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Ever heard of this???


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A friend told me that if you rub vics vapor rub or mentalatum (or the generic) on the bottoms of your feet and then wear sock (of course) when you go to bed, it will stop you from coughing. I was sceptical, but she said she had read it in an article written by a physician. I tried it when I had my last bad cold. It worked like a charm! I told my sister about it and when her daughter had a bad cold she scepticly tried it and was amazed at how well it worked. Might be something to have on hand.

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I heard about this last year and we tried it...like you said "It worked like a charm". One strange thing to me was that about 10-15 seconds after I put it on the bottom of my feet I could taste it. I had heard before if you cut a piece of garlic open and rubbed it on the bottom of your feet you could taste it a few seconds later but it was still a little strange.





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Yup, it works, but some "experts" warn that SOME children may not react well to it, so be cautious if using Vicks on a child.





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I read that article also. Maybe in Womans World, not sure. It worked great for me when I was really sick in Feb.!!! I couldn't taste it for the first 3 nights and the 4th I could-figured I must be getting better at that point.

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I can't say it helped noticeably, but I might have been much worse off without it. Also, having the DH rub it in was quite pleasant, and he said the vapors from my feet really helped his sinuses and cough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We do this when the kiddos can't stop coughing, no matter how much honey we've given them. We just put a thin layer on the bottoms of their feet and they sleep through the night. DH did this for me a few months ago, because I was pretty sick, and I slept like a baby...no, I slept like a teenager. ;)

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