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That one little bad habit....


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Ok, confession time. I'll even go first. blush


What's that one nasty little habit that's bad for you, expensive or both you just can't (or don't want to, my case) give up?

Mine's smoking. busted I don't smoke a lot or even every week, but a couple of times a month a few friends and I get together at the house and have a few beers and every time I do I have to have cigarettes too. The only other time I will smoke at all is when something is really going on and I'm under immediate intense stress.


I know it's not good for me and it's nasty, expensive and all the other baddies but I've just never really cared to quit. My total is a pack or less a month. I told my doctor about both the beer and the cigs. He wasn't crazy about the cigs. but didn't give me a sermon. He said the beers were fine as I don't drive anyway and as long as I keep the amount to 4-5 occasionally, no more and NOT often, it was actually good to get out and relax.


So, what's your little indulgence?

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Mine is apparently pictures. I cant take enough of them and I cant even wait the 3 days for them to send them out.. I have to do it one hour photo. I know.. Im pathetic. But alas. Im without a decent camera at the moment (not really fond of digital but I have one of those) so my picture taking has been put to rest. Gotta find a new habit! LOL

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But not any old coffee. Oh no. That isn't strong enough for me anymore.


I have to be hooked on buying fresh roasted beans with various origins and flavors.


I take them home by 2 pound lots, gloating as my car gets that lovely smell to it.


I grind the beans fresh for my morning pot and stand there groggily as the nectar brews.


I cradle the cup in my hands as I sit in front of the TV, trying to make sense of the 10 minute news loop. I start to follow the plot after about 1 1/2 loop and most of one 16 oz, mug.


I'm trying to keep it to a one pot a day habit. Wish me luck!

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LOL @ Debbie!


Mine is fast food. I hate the stuff but I crave it. It's like a drug to me. Love/hate relationship. It's that tang of mustard, catchup, pickles and onions that has me hooked.


I've been known to go to McDonalds drive-thru and order 4 hamburgers, get them home and rip out the meat and throw it away. Then eat that tangy mustard, catchup, pickle and onion sandwich. awwman


Yes, I too am one sick puppy.

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Do not drink alcohol, gamble, smoke anything,don't like coffee, or even curse(much)----But I am guilty of looking at pretty ladies(and even some slightly comely) with a "wishful eye". Have been working on curbing things for over fifty years--Think I am getting a handle on it now--lol, wc

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rofl -06. I think as long as all you do is look you'll be ok. I've heard the only man that doesn't look a women is a blind man. My DH is the sweetest, gentlest man I've ever known and even he might spare an eye occasionally for the ladies. LOL
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In winter, I drink prodigious amounts of coffee, as something warm is soooooo good, and the lack of daylight makes me want it MORE, especially when I have to work. Desk jockey work is not the most exciting, and coffee helps keep me ... perky - pun intended! I drink coffee all year, but much more in winter.





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I am happy to say that I just quit one bad habit.. I quit smoking just before Christmas.. And hubby quit New Years Eve. So on to the next one???? Give up My Mountain Dew? I just don't have the heart.. It's like an old friend.

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Congratulations Buttercup! Good for you and hubby too.


I "think" I could give up my smoking if I really wanted to but...

I haven't had one since last Sat. and probably won't for another week or so.


I COULD NOT give up my coffee. At least not and have any survivors. LOL I drink 2 32oz (yes 32) cups every morning and all thruout the day when the weather is like this. In the summer it's a gallon of unsweet iced tea. I'm NOT addicted tho....LOL

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Was safety officer for our VFD for awhile and did monthly "speechs". One series dealt with personal health/etc. Seems that the caffene in 70 cups of coffee is a lethal dose. Concentrated colas have to have hazardous labels on the shipping containers.

I know, I am like the preacher who has started "meddling" in affairs so I will shut up before you ladies tar and feather me. Later on, wc

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Buying guns ;-) I can think of lots of things I'll give up before I give up my dark roast in the morning. I didn't even drink coffee until I was in my 40's but now it's part of my daily treat. Seaport dark roast. Maybe the best dark roast coffee ever ground commercially (yep, PCS, better than Community).

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