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Camp V...


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Well, we got a few of us together... anyone who wants to come join our "Camp V" (virtual) can just jump in like you're really there. Bring some food, though, and your own sleeping bag... I'll share a tent, but the bag's a bit... you know... PERSONAL... <_<




*Whew* Quite a drive from Indiana to Georgia. Sure helped to have so many extra drivers. Though I don't think I'd advise anyone to let gofish drive through the mountains again… that woman has a lead foot! sportcar3.gif And Jori… I think she knows every kids' song ever… and had to share ALL of them with us!!! groansmileyf.gif


Thank goodness Dee started out with the van… all that camping gear stored nicely in the back. I thought Becca_Anne's plane was *never* gonna arrive in Indianapolis. We must've gone through every item on the menu waiting for her. :whistling:


We met up with TurtleMama, chinajade97, Deerslayer, CrabGrassAcres, and Trudy just outside of Darlene's woods. Heck of a lot of traffic for such a country road… lots of black SUVs with *tons* of electronic gear. I don't think I ever saw so many dark sunglasses and dark suits in one place! We had to hike quite a while before finding a clear spot to camp. Seems like the only spot without the suit/sunglasses were smack dab in the middle of a blackberry patch! But it's actually kind of nice… there's a clearing in the middle, where our 'ole buddy from last year hangs out.


He kinda startled the others, with his furry suit and big, bare feet. But I explained that he was a friend CookieJar and I made last time Dar had a get-together, and when he smelled the stuff in the cooler, he carried everything to the clearing, all by himself, so now he's their bestest bud, too. :happy0203:


I explained to the rest that he won't be trying to share the tent… he prefers his tree-top treehouse/nest thingy. Though how he sleeps without falling, I'll *never* know! And I wonder if he has another suit… that one smells a bit… ummm… AROMATIC, if you know what I mean. :whistling: Maybe I'll bring him a new suit next time… ummm, if it IS a suit?? :blink:


So there we were, in the twilight shadows, campfire going, tents erected, satellite internet, roasting marshmallows, and we see these guys going off in one area with those night-seeing infrared binoculars on, and we're wondering, What the heck? So we snuck off and followed them. Turns out they were watching some guy with worms on his t-shirt stringing wire around Darlene's place. He must be thinking he's gonna trap a bunny or something, for it to be that low, but them bunnies are smarter than that. They'll just hop over it. tinyrabbit2.gif


With our buddy sleeping high above, we slept pretty soundly until morning. Frying bacon and eggs over the campfire brought our friendly neighborhood black suit guys nearby, but when our bud came down the tree they kinda scattered. Guess they thought we were a bunch of defenseless wimmen, but one look at him and they left. So not one of us had to draw a weapon…. well, unless you count the camp fork I was using to turn the bacon.


We heard a lot of shooting today. Either that, or Darlene is cooking firecrackers. celeb_sprinkl1.gif celeb_sprinkl2.gif celeb_sprinkl1.gif Or maybe *BEANS*???? shamesmileyf.gif


The guy with the worms on his shirt is running around screaming at everyone else… something about night movers or something. (Doesn't he have another shirt??) The guys in the suits keep looking at him through binoculars and talking on their walkie-talkies. One of the women… I think it's Darlene… just came out and grabbed him by his ear and dragged him back into the house. Something about dishes… speechless.gif


Gonna give the laptop to one of the others to play on and tell you what's been going on from their perspective…








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Man, what a trip--driving half way across the country--Texas to Georgia--and it seemed so much further since we had to keep backtracking cause everyone thought someone was following us :shrug:


I thought we would never find the road--that gps doesn't seem to work when you need it too...but we finally did--just followed all the tracks--who knew there could be so much traffic out in the country--


oh--gotta run--looks like the bacon is burning--wonder where Cat went--she was here just a second ago...

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Everyone is finally settled in and we are making our plans for the day. Since Cat has disappeared and DS is manning the bacon, I guess I'll have to tell everyone what we have on tap for today and evening. We plan on working on our knot skills and wandering around the surrounding area/woods to get a better feel for it (we can see just were the suits are hanging out and who they are watching, although we are pretty sure it HAS to be the guy with the worm on his shirt. Wonder how many of those shirts he has).


This evening will be full of excitement as we will be doing some night exploring and tracking as well as seeing what we learned on tying different knots. :whistling: I'm sure that we will meet back at the campfire for smores and to discuss what we think the ruckus was at Camp D during the day.

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I was driving through the mountains?


I wondered why it was cornering hard.


If you want old lady driving let my hubby drive.


One of the dark suits guys just triped on something . The guy in the worm shirt is jumpimg up and down looking happyyelling "First blood".


Ya, I think thier after him.

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Sorry I had to leave so quickly... I heard some noise and went to investigate. Seems the guys in suits were cornered by a cow. They were all fussin' something about "wild animals" and using deadly force. Took some doin' to convince them Old Bossy was harmless... ;)


I led her back to Camp D...





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:o Guess who we found! Christy!!! She parachuted in after a long plane trip from the Netherlands. Somehow her small plane couldn't find Atlanta, so Christy just told him to fly over where the thought it was, and she JUMPED!!! :blink:


Poor dear got stuck in a tall oak, but luckily our ole buddy climbed up and untangled her. What a welcome to America, eh? Carried down a tree by a big, hairy, smelly (sorry buddy) guy who doesn't talk much. But we've got her safely here, and she's warming herself by the fire, with a mug of herbal tea in her hands.


Something's got the suits in an uproar. Might be something major going down today... :huh:

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It appears that the suits and sunglasses have intercepted the guy in the worm t-shirt after he left Camp D!!!


Certain members of our party spotted him being loaded into a black SUV in what appeared to be a straitjacket.










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It appears that the suits and sunglasses have intercepted the guy in the worm t-shirt after he left Camp D!!!


Certain members of our party spotted him being loaded into a black SUV in what appeared to be a straitjacket.




What about "Camp Catherine and the Chicks!" Pssssstttttttt....... Down below!







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I got a late start, then drove 6 hours to pick up Big D (MIL) in El Paso and continued on our way. Who knew it takes a whole day to cross TX. :0327:


By the time we got to Camp V we were confused by the crowds of people assembled in groups everywhere. I thought she lived in a remote area, but we couldn't tell by the looks of things.


Several of the 'suited' groups scattered in all directions as we approached the driveway, due to a low flying plane dropping a parachutist. Big D watched intently as it drifted down pointing out a clearing that appeared to be the landing point.


Cat met us at the entrance with one of the largest groups and kindly pointed out an area near the woods where 'camp' was set up. We parked and began unpacking. After setting up our tent, cot, and bedding, we sauntered over to the campfire and listened to the stories of the previous nights adventures while waiting for the water to heat for a couple cups of hot cocoa and mint tea.

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Sorry I had to leave so quickly... I heard some noise and went to investigate. Seems the guys in suits were cornered by a cow. They were all fussin' something about "wild animals" and using deadly force. Took some doin' to convince them Old Bossy was harmless... ;)


I led her back to Camp D...



Meanwhile - back at camp V we were kinda concerned because Cat had been gone so long, so we decided to check on her. We didn't have far to go and there she was, standing behind a tree, laughing her hiney off at the suits in the pasture! Then Christy said to Cat " I'm not really worried about Old Bossy, but looks like her mate, Old Two Ton Terror has that suit that smart mouthed us all hemmed up! I think we need to do something quick!" So Cat kinda smirked and said-"O.K. Christy, get me my camera - quick. I need to take some pictures." So while Cat was taking pictures for our missing comrads back home, I walked over to CGA and TurtleMama to see what they were up to and CGA said "Let's move a little closer to those two suits over there in the shadows and see if we can hear what they're saying." The suit standing by the gate said "You know the guy in the worm shirt that the BOSS has us watching? He looks so familiar to me. Last week I overheard my parents saying that when I was born I broke in TWO pieces, and I think he may be my HALF brother!!" Just then the moon came from behind the clouds and shone right on the suit telling the sad tale. And we all stood there speechless---(drumroll)...... The guy had no hands-- JUST LIKE WORMY!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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Psssst! Psssst! Where's Cat? The black SUV is hauling back down the road. Take Cover! The black suits are all jumping out of the doors....screaming and hollering....What's up? Trudy.....where's the binoculars? Look, look it looks like Wormie rolling out of the back of the SUV. And, he's laughing! I think! Hard to tell cuz he has a mask on. What pocket did he pull that out of? And what's in his hand. Looks like the suits got more than they bargained for packing off Wormie. That will teach them for taking out the guy on night maneuvers. The suits all high tailed it into the woods. Here comes Stephanie and Darlene to get Wormie....and they don't look too happy right now! They are holding their noses and pointing to the house. Worm Guy took the hint and headed into the house.

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm gonna stay for the week, at least. The weather's milder than home, and we've got plenty of food for now.


('Course, if the Big Guy keeps eating like he is, we might have to conduct a raid on Darlene's place... can you say "night maneuvers"??? :24: )



**Trying to figure out if that's his pocket knife or a bottle of something. You guys think it could'a been the BEANS they ate??? :o **







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