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What can be used as an alternative to antiseptic mouthwash?


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Salt water is probably the easiest to use as a substitute and is actually reccomended by dentist to heal exstraction sites.


Thyme tea would be one alternative that is easily grown. IT is high in antibacterial properties. Actually, several of the herbs have antibacterial properties and would work equally well for freshness also.


If you are looking for something anti-plaque, thorough brushing is a great substitute along with watching the sugar laden foods.



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Thank you.


I was just looking for something to replace a thing like Listerine.


Cavities aren't really the problem, four kids seventeen and under have only one cavity between them because I am a maniac about toothbrushing.


I've been listening to the US radio stations (I LOVE the Internet) and CNN has ads for 'rinsing under the stars' with some kind of mouthwash that kills the bad bacterias that eat teeth, and I was wondering if I could duplicate it at home.

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Eating an apple does your teeth as much good as most mouthwashes. Eating hard cheese also makes the mouth less hospitable to tooth-eating bacteria. Flossing does more good.


Thyme tea is a good, home-grown antibacterial mouthwash. We use peroxide because I have an absolute genius for killing thyme plants.

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I've rinsed with peroxide when I got a small infection in the gum back by my wisdom tooth. Rather than go to the dentist and get lectured about not having my wisdom teeth out, I rinsed 4 times a day with straight hydrogen peroxide for about 5 days and it cleared right up. They sell a peroxide rinse specifically for oral care that is mint flavored but I'm too cheap. It's almost $8.00 a bottle here.

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My dentist said salt water. He rinses with it himself, and he agrees that some of the older remedies are still the best. It fights infection well accoding to him.


It's a lot cheaper too than store bought stuff!

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Most people (at least in America, with our flouridated city water & frequent flouride treatments from the dentist) have more trouble with their gum health than the actual teeth. My dh lost a perfectly healthy tooth because his gum had rotted out. In that case, flossing is our best friend.

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