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I am terrified about the recent economic events. Dh is a "sheeple". He believes in "stocking up" because of a good deal, or a hard winter, but not for a SHTF situation. He doesn't believe it is going to happen and took it personally when I tried to major prep (he thought I was saying he wasn't a good provider). So do what a can, under the radar...so to speak.


Anyway, we leave tomorrow for a 16 day vacation to FL. We planned this for months, scrimped and saved, planned and prayed. We are ready to leave. I am not the least little bit worried about the trip....I love to travel, but I am scared about what is going to happen when we come home. While I am out having a good time, what is going to happen to our world? Dh has a fairly stable job, we have at least 3months of food in the house. We could go to "bare bones" if necessary and are trying to get out of debt. We are trying to do everything right, but what if that isn't enough? And I feel guilty for going on this trip.....we could use that money to buy food, prepay utilities, put up in savings, pay down debt....etc. I want to be carefree (for maybe the last time) and not worry about all this economy stuff. Is that possible, do you think?


I don't know why I am rambling on. I guess that I just needed someone to talk to.....someone to understand the significance of the situation and I don't know.....I know you guys can't (and probably won't) tell me it will be ok.....but can't the world just straighten up for 16 days?????




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Carie, please try to just enjoy the trip and face whatever you have to when you get home. It may just be more of the same that we are having now, and maybe the trip will help you deal with that. As the old song goes, whatever will be will be, the future' not ours to see...

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Thank you Virginia. I took my fears to the Lord and he gave me Psalm 24. My fears seem to be calmed. I think that my anxiety right now may be increased by my "monthly friend". I have done what I can for now and I just have to give it to God and trust that he and my husband will take care of things.

Thank you for the encouragement!



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MomM, when we took out last big trip....3 years ago, we made wonderful memories. I can't wait to make some more! We will be traveling through TN, actually from one end (Dover) to the other (Chattanooga) before heading into TN. We have family in Wicliffe, KY, Dover TN and Manchester TN.



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Carie.. is there any one, single, itty-bitty thing you can do to help "things" in the rest of the world right now?




There are times when what you have planned is *just* the right thing to do.


When you have done the best you can do, just *stand*. You have stood in as your family's best preparation for your future. You've done your best.


Enjoy your trip, and be happy you have places to go, and family to visit. Life has no guarantees of tomorrow, anyway.



And we'll have *lots* for you to read when you get back... wink








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The laptop is going with me and I am sure I will be checking in! I couldn't go 16 days without all of you! But it will definately be sporadic. You (and God) have eased my fears. I am ready to go!

Now, I am off to bed!



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Originally Posted By: Carie
I am terrified about the recent economic events. Dh is a "sheeple". He believes in "stocking up" because of a good deal, or a hard winter, but not for a SHTF situation. He doesn't believe it is going to happen and took it personally when I tried to major prep (he thought I was saying he wasn't a good provider). So do what a can, under the radar...so to speak.

If it makes you feel better, you're not the only one with a DGI DH. I have one, too.


Enjoy your vacation with your family.

FWIW, I know things are bad, I think they're going to get worse (A LOT worse) but I really think the PTB (powers that be) will do everything they can to keep everything going until after the election.

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Another way to look at a trip to see family and friends.....you can be checking out your Bug-Out locations and routes ....or plotting routes for them to come to you. What WOULD be your family's scenario if things got really bad? Even if this might be only a Plan D or E..... This is a good time to observe the routes...check where possible blockades are located (like large cities and bridges) and other obstructions. Then look for resources that you or they might use along the way if what was once a simple 8 (or whatever) hour trip took days....



There, now you have prepping homework to do on your trip. laugh Seeing family...maybe the last chance for a while..... that too, is prepping. While spending on wheat and canned goods might feed you....this trip may feed you in a way your family needs too. Only God can tell you that and it looks like He did. So as the others have said, enjoy!!!



MtRider [still bummed that I did not get to do the spring trip to see our kids/Grkids...cuz the airline went bankrupt..... mecry ]

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