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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Went to the cookie exchange at pastor's house this morning. It was so much fun. I really needed that as our church hasn't done anything like this before. But this is a new pastor, and his wife is so down to earth. You can tell they are from the country. Then when I got back to my end of town, I went to 3 of the specialty shops around where I live. One of the stores, the Knot Hole, gave me a poinsetta plant and also a $30.00 figurine. It's a bear. They are selling a collection of them and these that they are giving away are from the 90's. But that doesn't matter, it's cute and free. Left there and went to the other two places to pick up a few Christmas gifts. So now to get gifts wrapped next week. Church tomorrow then home to clean up and finish decorating house. Not doing much but need to get it finished.
  2. I haven't tried to cook rice on wood stove yet. But want to try it. I am thinking of using my small cast iron pot with the lid. I will set that on a cast iron trivet so it won't burn. My wood stove is nothing more than a wood stove for heating house but has a flat surface that I can cook on. I have only cooked chicken and biscuits on it so far.
  3. Thank you Annarchy for the info about the Arizona. I did not know that. And I thank your father and your uncle for their service. They sacrificed a lot for this country. They all deserve to be recognized for their bravery and sacrifice.
  4. Forgot that Friday is GS's day off. So got cookies made and hidden before he gets up. Yes, he is still sleeping. Dinner is in crock pot so he can eat when he gets up. Got a bit of reading done but was too cold for me to walk the neighborhood. Just can't handle the cold for that long. When GS came home in middle of night with a turkey before Thanksgiving, he knocked off a support bar for the icemaker and a drawer that was beside that. Seems freezer was not closing at the bottom, so I had to empty the freezer into cooler and defrost a self-frost freezer. Door was not closing at the bottom and so ice built up. Got the support bar back on and got freezer defrosted. So just have to get food back into the freezer. But at least the worse of that is done. It is cold in that garage. Been a slow day today. Just not in mood to do much today. Tired again.
  5. Miki, glad you are starting to do better now. Jeepers I hope you are doing better with that cold now. Taken it easy today. Will be baking cookies this evening after GS goes to work. If I bake them now, he will be in here eating them. Will hide them before he gets home in middle of night as he will also eat them then. he doesn't stop with one. He would eat the whole 2 doz. at one time. These I am baking for the cookie exchange at the pastor's house tomorrow. Will make GS some goodies after I get home on Sat. I think going out yesterday just wore me out. For some reason when I go out shopping for half a day, I start getting really tired. Guess not being able to get out over past 2 or 3 years got me out of the habit and it just tires me out easier these days. Will be doing some reading in a bit and then will walk the neighborhood as it starts warming up a bit.
  6. I used to have an electric rice cooker. When it quit working, I went back to cooking my rice on the stove. Not wood stove but on my natural gas stove. I have been thinking about trying it on the wood stove, but the pan will be sitting on a cast iron trivet, so it won't be directly on stove. You do have to keep an eye on it as it will be done in about 15 to 20 minutes depending on how much you are cooking.
  7. Miki, I can see why you had a hard time getting up and moving around this morning. You were busy. Looks good. Have dinner in oven for GS tonight. Went to the Hallmark store this morning as I needed to buy a card and an ornament for Sat. for the cookie exchange. No time to make anything and all the craft stuff is still packed up till GS has moved out. Have furniture for him that is in way of getting my craft stuff together right now. He is looking into renting a small house as he has found some that are cheaper than renting an apt. He just needs to call owners and check them out. Got a couple more Christmas gifts off my list while I was out so almost done with that. Then went to Food Lion to pick up a couple of things. Was out of bread and milk. Will pick up RX's at Harris Teeter Thursday and fill in my holes in pantry. It's not much so not much of a shopping trip. Unpacked a couple more boxes and got the hooks up on bathroom door for robe. Can't do much with a cracker box bathroom but it is what it is. Though much better since the remodel.
  8. Welcome to the forum Debbiere. My house is brick, but I have seen houses, and most were farmhouses that were white with yellow trim, or they were painted yellow with white trim. There are many different shades of yellow so would have to see which one you like best. Also, you can go online to paint colors for outside paint to see which ones you like the best. I have seen some houses that were green with white trim and some blue with white trim.
  9. Jeepers, we used to be on septic system before city forced us on to city sewage. I would put Rid-X once a month down the toilet closet to where the tank was buried which was and still is just outside of the main bathroom. I really helps to keep things running. Just make sure you are using toilet paper that is safe for septic tanks and any toilet bowl cleaners that are also safe for septic tanks. I think most of those are ok if I remember right. If it is raining then yes don't do too much of washing clothes, etc. We only had to empty our tank once over a 20-year period. so that wasn't bad. I never had a problem with washing 3 or 4 loads of clothes in a day if it was not raining but it also depends on how large your holding tank is. The only other issue we had was the cement top to the septic tank deteriorated over many years and DH had to dig it up and rebuilt a new top and that fixed that issue. Annarchy, that was great that you and that little boy got to spend time together playing chess. I know he will always remember that. Hopefully you will have a chance to do it again. Today, had an easy day. Gave coffee maker a good cleaning, and got kitchen cleaned up again from GS's middle of the night dinner mess. He doesn't always clean up behind him and last night was one of those nights. Washed clothes and got them all put away. Then cleaned out the wood stove to be ready for the next cold spell. Was too warm for a fire today, so was good time to clean it out. Did a bit of pantry inventory as I need to go pick up RX at the Harris Teeter and need to pick up a couple of things. But waiting till Thursday to go as it is senior day. We get a discount on groceries on that day.
  10. You are right it does not protect you from the sites you visit, it just doesn't supposedly keep track of where you go online. But I question that as well. Don't really think any search engine is that safe any longer.
  11. I agree with this all the way. As I am learning more now that we are being watched on social media, our e-mails, and our text messages on our cell phones and what we go to on google as well. Though I have been using duck duck go for a long time. I am sure what sites I go to are being followed. So, I to have decided not to post pictures of my pantry and a few other things. Though there are other pictures I will post as soon as I get my computer pictures back where they belong. Still figuring out how to do that. I understand now that even UPS and FED EX now are keeping tabs on anyone ordering ammo and things of that nature coming through the mail. So, with that said, yes, we need to start being more careful.
  12. Joyfield with prices like they are and just keep going up and getting harder to find what you want. I figure making gifts is the way to go. I am thinking that might be one day the only way to have gift giving. I have 3 neighbors that we exchange gifts each year and this year I bought 2 bread pans that have a Christmas scene imprinted in them. So, I am going to make cakes using those for the neighbors. The imprint of the Christmas scene will come out on the cakes.
  13. Becca Anne, my DH had asthma really bad all his life. When he worked outside in garden and doing some of the yard work, he wore a mask. It did help. Maybe trying that next time will help you as well. Asthma attacks are no picnic. EmeraldCat, glad you found a church. I know you will enjoy it. And glad your procedure went well despite the anesthesia issues. I know how that is. Doctors need to lesson to what we tell them and act on that. I am trying hard to get back into doing church stuff again. I used to be very active in the food ministry before covid and before DH took really sick. And I had to give it up to take care of him. He also was very much involved in the food ministry. We both enjoyed it. Then when covid shut down the churches we had no church for a year. though they did start where you could stay in your car in parking lot and hear the pastor preach. Wasn't the same but then DH got worse, and we weren't able to go for that any longer. Then in 2021 things took a turn for the worst and when church did finally open back up later in year, I just couldn't get myself going again. I am trying to get back into going again regular again. Just need to get active again in church. Working on that now. We have a new pastor for the first time in a few years. He is really good. And does a lot of things that our church hasn't done in many years. For the first time ever, we are going to have cookie exchange at the pastor's house. So, need to bake up 2 dozen cookies and buy an ornament for exchange. I am so going to go. It is this Saturday coming up. A lot is now being done for the youth as well as nothing has been happening for them since our youth pastor retired do to health issues. So glad to see that happening again. Hoping it will draw more youth into the church. Then on the 18th we are having our Christmas breakfast for the first time in 2 years. Thank you covid for trying to destroy the churches from doing a lot of things we used to do. But it isn't stopping us now. We are getting back on track again and now even better. I hate driving at night to church as nothing but woods on both sides of street further down from where I live, and it is a long stretch with no streetlights, houses or anything. But I am going to the Christmas Eve service on the 24th anyway. I will get past the dark area of road. I would like to go to the Christmas morning service, but kids are coming in from out of town so won't be able to make that one. So, for the rest of this month, I am just going to concentrate on Christmas and not prepping for hard times. I think sometimes it is best to just take a step back and relax for a while. I will concentrate on prepping after the 1st of year again. I just need a break from everything that has been going on in my life as the past 3 years have not been easy on me. So, Concentrating on Christmas and the celebration of our Lord. And much more Bible reading as well.
  14. Miki, those cranberries look great. Wonder if I could do that with pomegranates. I have a pomegranate bush that I haven't done anything other than to pick one off and eat the fruit. If I could do that with the pomegranate that would be great. I love pomegranate juice.
  15. Didn't get as much done as I hoped today. My left arm decided to start hurting if I move it. Can't even hold anything with that hand. Don't know what I did but it hurts from below elbow to wrist with tingling in hand. I just hope it's not coming from my neck. Don't want surgery again. Jeepers, so sorry to hear about your son's pups. I know your GS is devastated as well as your son and DIL. Seems like if something is going to happen it is always around a holiday. I hate that. But it is not in our control. I know you want to head that way, but with package pirate's you never know. I am just not into Christmas again this year. Glad it is only DD and SIL and DGS. I'm just tired and can't seem to get it all together. House is coming along and getting things put away again. But it is starting to play on me. No energy. Not going to do a lot of decorating this year. Did the small tree and got wreath on door. Will do a few other things and call it a day. Need to decide what to do for Christmas dinner. Kids all said they just want sandwiches and not a meal. I'm used to fixing a meal at Christmas every year, so need to figure something out. Maybe ham biscuits, and turkey sandwiches and shrimp for GS. Not sure what else yet. Need to get on the ball. Christmas is coming fast.
  16. WE2 glad to see you back posting. Seems you have been pretty busy. And a new kitty as well. Fixed dinner and cleaned up then started on doing Christmas cards. My hands gave out but did get almost half done. Our Church hands out Christmas cards to each other. We don't mail them as we have a box with the alphabet on the cubbies to make it easier to put in boxes that way and everyone just picks up their cards. Then I have the ones I mail out to family and friends outside of Church. Lots of writing.
  17. I'm guilty. I have bookcases full of books, and boxes of books in both attic and shed. I will be going through all of those hopefully early spring. I did take a cartload of cookbooks I never used to Good Will. Not sure about the others till I can go through them. I still have all my medical books from nursing school. Might need to hang on to those. They are packed up in shed also. If I bring all those books back into house my house WILL become a huge box of books. and that is without all the cookbooks.
  18. Mother Glad you were able to find out about your friends and that they are doing ok. Hope the damage wasn't too bad and can be taken care of fast
  19. When I have time to sit down and work on my pictures to get them too here. I will post pictures. Computer keeps saying no room for anymore pictures but found out somehow my pictures were moved into One drive. I don't know how they got there but that is why I can't drag pictures to here. Will get that straigt when I have more time. Joyfield, I am hoping to be able to make all my Christmas gifts next year. These past 3 to 4 years have just been a struggle for me and then with construction on top of that I think I am just overwhelmed.
  20. Yes, prayers needed for all those areas with bad weather. I didn't know all this was going on as it wasn't on my local news. Praying that no more really bad weather like that hits again. It is so hard on people that have been hit by all these storms that pass through. So much damage also.
  21. The biscuits turned out really good. I did buttermilk biscuits. Only thing is I thought it was going to turn cold again and instead I woke to 60* weather. So fired the stove up anyway. Yep, I had to open the doors and turn on all the fans. It got rather hot in house. That stove will heat the whole house for sure. I love it but need some colder weather before I fire it up again.
  22. Jeepers I agree with you on the old age. I am 72 with health issues and my hands are not helping any. I have 15lbs. of potatoes to peel and can. Canning is not the issues but peeling those potatoes is going to kill my hands. I also have 5lbs. of sweet potatoes to peel and can. My hands will be done for sure. Arthritis has really played on my hands and pushing me toward that joint replacement in hands. Not looking forward to that. Going to start getting back into trying new things after the holidays as right now I just don't have the time to start new things. But have a list of things I want to learn for after the 1st of year. It should be fun. I have some wax now that I want to make candles with. Also want to try out my olive oil lamps to see how they will smell. I don't care for the smell of olive oil, but I use it in cooking a lot.
  23. Jeepers I have several keys that are sticking bad. This is an old computer. Mine are mostly the numbers. Mt. Rider. for you and your DH. Seems you just can't get a break. When you see the doctor next time maybe should be tested for ALS also. I know it is the MS that is causing your issues but some of what you describe makes me wonder if more is going on. I pray that it is nothing else happening. But it is taking you a long time to recover and get back to a more normal state. Yes, we worry about you. Hoping your DH is doing much better now. Miki hoping your feet are doing better now also. Getting things together to start writing Christmas cards this evening. Finishing up on the reef for door also. Getting some more boxes emptied and out of the way. My garage is a nightmare. Need to get all the boxes broken down and recycled before next Thursday when recycle picks up. Just going through things and getting them off counters and tables and put where they belong. Otherwise, I am taking it easy as my hands and lower back are killing me today. Think I overdid the heavy lifting yesterday. Would have DGS helping with that but he sleeps during day and works nights so not a lot of help and I didn't want to wait till his day off on Sat. Needed to get it all done. But I am paying that price. Heating pad is my friend.
  24. Weather turning cold again. So, will be lighting my stove up early in morning. Going to get those biscuits made in morning after the fire gets going and top of stove gets hot.
  25. EmeraldCat Late on this but hope all went well with your procedure. Miki, when I was having a lot of issues with my feet, I ordered my shoes from Orthofeet. It's online shoe store and they specialize in foot issues. They have special insoles that are great for painful feet. I have ordered from them a few times and never had an issue. you might have some luck there. They are not the cheapest but well worth the price. Didn't get to do things I wanted too today. Washed clothes and deep cleaned kitchen. Got all the clothes put away and then sorted through my canning lids and things. Got all those put away and out of dining room. Got Christmas cards out and sitting on dining room table to write out cards and get in mail. I also took a short nap today and I don't usually do that. So, thyroid must be a bit off again. Starting to turn cold again. So, wood stove will be going again. Paid bills also. Done for the day. I am still tired this evening. GD in Washington state said they are getting snow. Her DH in military and they let them go home early due to snow amounts. She said it was coming down hard and fast.
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