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Jalapeno burns! Yikes!!


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If this is the wrong place to post this, feel free to move it.


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Like a dummy, I didn't wear gloves last night while cutting up jalapenos. I was only doing a few and thought I'd get it washed off quickly enough.


What a fool am I.


2 hours later, the burns were driving me nuts.


I found a cure that worked for me, tho today my hands are still sensitive to heat.


I poured alcohol over my hands. Had to do it twice.


Two other cures that work for most people are apparently cold milk and baking soda.


I think the point is that the alcohol and milk draw out the oils at the same time providing temporary relief. You wash off the oils that are drawn out with soap and water. Then repeat the treatment until you have enough relief to endure it.


The baking soda cure seems to be somewhat different. Some folks use it the same way...applying and letting it sit for a while, then washing it off with soap and water, and applying it again until the burning subsides.


But I also read where folks put the baking soda paste on their hands like a glove, and wore it for some hours, then washed it off.


Anyway, for anyone foolish enough to do this with hot peppers once, I wanted you to have in your mind a solution before you went crazy at 2 am with the pain.

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Ummm. Yeah. You should also add that you should NOT touch your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, or other (ahem) sensitive body parts WHILE and for a while after your hands are burning. Not good. Really NOT good.


I ended up soaking mine in ice water...then aloe gel slathered on...then a soap to cut oil - like poison oak soap. That helped the most.

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Owwwww Shurleen!


I did the exact same thing last week. Tried milk compresses, aloe, Dawn dish soap, hand sanitizer & rubbing alcohol. Nothing worked!


The real kick in the pants was the next day packing up the dehydrated jalapenos, I did it again. Apparently dried ones still have enough capasian oils to burn.





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yeah, I did that one time with habaneros... I was making flaming death sauce.... I went to the restroom and forgot to wash my hands before..... That is how the term jalape*is was invented in my house.


Boy I hope this post doesn't offend, but it is just too funny to not share... I promise, it was not so funny at the time.

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Lemon juice will take the burn out immediately. For immediate relief from hot pepper juice, use the lemon juice or something else acidic. Hot peppers are alkaline...baking soda would be the wrong thing to use. The acid in the lemon cancels out the alkaline and stops the burn. I discovered this after burning my hands horribly and looking it up on the web---I swear by it now! Of course, if you got the hot pepper juice in your eye...don't use lemon juice there!

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I've tried everything, nothing ever takes the burn away. So, I just ignore it. LOL.


One of my earliest memories is stringing hot peppers with Grandpa. We wore dish gloves. His hot peppers were so strong that they ate right through the gloves.

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