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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Yay on the weight loss Andrea! I'm feeling very motivated by seeing you doing something everyday. Today was hard! I went back to work after two weeks off...after 6 hours in the classroom I was pooped! My feet and back hurt and I laid down on the couch and slept for an hour. Yikes! I sure didn't want to get on that bike today. But, I like posting here each day. I actually watched the Biggest Loser while I rode. That was motivating.... Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 5: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 6: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 7: 2 miles on exercise bike + hours chasing after children
  2. I got 12 miles on my exercise bike, 4 miles with house cleaning, 1 mile with yard cleanup for a total of 17.
  3. January 1: bell pepper January 2: bell pepper January 3: 2 eggs ( used to make scrambled eggs) January 4: 2 eggs, 1 bell pepper January 5: 2 eggs, 1 chili pepper (last one...had to pull up hot weather plants because we ended up with 3 days of a hard freeze. Still have two pepper plants in greenhouse. We'll see what they do.) January 6: 2 eggs
  4. Awww!! He sounds sweet.....
  5. Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 5: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 6: 2 miles on exercise bike
  6. January 1: bell pepper January 2: bell pepper January 3: 2 eggs ( used to make scrambled eggs) January 4: 2 eggs, 1 bell pepper January 5: 2 eggs, 1 chili pepper (last one...had to pull up hot weather plants because we ended up with 3 days of a hard freeze. Still have two pepper plants in greenhouse. We'll see what they do.)
  7. Monday morning I start back to work after two weeks off. Have to get my head back in the game...get a lesson plan going, go in and set up classroom, check work emails...and I'm feeling a little stress because the para I've been working with for the past 9 years is taking extended time off due to health reasons...maybe for the rest of the school year. So my classroom will start off the new year with three different people working different days...two I hand picked and have worked with. Mondays I'm a little scared...I have a young man who's worked two or three times in the other rooms but never with me...and his experience is minimal....to top it off Monday I have a main streamer starting as well as a 3 year old that I've never met but has listed on her paperwork as having behavioral issues. Oh well, it is what I it is..... Time to crank out a big batch of play dough, some shaving cream in the water table and pray for good weather so we can be outside as much as possible. On the home front, laundry needs to be caught up, a few things need to be consigned and donated, we are going to be looking for a printer that works with a tablet and we need to sit down with son and talk about how he wants to finish out his senior year. I think the sun is coming out from behind the clouds..hope so! I always have much more energy on sunny days. Have a productive day!
  8. January 1: bell pepper January 2: bell pepper January 3: 2 eggs ( used to make scrambled eggs) January 4: 2 eggs, 1 bell pepper
  9. I'm also including eggs because we usually get 4 eggs a day...although right now it's one or two because my girls are coming out of a molt. Jan 3: 2 eggs ( used to make scrambled eggs)
  10. I'm definitely in on this one! I got an exercise bike over the holidays and so far have been keeping up with riding 2 miles each day....takes me 30 minutes. Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike
  11. I got the driver error message too. Refreshed page and it came right up.
  12. That's a fantastic idea Andrea! Mind if I join you? Since I'm only a little further north I could probably manage it too. Some of my days might seem unusual because I try every year to see how long I can keep my hot weather plants going (partly as an experiment, partly because I was too busy to pull them up). So, here's my first two days. January 1: bell pepper January 2: bell pepper
  13. Aww, sorry windmorn. Hope the surgery went well.
  14. Last spring it was Buster who was 18. Today Ginger lay down and didn't get back up. Really hard being attached to your pets.
  15. I learned that I need to start taking better care of myself. Now that I'm in my fifties things seem to be...falling apart much more easily.
  16. Got your ornament windmorn. Looks lovely on the tree!
  17. So sorry to hear about your husband. I'm glad you're set financially though. Prayers going up that things work out well for you.
  18. Have the next two weeks off...would love to have a chat sometime.
  19. We got high winds and a ton of rain yesterday. Had a large branch of one of our large backyard trees break off.
  20. Dogmom4 walks in....looks around.....and yells "Who's gonna clean up all this mess??!" As she stalks away to get the broom and a mop no one notices the semi-automatic marshmallow shooter concealed under her coat.....
  21. Welcome back Nana! I have a pot of hot chocolate and some warm sugar cookies just waiting for you.
  22. Arby, it wasnt my intention to say that all people with Aspergers would slaughter people.
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