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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Miki, praying for your DH to do well with surgery and it be a fast recovery. Mt. Rider, might be that adult day care would be good for your mom. If not every day at least 2 or 3 times a week. Hopefully she will pull through what's putting down and out like that. Jeepers, passing out. Could have been high blood pressure. Hope they can get you straightened out soon. Wonder if the ear issue could have anything to do with passing out but thinking more along the high blood pressure line. Prayers going out for all of you. These days it's not good to be falling, passing out or anything else. One of those nights I just can't sleep. Don't know why I picked up that habit. Hopefully it won't last long.
  2. I'm not a basketball watcher but do know of him. He was a good coach.
  3. That picture on the left might be your ear drum. But hard to say with that picture. I really hope you don't lose hearing permanently. That could be a lawsuit. Will be moving things out of garage into shed tomorrow. I hate cold weather. But it has to be done. I want my garage back as well as my house. Will have to pull out the Christmas cards before long to get those out of the way. Hard to believe that both Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it. Time flies when your having fun.
  4. Jeepers, when you first said something on here about how rough she was cleaning out your ear and how painful it was, I had that feeling that she perforated your ear drum. Yes, you really do need to see an ENT. Just hope they can fix the issue with no permeant damage. Went through a lot of things in garage. It is cold out there today. I have a lot of things to put in shed in that medal cabinet GS and I put out there. Now I need to make space temporally for GS's stuff from his apartment. Seems his mother told him to bring it all here and she will come down and get it to store in one of her outhouses. So, here I am trying to clear things out of my garage, and she is telling GS to bring his mess here. And nope, I was not asked about this. This is the story of my life. I am just a dumping ground for my family, and it has gotten old. So, I will see how long it takes her to pick it all up and then it will go to a secondhand store. Salvation Army more than likely. And I will give them one week to pick it up before it goes. I will never get my house together at this rate. No wonder I am so tired.
  5. Straighten up the house this morning and will soon be going to garage to work. It's cold today and a bit windy. Hoping I don't have to light the heater out there yet. Will just keep the garage door closed. Still a lot to go through but it is getting to be smaller piles of stuff. Getting down to what do I do with it pile. I think most of it will be a trash pile.
  6. Jeepers, I hope you are doing better now. That was not good. I am hoping you will only have one month left in that hotel. The contractors should be able to get a bathroom and at least some of the kitchen done so you can move back in. That is how it was done in my house during construction. They couldn't start the second bathroom till they finished the master bath. Kitchen wasn't too bad since it was just sink and countertop. I had what I needed to stay there. Not a lot going on this afternoon and now all the little gobbling's are hopefully in bed for school tomorrow. Hopefully no stomach aches.
  7. Jeepers, glad your ear isn't hurting anymore but I wouldn't let that place clean them out again. Miki, glad you are getting your ac/heating unit replaced today. Just in time for the colder weather that's coming. It is cold here now as the temps dropped some and rainy. I gave up on the garage today. Just a gloomy day. So, read a book and just relaxed. I am having fun ignoring my GS though. He's having a nicotine fit. Last night he texted me saying he will wash my car if I buy him 2 packs of cigarettes. Today it is I will wash your car and do one chore if you will by me 2 packs of cigarettes, then he texted again saying he will wash my car and not eat here plus leave me alone till Saturday. I like the leave me alone till Saturday as he is a bit of a pest. But I am not paying $8.50 for a pack of cigarettes. He can roll up a $20 bill and burn it. Two packs plus tax. Nope I don't buy cigarettes for no one. Guess he's out of luck and he still can't come over before tomorrow. Nope, I never texted him back. Ignoring him for a while is good for him. He needs to be thinking about his life and his actions and how it affects others. Jeepers, I do hope you can get things settled with the insurance soon. Your local agent should be fighting this for you. If he or she, doesn't you might think about switching to a new agent in another office. I had to do that when our old agent retired and gave us one all the way out in VA Beach. Nope not traveling that far to get things done. So now I have one right down the street. They just transfer the info to the new one. Went to the pawn shop and no gas cans. I was hoping though. But did find another oil lamp. This one has a handle on it. It's an old one but works fine. GS should be at Michaels for his interview now. I really hope he can at least get this job though it more than likely won't pay as much but will at least pay enough for him to pay his bills. If it's cold and rainy tomorrow I will make the curtains for the bathroom windows. I want to get those up before the really cold weather hits.
  8. Gee thanks, Jeepers, I'll pass on that one. But look on the bright side. We can put chairs under the window outside and stay cool. Can't say much for the house though. Good one Midnightmom.
  9. It is cold here today and trying to rain now. But not too cold. Maybe in 50's. Haven't checked the weather report. Went to doctor's office for the stress test and echocardiogram and they said it was cancelled. No doctor today. They said they called and left a message but nope, no message or nothing. They did have the right phone number. But they did do the echo so that is out of the way and wasn't a total waste of my time. I have to go to the other side of Suffolk for that test. So at least that part was able to get done today. So now have to go back on Nov. 7th. Came home had my coffee and breakfast and will be heading out to the pawn shop shortly. Knee is hurting now, so trying to get that to calm down. Then will start back on cleaning out and going through things in garage. Also, will be checking on my oil for the oil lamps. Might decide to buy some more. Making a list of things I need to get done as well as things I really need for the coming mess this country is in. Might make a trip to Bass Pro Shop at some point. But someone will need to go with me to curb my spending in there. Yeah, great sporting store and lots of nice things. That is more of an I want than I need store. Good thing Leman's doesn't have a store around here. Putting together another Lowe's or Home Depot list also. GS has an interview at Michaels this afternoon. Hope he can at least get that job for now. At least it would be money coming in for him.
  10. Was watching the news for a bit and had to turn it off. Things are really gearing up. between Iseral and Gaza. Not a whole lot said about Russia and Ukraine but around the Black Sea things are looking rough. None of these countries will take this administration serious. So, there is no stopping this. Gov. Glen Youngkin signed a bill giving everyone that filed taxes last year a $200 rebate. Got mine today. Might not be a lot but at least it helps. Don't know if this is just for VA or not. It is state and not Federal.
  11. Wow Jeepers, that is ridiculous what they have put you through. No insurance company should be acting like that. I might need to check around for a new one as well if that is how they are going to be about it. I really hope you can get back into your house next month. Been working on garage all day. Just taking a break. The cold water on sink in garage is leaking. So having to turn that off under sink. It's not bad but I don't want a high-water bill. I am going to start looking at those deep laundry sinks and have the whole thing replaced. It is an old cabinet with a small round bathroom sink in it. It came with the house so past time to replace it. Dumped another trash can of old cleaners that DH had out there. Don't know what most of them were for and then some I used for the old floors that I can't use on the new floors. So, no need to keep them. All trashed. Filling up another box load for Goodwill as well. At least I can find the floor and the sink now. No help from GS today as he should have behaved himself so not allowed back over here till Thursday. And that is if he behaves himself. Guess he will learn not to use file language on me. He will learn one lesson. Don't mess with me. Tomorrow, I go to doctor for stress test and Eco cardiogram. Will be glad when that is over. He wants to find out why my B/p is always high. Hope all goes well. Then it's back home to work in garage again. Moving some things to shed tomorrow. Found more garden things that should be in garden shed.
  12. Washing sheets and towels today. Then will work on garage a bit. Going to be another warm day. So will do what I can outside and in garage while I can. Caught up on most of the housework Friday and some yesterday. Bills are all now paid, so that is out of the way. Miki, I hope your sleep pattern improves soon. I know how that can be. Had one of those nights last night. GS's altitude has kept him away from here till Wednesday and that is only if he lost the altitude by then and if not then he won't be coming back till maybe Saturday. His stove has been fixed and he has food in freezer and fridge, so he won't starve. Though he seems to think if I don't do the cooking he will starve. I am no longer cooking what he likes but what I need to be eating. So, it has been a eat it or starve and get a job. Was up early this morning made coffee and did some Bible reading early. Just trying to get myself awake as I don't think I slept an hour last night. Guess it's just a lot on my mind these days. Jeepers, I hope they pay your hotel room again soon before they lock you out. And I hope that by the end of November they will have a kitchen and bathroom so you can stay at the house. I can't believe State Farm is acting like this. That is what I have and so far, I haven't had any issues but for something like what you are going through, makes me wonder if I also will have those issues down the line. Not to mention anyone else that has them. You shouldn't be having to go through this in the way that you have.
  13. Becca Anne, GS hasn't done the labs yet. He told his mother he was going to, but it has not happened. So will see what he does but he will not continue to keep coming to my house and sit on his butt all day. He is supposed to be working for food and he has been slacking off. So now I am slacking off. Though he did do some yard work the other day but I will end up finishing it up. Glad you got the air conditioners out of windows. Leaves in my yard are just starting to fall. I was reading up on gardening. I had decided not to plant a garden next spring as I really need to get some things done to make gardening easier and fix up a better place for one as well. Would like to find a bigger green house as the one I have will work for next year but is falling apart. It has been well used.
  14. GS texted wanting to come over. Nope, Natta, not happening. It was about 4:30. He asked if I was home and I said no, and he struck an altitude. So now he can't come over till Wed. And then I will have to think about it. Told him flat out I have a life that does not revolve around him. You don't want to know the language he used. I have been resting my knee and it is finally doing better. Advil and heating pad. So did get clothes washed and bills paid. Loaded dishwasher and called it a day. Might sit down and do some reading this evening.
  15. Snowmom, so sorry you went through all of that but hoping it is all behind you now. Glad you are back on here. And praying for much better health.
  16. I remember lots of the faces but can't think of all the names. That was great. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Miki, Coast Guard is still an option if GS see's the doctor to get the labs to see if liver counts are normal. I am sure they are since it was due to mono which he has been over that for a while. He didn't get the job at Best Buy nor the couple of other jobs he said he applied for. Not sure what is up with that. I feel he is either lying about looking and applying for jobs or they just won't hire him. But I hope he gets his act together soon. He's not allowed over here all weekend and I am adding both Monday and Tuesday to that. Spent the day at GD's house today. The baby is now starting to hold her head up really well. I held her a lot today. She took her nap on my shoulder. GD, DD and I all walked to the huge market they have down the road from GD. They had a lot of tents and things up. It was so much that we couldn't see all of it with so many people there. The baby loves riding in the stroller. She fell asleep for a while. And don't stop the stroller from moving, she starts getting cranky. She likes to ride. DD is here till Tuesday and will be coming to house before leaving. SIL had to work so he came in late and went to check on his parents before heading to GD's house. Overall, it has been a very relaxing and fun day.
  18. Necie, the baby is so cute. I know you are glad to finally get to hold that child. They grow up so fast. Was talking with one of my neighbor's today and she babysits her granddaughter. She was just a tiny thing and now she is a year old and walking everywhere. GS wouldn't go home till almost 8 pm. Told him I'm going to bed, and he best be heading out. I really think he is testing me to see if I will let him stay here again. Nope not happening again. He has really dug himself a deep hole this time. Not looking for a job or anything now. So, no money, nowhere to live, and no food unless I continue to have him work for food here. But that will end when everything is done and right now, I am not trusting him enough to know rather he is testing me or not. He's not working has hard as he was so time to push him off for a while. Told him I will not be here this weekend. So, he will have to figure it out. He has food in the apartment, so he best be using it. He got his stove fixed. I'm going tomorrow to GD's house to see the new baby. Baby needs lots of hugs from her GGM.
  19. Thank you Jeepers, I checked, and no one is blocked. Don't know how that popped up but I really thought I blocked MidnightMom. Don't want to do that for anyone.
  20. Midnight mom something popped up on screen saying to ignore and I think it meant to ignore you. I hope I didn't do that. If so, I hope someone can fix it. I don't want to ignore anyone. Whatever that was that popped up. So don't know if I hit something or not.
  21. My dilemma is that my endo doctor wants me to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning which is not going to happen. And my new heart doctor said do not eat bacon at all. So, which is it? Can't have it both ways. So, cutting down on bacon which I don't eat every morning anyway and I haven't eating at all this whole week. But I will figure it out. I like that recipe also. And I love cabbage but have never canned it either. Might be something that would be worth a try.
  22. Inspection went well. But now I need to gather some info for the loan to give to the loan officer. Just not into getting that all together right now. Will work on it this evening. My yard man came and cut grass today also. So, we talked about him taking over the yard full time. It is just more work than I can handle right now, and I just can't haul mulch with my neck and hands any longer. He is going to give me a quote later on all of that. But right now, he is getting ready for a hunting trip in the mountains with his buddies. So that is fine. Jeepers when all is said and done the only bill, I will have will be my health insurance, life insurance, utilities and car insurance, etc. So, it will be just the house payment which I will be working on getting that paid off as fast as I can. This loan will give me flexibility that I haven't had in a couple of years. I will no longer use the charge cards even though I can get cash back on one of them. I am now going to try hard to go cash only from now on. I haven't made enough cash back on my one card to make it worth it as they changed how they do that, and the other two cards are just points to buy things that cost more than I can just buy outright. I don't see a new car in my future at this point in time. So hopefully all will be good there. Though I did forget about the Amazon Prime which I do order from there once in a while but if I order I will put a cap on what I spend. And yes, it too will get paid off when bill comes in. But I am working on no cards if possible. I still want an upright freezer and still thinking along those lines.
  23. I can definitely say you will love the new generator. It does come in handy. I have never used the CBD gummies nor the THC oils. I have heard of them but that's about it. Praying for safe travels Necie. I am hoping next spring to get a new fire pit. I wore my old one slam out. Yep, the bottom finally rusted out. And that was with a cover on it. But then I had it for 15 years or more. So, it was a good. one. The home inspector will be here at 1:00. Hope it is quick and she is out fast. Just some pictures and that is it and the loan should be done. I will be putting half the money in another account for emergency only then the rest I will be using to either repair some things around here and maybe some other things I need done. New outside lights are a must as those are so old, they have rusted to a point I can't get into them to change a light bulb. So new outside lights all the way around. I am thinking about an electrician to change out some garage outlets as those are as old as the house and when they found 3 cracked ones in the house, I want them all checked out. Might have electrical run to the one shed I store things in. The garden one is fine with no electric. Also want a couple of outlets on the outside of house. I want to put a small window air conditioner in the one shed. I hope I am not making a mistake on the home equity loan. But it pays off all my credit cards, taxes, and anything else I have. GS did put me in a bad spot trying to help him, but he is now on a sink or swim situation. I told him I am not paying anymore of his bills. So, he best be looking really hard for a new job and to keep his temper out of the workplace. Do not talk to anyone about your religion, politics or anything else. Only talk if. it has something to do with the job. Maybe if he will listen this time he can hold on to a job. After the inspector leaves, I am going to start back on cleaning out garage again. I want to get that finished while the weather during day is still in 70's. Then hoping to at least start cleaning out the one shed or maybe part of it. Gave the house a good cleaning yesterday. And just straightened up this morning. So, all is ready for inspection now.
  24. I always check my cans like that to make sure they are ok. The chicken I can is all breast meat, no skin or anything. So, there is no fat residue in the jars. It comes out looking a bit like the canned chicken you buy in the store. I do have some but very little of the fat so that does not bother me. And now I am wanting some cabbage and corn beef for dinner. Not happening tonight though. This is left over night.
  25. Mt. Rider, jeepers is right. I didn't think about it getting dark earlier now. It is starting to get dark here about 6:30 now. That could very well be a lot of the issue with your mom. Got both bathrooms cleaned today and floors mopped. Kitchen is clean and GS moved things in garage we had all over the place going through it out the way for the attic steps to be pulled down. I will be glad when they are done and out of here. I really don't believe this lady is going up into an attic nor under the house. It's my house and I won't go under the crawl space. All I can say is good luck with that. And yes, the attic is a hot mess as well. Next thing on the list to get dumped. Was going to do that this past summer but was way too hot to go up there. So that is on my winter list. Once I get the attic emptied, I will be backing the car up to garage door and putting a lot more stuff in there for Goodwill. I really wish the Salvation Army was close by or even CHKD but that is just too far to go with the amount of things I am getting rid of.
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