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Everything posted by Jeepers

  1. I just talked to a cousin who farms in southern Indiana. She said her DH checked an ear of sweet corn and it only had 2-3 kernels of corn on it. She said the field corn looks just as bad and all dried up looking. She did day their soy beans looked pretty good though.
  2. Cat, they told about his name change in the book.
  3. I don't care a thing about 'stars' etc. so I was sort of surprised I really enjoyed this book. This is a fun book to read when you want something easy to put down and pick up anytime again. Actually, it's sort of amusing that the fancy sounding names some made up had very common birth names. Did you know: Drew Carey's real middle name is Allison? Englebert Humperdink was born Arnold George Dorsey Johnny Cash was born J.R. Cash The Barrymore's real last Blythe It seems if an actor changes his name then his children can (usually do) take the stage name which is why Drew Barrymore is a Barrymore instead of a Blythe. It's just a fun fact book when you don't want to read anything heavy or you're waiting in a Dr. office. Free today, who knows about tomorrow. http://www.amazon.com/Entertainers-Real-Names-ebook/dp/B008MQ8BBY%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB008MQ8BBY Edited to add: There are over 2,300 pages so you get your monies worth.
  4. That little brown one, half way down, looks like a wine cooler that a lot of people are putting in their homes. Hummmm. Except I don't think a wine cooler's light stays on all the time.
  5. Hey! I think I resemble that remark. When I first got my computer my husband would send me an email and then call me to say, "You've got mail." For the longest time I asked him how he knew. In my defense I was just learning about computers and wasn't going online everyday. On the other hand he could have said, "I sent you an email" or "Check your email." Probably not as much fun for him though.
  6. So glad you had a happy ending!!!
  7. I think we might have gotten some rain over Friday night because the grass is a lighter shade of brown. If so, I slept through it.
  8. Glad you are back. Don't be such a stranger!
  9. Oh my goodness! You did a fantastic job knitting. They are beautiful! The knitting classes really paid off. I would have never done something like that if I was left on my own. I think being 'pulled along' in a class helps to keep the motivation going. You should be really proud of your work.
  10. Wooo-hooo! Love all the rain dances. We finally got some too. It wasn't much and didn't last very long but beggars can't be choosers. Also, the earth moved when that huge earth quake/tsunami hit India in, I think, 2004. So, there has been quite a lot of movement going on just in the last decade. As Al Gore said, "The arth has a faver." My Algore impersonation was lost in the translation.
  11. Glad you are feeling better. It takes me longer to bounce back than it used to.
  12. Hee-hee. But remember slow and steady wins the race.
  13. Yes, I count them differently. I count pickles differently too, as sweet or dill etc. Same would be with corn. Whole or creamed. That way I will know if I need to can or buy more of one variety.
  14. Thought this might be a fun read for you. Free today. Historical US Navy recruitment posters: http://www.amazon.com/Historical-Navy-recruitment-posters-ebook/dp/B008GNOSII%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB008GNOSII Edited: To fix link
  15. Mother, You don't need a Kindle device to read it. You can download it to your computer for free from Amazon. It's a free program and safe. I used it all the time until I got a Kindle as a gift. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_355960802_3?ie=UTF8&docId=1000426311&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=auto-sparkle&pf_rd_r=951DDFAE30854FBFB75F&pf_rd_t=301&pf_rd_p=1362578982&pf_rd_i=kindle%20for%20PC
  16. Still no rain here! Yesterday it was 95 degrees. The rest of the week it is supposed to be in the high 80's and maybe rain tomorrow. I only water my shrubs because they are new. We aren't in a water ban here yet. I can't remember us ever having a water ban here because our supply comes from one of the Great Lakes. At least that's what I've been told. Doesn't help the farmers who don't live in one of the counties that abut the lake though. I can't remember the last time my grass was mowed. Probably 4-5 weeks ago and it won't need it next week either. That has to be effecting the landscape companies who make a living mowing for the elderly and corporations. They lost out on the snow plowing last winter too.
  17. Maybe something useful in this one with the drought going on and with watering shortages? http://www.amazon.com/Hydroponic-Gardening-Complete-Beginners-ebook/dp/B008JNY8C6%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB008JNY8C6
  18. I've never used this but I'll bet some folks here have, so I can't really recomend it but it's free today, short and got good reviews. http://www.amazon.com/Baking-Quinoa-Healthier-Recipes-ebook/dp/B008JH386Y%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB008JH386Y
  19. SurvivalMom, conflicting opinions are healthy. They make us think! I'd hate to think we would become PC here too where we can't have an opinion. Thanks for reporting back. I've had cans go bad when I know I've followed the directions perfectly. Sometimes just one can out of the whole batch. Just goes to show...we need to be ever aware of what we put in our mouth whether it is homemade or store bought. On the other side I've seen more recalls of store bought food lately than I ever have. Everyone here at Mrs.S is very respectful even when we don't agree. As Mother said, we don't want to be Sheeples either. Or Stepford women.
  20. Or you could say, "I'll have what they're having" If son and I go inside Mc Donalds, I will order first then I look at him and tell him to tell what he wants. As soon as he is finished I'll say, "Would you like a hot apple pie with that order?" Gets him every time. He laughs and walks away and I get...stuck...with...the...bill. Hey, wait a minute.
  21. Glad you are finally getting your life back! Now you can be the daughter and not the parent. Hope you and your DH have a relaxing time.
  22. I used to have trouble with toads in my strawberry patch. At first I thought it was birds pecking at them until I saw two toads munching away. They went bye-bye real fast. I had plenty of berries and I really wouldn't have minded sharing but they would take a bite out of this one and then that one and the other one. I didn't have time to train them to eat one at a time. Edited to add: I forgot to wish you good luck on your re-plant.
  23. Jeepers

    Shaving Cream...

    If something like that is cause for a banning then I'm in deep...... Shaving Cream
  24. Hee-hee. My son and I were going through the drive thru and McD's once and I was telling him my order to tell the speaker and at the end I said, "to go" and he repeated it to her without thinking. As soon as it left his mouth he realized what I had done to him. Duh, we're in the drive thru. Once son and I were going through a toll booth and the guy said, "Have a safe trip." Son said, "You too!" I got the side look from him to see if I noticed. I did! We have a garden center here called Petitti's. A neigbor asked where we got a certain shrub and he said, "Patooties". Don't tell him I told y'all.
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