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I'm Canning!

The MacKinnon

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Ok. I'm making the chicken stock now. It gets to simmer for 2 hours, then it gets to cool. The jars are in the dishwasher getting ready (I'll turn it on about an hour and a half into the stock simmering process so they stay hot). The lids and bands are clean. I'm reading the All American Canner manual. What I'm scared of is putting the lid on and cranking it down. But I have the instructions!


Ooo boy.... :wacko:

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I just canned up 7 quarts of turkey stock from our Christmas Turkeys and 12 Quarts of pinto beans. (made chili last week and didn't have any canned beans and had to start with dry beans, it took forever to cook them it seemed, maybe I am just spoiled since I usually have them canned and ready to use)


Anyway, I also used my new All American for the first time today, don't forget to put a thin coating of petrolium jelly(Vasoline) on the sealing surfaces before putting them together. Make sure when you put the cover on that the gap between pot and lid is even all around, then tighten down the wing nuts evenly, tighten the ones opposite each other at the same time and work your way around it tightening as you go.


The All American seemed to come up to pressure much quicker then my old Mirro canners and it didn't seem to take as much heat to keep it at pressure. My guess is that my gaskets on my old Mirro canners must leak a tiny bit. May be time to replace them.


Well good luck and have fun canning.

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Jake, I've done all of that, but my instructions show a unit with a gauge and a weight. I don't seem to have a weight (well, I have one, but I ordered it separately and I don't think it fits anywhere). I think I remember the little doo hickey on the opposite side of the gauge is a "petcock".



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You have to have a weight for the canner to get up to pressure. The weight should have come with it. If you don't have one, you can't use it. :( The weight is what regulates the pressure.






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The weigh should have been in a small yellow envelope inside the canner, you must have it. If it was missing call the factory and they should send you one. Or you may have a relative or neighbor that has a pressure cooker or canner that has a weight you could borrow. Mirro and All American weights should be the same. (I actually know the guy that built the original machine to make those weights) I once lost a weight for a Mirro canner and picked up a Mirro pressure cooker at a auction for a couple dollars just to get the weight. I believe they are $12 -$15 apiece otherwise.

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Deep cleansing breath... :faint3: Ok. John - I have switched out petcock with weight.


1. Is the weight supposed to fit on the stem valve rather loosely?


2. I have a 'rack' that came with the canner. It is just a glorified trivet sort of thing that will keep jars off the bottom of the canner. Should I use the rack/separator that came with the water bath canner, or do the pint jars just stand up on their own? DH is on phone with business call now, so I can't get to the phone.


I think if I get the answers to these 2 questions, I can get through this. My weight did come in the yellow WAFCO pack and I have 2 stem valves for it. I put the weight on the stem valve (using the 15) and it sits down, but fits loosely. I can see it shooting off into the ceiling.


I am not having fun. This is getting too close to piano lessons and math. :Blushing: I feel stupid, but I'll get over it.


PS Thank you Stephanie and Worm Guy for getting me this close to success. If I don't blow a hole in the ceiling, it will be because of your help!

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yes, the weight will fit loosely, as the steam builds up to the pressure rating on the hole in the weight (usually the 10# unless you are over 1000') it will jiggle and release the steam, then you can reduce the heat so the weight jiggles only once or twice a minute. Watch the pressure gauge to make sure the presure doesn't drop below 10#. Once you do it you will feel like "what was I worried about, this is easy". Good luck

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I put it away until tomorrow morning. The broth is in the fridge and the jars are very clean (although no longer hot). So tomorrow, I will finish it. I got supper on, then cleaned the kitchen and felt better about it all. What flustered me was the petcock/weight gauge issue, so I'm going to call WAFCO (Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry, makers of the AA Canners) and ask them a couple of questions. Thanks to WormGuy and Stephanie and Jake for walking me through a couple of things not really addressed in the manual. Anyway, the canner is all set up for the session tomorrow. I'm re-energized after watching the movie "Julia and Julie". Bon appetit!

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Stock is about to boil. Jars are in dishwasher, screaming hot and canner has water in it (warmish). Bands and lids are in hot water which is about to hit 180* F.


B) Listening to a great mix of David Grisman and Leo Kottke. I am inspired.


ETA: On second thought, I'm switching to the Mass in Latin. :pray: +

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I hope your canning experience is going well,,, post and let us know how it went.


My first canning experience i was in the shoutbox and my DH stood beside me the entire time, if it hadn't been for all that support I may have turned everything off and never tried it again,, now I wonder why I worried so much!


Good luck!

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No, it wasn't too awful, thanks to you, Darlene, Jake & Stephanie (and everyone here!!!) :bouquet::bow: Thank you all!!!!


But I'm still a little apprehensive about the final product. The heat's off and the dial gauge is returning to 0. My instructions say to remove the weight after the dial is at 0, then removed the lid (carefully) then let the jars cool in the canner another 10 minutes before removing them to a safe spot to cool down at room temp for 12 - 24 hours.


In any case, I think I can do this! :darlenedance:

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