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Everything posted by ArmyOfFive4God

  1. Diatomaceous? That works great! You can actually sprinkle it in the dirt AND ON your plants! Make sure you get the food grade kind
  2. ^^ We came across Jethro fur & a couple small twigs in our batch, even though we scooped clean snow from the top Glad I was pre-filtering it (so to speak).
  3. I would also add that regardless of the method you use to run your water through flour sack towel or other tight knit cloth to filter out the larger particles- dirt, leaves, sticks, or as in our case- dog fur (yeah, that thing SHEDS ALL OVER!) + other debris. Especially good for extending the life of your filter cartridges
  4. I agree!!! Wish I could send a boy. They are such a help!
  5. Trial run (just got the Berkey for Cmas, so I'm doin' all sortsa trials). We packed it in HARD! We made out with about 1/3-2/5 water to snow ratio. Really isn't too bad, but I wanted to know This WAS a packable snow, but I know for drier snow, it will be much different. As soon as I am where there is a dry snow, I'll test that theory, too, LOL! One day, we may need to do this, so I think it's good info.
  6. 7" near Knoxville. It's already mid-30's & going fast. We packed as much clean snow as we could in pots & buckets earlier to run through the Berkey. Shoveled walks & drives (just like "old time" ...er... when we were in Wyo, hehe). The boys are out having a BLAST sledding down the neighbor's hill. With her permission, of course She actually offered it to them. She has an amazing sledding hill!
  7. Ha! Love this. Thank you for clarifying my position, LOL! (Though my organization is lacking since I was sick + holidays + New Year havoc- kids & Hubba like to toss groceries into the nearest closet & call it good *sigh* I'm on that this week, though).
  8. This is my fave planting chart! Been using it for years! I think I posted it some time back, but here it is again. http://bioarray.us/Skippy%27s%20planting%20calendar.html
  9. NOT a good pickup line, Cat! Sheesh!
  10. Your score 12% You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a situation before you act and are generally averse to taking risks. You are very much a ‘people person’ and dislike conflict. ‘Do unto others…’ are your watchwords. But, although you avoid hurting others, those residing at the higher end of the psychopathic spectrum might not be as considerate, so stay vigilant to avoid being hurt unnecessarily. (Except I'm not a people person, LOL!)
  11. This is how I deal with whole lemons & limes. I was planning on ordering a BUNCH of oranges & doing the same (I've recently fallen in love with this recipe - sans the grape molasses), but the drop is an hour away. For some reason, neither of our drops came into Ktown this go round.
  12. Dollar General & Family Dollar have their house brand. 7# for a dollar, or 3-ish for 20-ish. The pkg says 100% clay- no additives, etc.
  13. Just wanted to pop in & say hello! Haven't been on (much) for a couple weeks, but I've been swamped with life. Looks like I'll be keeping busy through the middle of next month with my new business & traveling! I always say that I welcome the new year & that I can slow down after the holidays, but alas, the new year never slows down! LOL
  14. What do/did you do with yours? Mine did the same thing.
  15. Had a friend over to learn canning. We had a jam session, haha!! Blackberry jam today!
  16. The shower curtain ring holder idea is fabulous!!!
  17. Got an ornament from Andrea. Love it! I think the kids are as excited as I am about this, LOL!
  18. THIS WEEKEND ONLY!!! Shop with NO 10% surcharge! It's their December open house!!! Tomorrow is the last day! http://www.samsclub.com/sams/pagedetails/content.jsp?pageName=decemberopenhouse
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