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Tuesday, a kind of a funny day


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Morning everyone bouquet


Have you ever thought about Tuesday? It's kind of a funny day of the week. We all dread Monday because of going back to work/school, Wednesday is hump day, Thursday, of course, is so close to Friday, Friday is the last day of work/school before Saturday and Sunday, which, of course, is what we all wait for BUT Tuesday is just kind of a nothing day.


When my oldest brother was 20 he told everyone he was 19. My mother couldn't figure out what he was talking about. He felt about 20 like I feel about Tuesday. He said, "20 is such a nothing age, you're no longer a teenager and yet you're not an adult until you're 21. I hate 20."


What got me started on this I haven't a clue but give it a little thought and see if you don't agree. rofl


You all have a good day! bighug

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rofl Too much coffee this morning? I'm not ready for such involved thought yet. The MIL is coming back today and I'm being roped into going to town with her... not going to be a pretty day here. DarleneSwoon Hope it passes quickly.
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I like Tuesday. Usually it is a 'do nothing' day for me. I try not to plan any appointments or anything on this day.

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I can remember Tuesday, because it's garbage day here.

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It's a cranky Tuesday at my house.... The baby got her 6 month shots today and a flu shot. 4 needles. Right now she's sleeping, FINALLY.

Tomorrow she goes to the woman who gave birth to her, (no 'mommy' title earned yet...) for the Thanksgiving Holiday, and returns Monday. I hope she finishes cutting those two teeth while she's there grin.

I thought I was gonna be kid-free for the weekend....BUT social services called and we are getting a 21 month old girl for a minimum of 2 months, tomorrow. Had a 16yr old boy last weekend. It's musical kids here lately as they come and go.


The laundrydishesdusting & vacuuming are getting done woohoo thanks to help from a 16yr old girl wonder who helps out a few afternoons a week after school. (My secret weapon happy02 )


A turkey is thawing even though everyone in the family is going to Albuquerque for Thanksgiving and DH and I probably won't since he think he is "on call" that day. Can't have an oil well overflow, now can we? So lots of turkey for the 2 of us and the new little foster child. Hope she has a BIG appetite smile

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I LOVE Tuesday!! It's my day off. grin I just can never seem to get all them things done that I think I can get done on Tuesday.


Today was a wash, since I had to go to town to pick up another starter for my car. grrrr I HATE going to town. But as long as I was there, I went to Wal-Mart and, among other things, got some salad fixin's for dinner. yumyum LOOOOOVE fresh, raw veggies. And then went to Rural King and got some stuff for the critters and had to get two new heat lamps for the chickies that should start hatching Saturday.


Got Gracie (my rottie) a new ball. Poor baby's in heat so I thought she needed a prize. grin It's HILARIOUS!! Hard plastic and every time it gets touched or moved it makes different animal sounds...pig, horse, sheep, rooster, cat, cow....and then there's this SCREAMIN' MOUNTAIN LION!! It's sooo funny...she runs around with it in her mouth with it making these *other* animal noises (a rottie meowing is NOT right) rofl ...but when it gets to that mountain lion scream...she FREEZES and DROPS it and just stares at it for a bit...and then back at it she goes, running around the house oinking, crowing, mooing, baaing.....


OKAY, OKAY!! I really bought the dang thing so that she could entertain ME!!



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