again. Just saying.
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