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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Such a difficult thing to have to handle CGA. How do you know when someone can't digest fat?
  2. Sounds really nice Sue!
  3. dogmom4

    For dogmom4...

    Thanks for the laugh Cat.
  4. So glad you're back. I've been enjoying watching your YouTube videos.
  5. Not necessarily copying them. There are many clipping services out there where you can buy multiple copies of coupons. Seems like restrictions are getting tighter and tighter.
  6. She finally has a name now...it went from Fish to Mouse to Inkspot to Spot to Dotty and we have finally settled on Dot. She has also become a magnet...for teeny bopper girls. My ds17 posted her picture so some of his friends could see her and we have had a round of girls come by to see her. I have never heard so much 'Omigosh! She's so cute!'in an afternoon before.
  7. We had a little more rain than usual this winter but it hasn't rained for about 2 weeks...which the norm for here. We don't get much for the summer. I'm already seeing cracks in the ground in the areas not being watered.
  8. Sounds really nice! What is a block?
  9. Actually I think this is a survival topic. You said you do this when you are tired or stressed. Well, during a SHTF situation we are all going to need something to help us get throught the bad times. You have to have something to help you to relax. Mine is gardening or reading. There has to be some point in the day where you are doing something...fun. BTW, your cakes are lovely Shirley.
  10. Glad to have you joining back in!
  11. You went right past us if you were going to San Francisco on highway 80...Amtrak rolls through here too. :-) I have a bunch of relatives in Sac as well. It's a very small world!
  12. I'm in Northern California, wink. About 15 miles outside of Sacramento. And yes I understand about weeds...umm...grass. Ever heard of Bermuda grass? Lovely stuff I suppose if you want only grass that spreads everywhere. It pops up all over my garden and is pretty much impossible to get rid of. I'm really loving seeing other peoples gardens. Anybody else want to post some pictures?
  13. No name yet. She has decided ds17's bed is the best place to be so he gets to name her. One of the children in my class brought the litter in for show and tell...there were two calicos...I put my dibs in right then and there.
  14. I have a little garden envy too. I would love more space! Most of my garden is in containers although I'm slowly carving out some sunny areas as I prune the massive olive tree in the middle of the yard. Boysenberry Bokchoy Tomatoes Watermelon finally sprouting A very small section of a very large grapevine I have more...leeks, bunching onions, garlic,two newly planted nectarines, carrots, peppers, strawberries, cukes, green beans...it was just taking me too long to attach each of these pictures.
  15. Meet the newest member of the family! Isn't she cute? And no one even had to 'cat-a-pult' her my way....
  16. I saw the trailer for that. It looks interesting.
  17. I had the tomato pincushion when I was a teen and I remember metal ice cube trays. Wish I had the metal ones still... The one thing I can't figure out..... Why oh why does CGA have two heads???
  18. Bumping up because I'm dehydrating carrots and cauliflower today.
  19. OK, now I see it available when I click on TMC's direct link in her other post. Seems like it would make sense to have paperback and Kindle form available for sale on the same page. http://www.amazon.com/Bystander-ebook/dp/B00756PYRG/ref=sr_1_9?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1329142725&sr=1-9
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