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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. I know it's not really funny but that second picture had me Rotfl!
  2. I've been taking the Bragg's apple cider vinegar since August...nasty taking stuff...I take a gulp followed by a huge drink of water. I haven't been sick yet...and I've had green noses and fevers in my class since day 1.
  3. Not to be a party pooper or anything... but around here we're still usually wearing shorts and tees until October. I was wearing pants to work in August because the ,morning temps were cool. And I never took the blanket off the bed for the summer....I like my part of California because of the hot summers and mild winters. Hoping we don't get a really cold winter.....especially if it gets below 40.
  4. They take $970 per month out of my check for myself plus any number of family members. It has gone up every January for the past 6 years and I'm sure it will go up in January. And they're ending coverage for my dd25 (at the end of the month). My payments won't go down of course. We've thought long and hard about cutting back the coverage (I would still be required to be covered) but we're getting older and it has covered several expensive crises in the past few years plus now required meds are still inexpensive with the coverage. It's a really hard choice to make.
  5. Yep! We've had lots of new people sign up. Come out, come out where ever you are....say hi!
  6. Any kind of change is hard...even a change that most people would perceive as positive. A lost relationship is still lost even if it is a good thing that he is gone because I'm sure there were some good times. Give yourself time to grieve the loss. Do you have other family and friends who you can ask to help? Trying to work and take care of everything will run you down. Take care of yourself and your sons.
  7. Happy birthday to a truly excellent friend! Love you!
  8. Thanks Violet. I didn't think so...but I had to ask...
  9. Just saw a You Tube video where a lady was canning precooked hot links. Is that safe?
  10. I saw this on a blog and had to ask....you can't really freeze dry your own foods, correct? If you do what it says in the article (leave them in the freezer with air flow for ten days) won't your foods just get freezer burn? http://allaboutfoodstorage.com/preparedness-ideas/home-food-storage/benefits-of-freeze-dried-foods-versus-dehydrated-foods/
  11. Hmmm, the squirrels in the neighborhood are going crazy burying nuts in my garden....really early for here....and we had a very mild summer for here. Hope its not going to be a bad winter.
  12. Doing great! How about you?
  13. Hi lumabean! Welcome philbe! (Love that avatar!)
  14. Tell that cat to get busy! You all remember my new calico baby? Well she's growing up and thank goodness she's a hunter. She hasnt caught anything but the squirrels, mice and rats have begun to vacate the garage and the yard since we've started to let her out. Hallelujah!
  15. We buy ours from local farmers. It's beginning to feel like its not safe to buy anything from the stores. This. Is. Ridiculous.
  16. She is very pretty! I am so envious of you guys who have the places to have goats and cows.....
  17. I think you should keep him....
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