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Thursday Morning - and it ain't good here!

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We m ay get snow too. It's much colder here than it has been. We usually get one more good blowing snow after it starts to rain here. And it's usually around Easter LOL. Power outages are common. I wonder how to cook a ham on a camp stove LOL.




I got the freezer done last night. It doesn't need defrosting yet, so I will wait until the first cold days of fall to do that, so I can put the frozen food outside. DH says I can't buy any more chicken for awhile LOL. We have lots. With the freezer re-organized I have about 1/4 of it left to fill. I told DH "It costs less to run when full!" so that I can buy some hams on sale LOL.


Today is just basic chores, along with hard boiling some eggs for coloring.


I told DH last night I want to move. I am so sick of living here. Someone maced the neighbor's dog last week-when he's tied on a chain and can't really run away. They said his dog house reeked of it, so it sounds like he ran into the dog house to get away they maced him in there. That is just cruel. Now, mind you, this dog is annoying as heck. He barks at NOTHING. If he's outside, he's barking. However, to do that is just downright mean. They think it was the neighbors on the other side who did it.


Add to that, that they can't find anything wrong with the washer drain pipe (not sure what it's called, but the house pipe that you put your washer drain tube into), yet it still won't drain, so I can't use my washer, and now the pipes from the tub are leaking into my bed room, but the maintenance guy doesn't think it's a serious problem so he won't come down to fix them until next week (Friday is a holiday, and that's his normal day to come, and he doesn't want to drive down any other day this week).


So DH is in agreement that we should move, but he needs to either have another job or be permanent at the post office before we do so. His last two checks were tiny, because he's been working half days and split shifts. So I"m concerned that if we do move, it will probably be more expensive than here, and his checks just wont support that. Fortunately, I am able to do a bit more work now. That will help.


Anyway, I'm not really complaining. AT least we have a roof over our heads. I just hate being dependent on other people to fix stuff. The maintenance guy knows my DH is capable of fixing most things, and told us to fix what we could here, but he can't do major stuff like fixing the pipes in the bathroom-he could'nt find the leak so it's likely high up in the pipes which means cutting into the wall. Don't think they want us to do that LOL.


OK, off to post in the kitchen!



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goodmorningrainandsun.gif Mike and everyone else. smile


Well, it is only 2 degrees here this morning and the wind chill this morning is -11 with our high only to reach 25 today.


Yes, our SPRING3.gif seems to have gone back to the frozen but we do have to remember it is only April now. There have been times we have gotten a lot of snow after this even. frown Not that I want to think of that, but we have. I think you are getting what we got the other day, but you will probably not get as much though.


How about some breakfast to warm you up some. smile


We will start off with COFFEEBLUECUP.gifbest_hot_chocolate_01.jpg and TEAINGLASSCUP.jpg. Then add the bacon.jpgScrambledEggs.jpgfruit.jpgWAFFLES1.jpg and pancakes1.jpg .


Not sure what I will get done today, but should do at least one load of laundry . I would love to get down and start working on some sewing too, but time will tell. smile


You all take care and haveniceday . th6dee1705-2.gif


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Morning. It is 53 degrees here....supposed to warm up to 83. We've had lots of cloud cover and it's holding the heat in. Yesterday was miserable! frown It is creating stagnant air that gives you a headache if you're out in it too long. Hopefully we'll get a delta breeze today.

I have my yearly teacher evaluation today and I can't believe I'm nervous about it. I have done so many of these...but, there is just something about having someone come in and watch everything you're doing that stresses me out. Plus, I was just told that my aide had to get pulled to teach in another room and I will have a sub. Hopefully the director will give me some slack....

I hope the snow melts fast for all of you with it and the sun comes out and warms everything up...have a nice day!


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Afternoon all. It's sunny here which is so nice!!! Makes me feel like spring is here BUT then I step outdoors and it's 20 degrees and windy. Ah well, the suns out so I know there's hope!!!


Have a great one!!!

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We had a little bit of snow this morning but it's all melting now. Lots of mud in it's place. I had typing to do until about 10:30 this morning, then we went to the library book sale and now home having lunch and getting ready to clean. DH was given a really nice weight bench and weight set so we have to make room for it. It's huge and we're going to clear out the play room and make it our workout room :woot: We need to get rid of some more toys anyway :cool1:


Well, better go and take a look around before I get busy with all the dustingvacuuming and cooking.


Have a great afternoon!

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Hi all!


I am not posting much at the moment - meant to be doing assignments frown


Oh well I will get them done - but that means no break for me over Easter.



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