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Boxed Mac & Cheese

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We are inventorying our food storage in order to donate items that are close to expiring and put together a plan for eating some of it up over the summer, as we are looking at a possible move to the Gulf Coast of Texas. (Wheee!) I found some Kraft Mac & Cheese that expired back in summer of 2011. Is it still okay to eat? Or does the cheese powder go funky?


I'm thinking of just getting plan macaroni and some #10 cans of cheese powder so that I can make my own, sans the box. Probably it would be healthier that way, too....and the cheese powder lasts a lot longer. It would also take up less space! :)

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I've used some that was completely intact from 2009 with no loss of quality or flavor. No holes in the box or envelope of cheese powder, though. ;)

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I'd think twice about those big cans of powdered cheese. At least with the mac and cheese boxes those little packages of cheese are UNOPENED and will keep a long long time. Once you open that big can it is going to spoil alot faster than the little packets. JMHO

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