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Poison Oak


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Okay. Last Monday I was sick and went to stat care. They put me on an antibiotic for Bronchitis. Monday night we lost power, and I had forgotten to get refill the water jugs after we emptied them. We went to a spring to get water and on the way back we found a tree down. My daughter and I moved it partly out of the way. Well Tuesday I had small bumps and tightness on my face. By Wednesday I was full blown rash on my face and neck and assorted bumps on my hands and one ankle. I stopped the antibiotic. I figured I had either had developed an allergy to the antibiotic or had gotten a bad reaction to the sun because it is a photosensitive med (Z-Pak). I went to my daughter's and showed it to her. It seems that she looked almost the same as me, only she hadn't been on an antibiotic. We figured out that we had been exposed to poison oak when we moved the down tree. I have it bad. I have been taking benadryl, but this morning my eye was swelled almost shut. Anyone have any ideas for rememdies that I can try? I can't afford to miss more of work and have no insurance so unless I have no choice I don't want to have to go to the doctor. If it swells up much more, I might have to go to the doctor anyway.


Any suggestions of stuff to try will be greatly appreciated. Besides my face it has gotten between my fingers, so even using my hands hurt.

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If it's on your face, go see the doc!!


DH gets poison ivy and or oak alot (works outside). Whenever it's on his face, I get him to the doctor's right away. They give him a prescription cream that gets rid of it faster than any home remedy or anything over the counter we've tried. If the doc writes the script out with refills, refill them. It's always good to have extra of the stuff around. I think there's also a prescription (pills taken orally), but it has been many years since anyone prescribed that for DH, so I don't know if it's still around.


Good luck!

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got to a doctor if it is on your face or near your eyes. DH just had it on his face and it was causing his eye to swell. They had to give him a steroid shot and some cream along with some antibiotics. This is nothing to fool around with please go to doctor.

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Gave me a steroid shot and pills....no cream though. It is slightly improved.I can barely see though. My eyes did swell up. Yes I should have gone sooner. Tried to go Friday but couldn't get in till today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm late to the party but wanted to say that some people are extremely allergic to poison ivy, oak and sumac. Unfortunately I'm one of them. :pout:


I try to avoid it like the plague. When I get it I HAVE to go the Dr. and get a shot. It spreads on me like wild fire and will not run it's course. Nothing over the counter works for me.


I found all of this out during one horrible dose of poison. It was on me everywhere. I was one hot swollen mess. The doctor told me to wash everything I'd been in contact with in hot soapy water and to disinfect my hair clip and glasses etc. It was awful.


My grandmother was the same way but my son is totally opposit. If he gets a few bumps, he will stay away from me until it is cleared up because he knows how I can get.

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First, if it is anywhere on your face, go to the doctor. My hubby got into some smoke from someone burning something with poison ivy on it. Swelled both eyes shut. Took trip to the doctor and a steroid pack and some time.


If it is somewhere else, try willow leaves. I collect them in the spring or summer and put them directly into the freezer. When you need them, take a handful of leaves and a couple of cups of water. Boil gently until the water turns a yuck color of green and the smell isn't much better. Wash the area well (put the washcloth in the laundry immediately), then dab this water on as hot as you can stand it and let it air dry. Itch will stop right then and stay stopped until it is washed off. Takes a couple of days to completely clear up.. Put the liquid in the frig and heat up as needed. It will keep for about 3 days.


My hubby got into a bit when we had a sick dog. That is where she decided to lay around. 3 months and doctor's visit later, he still had the problem. The willow leaves cleared it up. Took a couple of weeks because he had it in his blood but it was finally gone. He showered in the morning, put the willow juice on and was fine until he took a shower in the evening.


I am either not susceptible to it or have not had direct contract. Don't care to know which, I just avoid it.

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