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Everything posted by ArmyOfFive4God

  1. WOW! Thanks! 20-60 mins, that's impressive! There are SOOOO many news stories out there on this, it's difficult to keep up to date, so I appreciate you addressing my concerns with one I hadn't seen
  2. The experimental (last I heard) was taken to Africa. When it arrived, there was only enough for one & he sacrificed it by giving it to her. As far as I know, this was prior to them being loaded up to come to the States. Who knows.
  3. If that were the case, the staff would have known he was still weak & that ANY exertion would render him to the previous & worse condition. The whole thing is so hokey to me. Bringing them over? Safety? Containment. Let me tell you 101 things that could have (and still can) go seriosuly wrong with this situation. :/
  4. Congratulations! What an amazing display!
  5. I don't know if this was posted yet, but here's video. Of course, we can't see that it;s actually him, & does he REALLY have ebola, so.... http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/ebola-patient-dr-kent-brantly-walks-emory-hospital-n171386 Signed, Skeptical
  6. I only say to mention it, because you already committed to it. Hopefully it will all blow over either way. And Skagitgal- hugs to you!
  7. ^^ Forgot to add the * is just me throwing things in to complete the thought
  8. "I was on *AMazon. I wanted to know if you still wanted me to order the canner for you? It's going to be such & such & will be here on *Aug 23rd. Will you have the money then for it? Or should I hold off?" If she says hold off, YOU say "OK, just let me know when you're ready & I'll order it." That way YOU aren't obligated to order it anytime down the road until she's ready. If she truly can't get it, your hide is OK
  9. Ask her if she's serious about wanting the canner. If she says yes, order it. When it comes in, let her know you have it & let her know she can give you the $ for it. If she "changes her mind" or if she goes too long without paying, return it. But don't give it to her until you have the money, unless you plan on doing it as a gift. She might get an allowance & if so, she can spend it on what she wants. Or it may come out of her grocery budget, etc.
  10. ArmyOfFive4God

    DYI potty

    HAHA! Last night I was on facebook & saw this. I started laughing, because I was thinking "We have everything to make this!!" So I said to Hubba "Honey, Look at this! This is SO cool!" And he starts cracking up & says "I was JUST looking at this (and shows me the page on his tablet with it on Facebook- 2 different friends' pages)). We have everything to make this!" And we laughed and laughed and laughed!
  11. I didn't totally lose my cotton pickin mind, LOL! Only sorta
  12. Ahhh, I looked it up & the bobcat's scientific name is Lynx Rufus
  13. If I remember correctly, one is the classification or something?? Cute story (at least to me, because it'sa childhood memory). We had a Mercury Lynx when I was wee. Everytime I got in the car, I would ask "Daddy, how do you say that word??" Lynx was imprinted on the glove box. Every.Single.Time. I could never pronounce it
  14. There's a thread from a couple months ago where I asked this & got some great responses. We were considering looking at a stove on Craigslist, but I think I've decided against that. We're hoping & praying to get back West. We signed a one year lease, & when that's dne, we're hoping to scoot! I also deided, I should probably empty my jars, rather than fill for the next 9 months. I'll continue to do WBC'ing, but I think I'll take a break as a general whole on beans, meat, etc. We also do have a grill burner. Not sure of the BTUs, but I think for now, I'll stick to dehydrating & freezing & if we lose power, I'll get to canning (or drying more, LOL) with what I have.
  15. Maybe we should stick to the armadillo in Steel Magnolias?
  16. Worcestershire sauce. I can't PRESSURE can on a glass top (or should I say, since it doesn't belong to me, I WON'T), so I chose a WBC (not WDC) recipe.
  17. Ooo, let us know what you find!!! 0_o
  18. I will likely have my 14yo old & almost 11yo old boys there
  19. You had me at "10 reasons we should be canning our own meat."
  20. But always looking for like minded buddies near
  21. Ah, bummer! I'm alla way over here near Knoxville!
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