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Rancid Flour

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So, I guess I must not do enough baking, because I think I've let my flour go rancid. Unfortunately, I have to throw out at least 10 lbs or more of the flour that is in my cupboard. :(


I used some of this flour to make gravy from a roasted chicken. The dinner started off good, but quickly ended not so well. The roof of my mouth and my tongue started to get really tingly and the roof of my mouth was a little numb. I also started to feel very strange, almost intoxicated. My head felt weird and I didn't feel well. My oldest ds (7 yo) also took a few bites and exclaimed how good it was, only to stop eating shortly after and say he had a stomach ache and that he felt funny. The next day, DH also confessed he had similar symptoms. I wasn't sure what was going on.


The next day, DH brought a friend home for lunch and they ate leftovers. I was heating the gravy on the stove and dipped my little finger in it to test the temp. After tasting it (less than 1/8 tsp), I experienced the same symptoms as the night before. After "talking" with some online friends, some thought that the flour I made the gravy with might be rancid. Could these be symptoms of rancid flour? Could it have been something else?

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It really sounds more like an allergic reaction, except that you all having it would be unusual. I suspect something is wrong with that flour, possibly chemical contamination or vermin leavings. Either way, it needs to be thrown away.

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It could be mold, it does cause tingling and numbness sometimes. Perhaps the grain wasn't stored properly before it was ground, bagged and sold. I'd get rid of it if you think it was the flour, not worth risking your health.





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The only ingredients I used in the gravy were the drippings, flour, water and about 1/2 cup milk. The milk was fresh, so that leaves only the flour...unless there was something wrong with the chicken. It was pastured/free range organic, so I can't see that being the problem, but anything is possible. The flour was definitely old, more than a year, which is embarrassing.


Since I don't want to take any chances on any of it (the reaction was extremely unpleasant and a little scary), I tossed the chicken and gravy, and I think I'll CGA's suggestion and use the flour on the lawn for fertilizer.


Prickle, I asked dh if his friend got sick and he said that his friend hadn't mentioned it...and dh didn't ask. The other thing is that I have two younger children who ate it the same night, but neither complained about being sick. The whole thing is just strange.


In any case, I'm going to stock up on Benedryl, just in case.

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I've had something similar happen. I was single and rarely baked. When I did for the holidays, I found not only was my oil rancid (stored above the stove), but the flour smelled "off". I couldn't believe it.


So now, I keep my flour in tightly sealed Tupperware and my oil in the fridge, particularly if it's been opened during the summer and I'm not using it.


I also found out at this time that I have a very similar reaction, like you, to molds and rancidity. I had an upset stomach for DAYS and was feeling very strange. Once I got new flour and oil, I was fine.


I didn't have a lawn so I didn't save it, I just pitched it.

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