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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Getting ready to head out to GD's house for a few hours to help her out. Thanksgiving is at her house. New baby, housework and cooking doesn't always work well. So, I will be keeping the baby while she gets some things ready for Thanksgiving. Then will come home and do some things around house. Called and finally got hold of Anderson windows. Been trying for weeks on end to get hold of them. They are sending my 2 windows that lost the Aragon gas. Will have Anderson put those in but I will have to pay the labor. But at least I don't have to pay a lot to get those done. It's just a pop out old and pop in the new ones. I didn't realize it was 27 years ago since we put in new windows. They need to be washed and I just haven't had time to get that done.
  2. Around here for fishing you need a license. But for seniors you don't. So fishing is almost free. Still need bate. And then only have to replace hooks and things once in a while. My DH made his own sinkers when neighbor gave all his stuff to DH for making the sinkers. I no longer need a license, but GS does. I still have all the fishing equipment. I don't hunt but once in a while I will go fishing on a pier or something.
  3. That looks good Necie. Though I have never had boletes. I just ate some leftovers in fridge for dinner. Need to get those used up. euphrasyne, I have to agree. Buying a chicken already cooked is cheaper than buying one raw. And no, it does not make any since. I used to cook my own rotisserie chicken but now it is cheaper to buy it already cooked.
  4. True it is not all free. For them they just bought ammo as they already had the guns. They processed the meat they caught themselves so no having to pay for someone to process that for them. So basically, from what it cost then to all the rules and regulations they have now, it didn't cost them much to go hunting. I would think now if you owned the property and had to have a license to hunt on your own property now plus all the other things such as special hunting clothes and things it would cost a lot more now. Old days were much different than today. I didn't include the time it takes to process your own meat as to me it was just time and not actual money being spent.
  5. Hopefully this won't come down my way.
  6. The only cost for the hunters in my family was their rifles, shotguns and bullets. They owned the land and didn't need a license. They never wore any hunting clothes either. Just their jeans and flannel shirts. None of them used bow and arrows or any of the other things. So, for my family it was basically free. I don't know if now you have to have a license or not to hunt on your own land or not.
  7. It is true. People that have hunters in the family have lots of free meat for the table. After all of my uncles and Grandfather that was the end of the hunters. I did have one cousin whose father and he hunted all the time, but my cousin passed away suddenly of a heart attack at age 43 and then his father passed 11 months later. That was the end of the hunters in my family. None of my other male cousins hunted. They were all too busy with the type of jobs they had. I am sure when I was little, I ate some of the meat that was hunted but didn't know that was what I ate. So, can't say other than since living here when we had a neighbor living here that hunted. That was when I had bear steak and wild boar. I do remember his wife making dear egg rolls those were good. He got transferred as he was military. He rents the house out as he said he wants to move back here when he retires.
  8. Mt. Rider, Glad that your pastor is able to start preaching again. He seems to have done well considering the strokes. Hopefully as time goes by, he will gain more use of that leg and arm as time goes by. Have a safe trip to VA and back. Praying for all of you Mt. Rider. I slept in a bit later than I wanted. I must have turn off alarm and fell asleep again. Rats. I wanted to get an early start on things. But have gotten a lot done. Off to GD's house tomorrow for a bit. Will be taking care of the baby while she gets things going for Thanksgiving. Then DD will be there on Wednesday to help her with the rest of it. I will be getting the things done I need to take over for Thanksgiving on Wed. Getting ready to go through the rest of the Christmas things to see what else I want to keep and what goes. Will do that in a while. Won't take long as there is not much left. But what do I do with all those empty plastic tubs. Guess I could store them in attic for the time being. I don't want to get rid of them as if I need one, they are now costing a fortune to replace. I will figure it out. I really does feel good to be letting a lot of this stuff go that I will never use again. Only keeping what few items that has a lot of meaning to me. But those I will also use.
  9. Not having Thanksgiving at my house but will be cleaning house tomorrow and starting get things together for Christmas. Wed. I will be cooking a couple of things to take to GD's house. Other than that, it will be an easy Thanksgiving for me. Have a Happy Thanksgiving week everyone.
  10. Got home a bit ago from Church. All was really good. Lots of food and a huge turn out for dinner. I'm tired now and hope I sleep well tonight. Lots to get done tomorrow. Went to store early on and got the sweet potatoes to make the sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving Day. Plus, I need to cook up a pot of green beans. Will get things done for that on Wednesday then just have to cook the potatoes and heat up the green beans to take over to GD's house. Might have to reheat them by the time I get to the house though.
  11. Went to the church Thanksgiving dinner and it was fun. Lots of food and not much left over. Yes, I was good. I stayed away from the deserts. NOT! It was good. I made a green bean casserole to take and that was gone when I went to get my dish before leaving. It's the only time I get to make it as none of the kids will eat it. They just don't know what's well. Now I am tired. Hope I sleep well tonight.
  12. RIP Rosalynn Carter. You have lived a long and productive life.
  13. The kitchen is coming along really nice. I like it. It will be done before you know it. Getting ready to leave for church soon. We are having our Thanksgiving church dinner. I made green bean casserole. So that should do fine. All I could think of on short notice. That's what happens when children and grandchildren take up too much of your time. Missed 3 Sundays and surprise. But I got it done. So, all is good.
  14. Due to thyroid issues, I cannot have soy. Though I will use soy sauce once in a while.
  15. Yep, after a while it all runs together. Guess I better buy a couple more cans of cocoa. I have 2 or 3 now but I do make things with it and not just cocoa to drink.
  16. That recipe is how I used to make hot chocolate. Might make it but substitute the sugar. Chocolate trees sounds like its right up my ally. Just need to learn how to turn it into chocolate bars. Though they might not live around here.
  17. I think at this point in time I will stick to chicken, pork, fish and beef. No one in my family now that hunts. All uncles and grandfather have passed on and they were the hunters. Can't do bugs of any kind.
  18. Church this morning, then came home to let GS in house. Yep, he was asleep in car, and I just left. He survived but was dying for coffee. Will be going back to church tonight for the Thanksgiving dinner. Wow euphrasyne, must be something going on with DD3. Hope she's not stressing over all that is going on in the world today. Kids do not need this type of stress. They need to grow up in a normal world with no war. Nor all the mess going on in the schools these days. Best I can say is to just reassure her as best you can, and I know that is not easy. Don't have the news on when she is around to hear it. That would hopefully help. Can't say that is the reason she keeps waking up but, in this day, and age is hard to say. Just hope it doesn't last long. I am with you on the sand and the beach. I lived here most of my life and never cared for the sand and beach. Give me the mountains any day. I hope you and your DH can retire to the middle of country and find a good bunker. I just want to get out of this rat race and move to the country. A bunker would be a plus though. But would settle for a root cellar and basement. Hopefully your DD3 will snap out of whatever is bothering her. Hope it's not bad dreams. Will keep you both in prayer.
  19. Necie, I can understand being too close to a city and a military base nearby. Wish I had a small farm to go to or even some land away from everything. Far away from a city and military. I'm in a bad situation where I live now. But it is what it is. Bad part is if an EMP does happen I won't be able to get to my daughter's house if the cars don't run and even if I could get it going it could be dangerous trying to get to NC. But would be a chance I would have to take. Sounds like a lot of deer meat for Thanksgiving this year.
  20. My DD won't eat any wild animal. Be it a deer or what. It's just her. Her DH doesn't hunt or fish. So, no wild animals to eat. Where she is at it has been mostly squirrels and opossum. She wouldn't do rabbits because they bred to fast. But she hasn't gotten many of those. If she does, she checks them out and tends to them and then turns them over to someone else that has a place to keep them till ready to be released.
  21. I haven't made hot chocolate in a long while. Being that DH and I were both diabetic, I stopped doing it. That looks so good and great on a nice cold day.
  22. I did the same thing for over 30 years. Worked full time, babysat 5 grandkids, and did Thanksgiving and Christmas. The babysitting was on the weekends. But sometimes I had to take 3 of them to work with me. Playpen and all. Still don't know how I did it. After 30 plus years I turned Thanksgiving over to my DD and still had to cook half the meal to take to her house. It wasn't that she couldn't cook it. The grandkids said my food was much better than hers. That she didn't cook it right. What can I say. They are still like that to this day. And why I am cooking the sweet potato casserole. GD doesn't like how DD makes it. Tasted fine to me. But I will make it just because it's my GD.
  23. I'm with you on the Turkey Dee. I have had bear steak and wild boar. But that's it. My DD has an opossum for a pet. He runs around the house. And is potty trained. He used the doggie pads. She also has a pet squirrel. That one stays in a cage. He can't climb or crack nuts or anything. She is a wildlife rescuer. So that is how she ended up with 2 non release animals. The opossum is friendly and won't bite when you pick him up. We are having both ham and turkey for Thanksgiving. DGD's DH's father is bringing the ham and DGD is cooking the turkey. I get off easy. Just making the sweet potato casserole and green beans. Though I might make something for desert but not sure of what yet. Maybe my lemon pie. That has always been a big hit with the kids.
  24. Thanks for the reminder, Miki. I need to start my 2024 calendar as well. I already have Dr. appointments lined up for first part of next year and need to write them on the new calendar. Easier to keep up with things that way. DGD had an emergency and called me to come over. Baby was screaming and in her little seat. Not a happy camper. She and her DH had just gotten home from store and was bringing in the groceries when her DH played catch with some soda in glass bottles. One got away and he tried to catch it and it cut his hand rather bad. Blood everywhere. So, I grabbed my first aid stuff as I didn't know what GD had and drove 45 minutes to get to her house. Trail of blood all over porch. First thing I thought was yep, stitches. Got in the house and her DH was holding his hand up which was good. Got his hand cleaned up and washed out with peroxide. Yep, he got sick. It could have used a couple of stitches, but he didn't want to go to ER for that. Strei strips are great. Got one of those on the cut and it was in between the fingers. Hard place to put anything. But got that on it and the benzidine ointment and bandaged. Then picked up the baby and got her calmed down and asleep. So hopefully all is good for the night. She said the baby had not been sleeping and yesterday her DH's father came over and he and her DH took turns walking the floor to quiet the baby down while DGD took a nap. The baby will fight sleep. And did not sleep much last night. Hopefully she will sleep tonight. Or at least most of it. I will be going over to GD's house on Tuesday to keep the baby so she can make a cheesecake for Thanksgiving. So, guess I am babysitting at her house on Tuesday so she can get some things done for Thanksgiving dinner. Then Wednesday I will be making the sweet potato casserole and get that put in fridge for Thursday. Not sure what else yet but she wants me to cook up green beans also. That will be fun to take to her house 45 minutes away without it splashing on everything. Guess I will put that in a tall pot to carry over and tie the lid down. Yes, do some crazy things for my grandkids. Even the one that gives me trouble. Coast Guard please hurry up and take him off my hands.
  25. Dee, I have meat in freezer from 2019 I have been using. No freezer burns. I wrap the meat in freezer paper and then use the seal a meal bags. Seems to keep the meat much longer that way. Now I am working on meat from 2020. Need to get the soup made before I run out of beef. I do chicken and pork the same way when I get it ready for freezer.
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