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Everything posted by Jeepers

  1. Does vinegar and bottled lemon juice ever go bad or weaken? I want to use some for canning and the vinegar and lemon juice I have are a few years old; probably about 4 years old. They are both unopened. I just wondered if they lose their strength over time?
  2. Thanks. Now I won't get the willies when I see a spot of blood. I like eggs and I like chicken but not from the same shell.
  3. Good explanation CGA. Does a spot of blood mean the egg was fertilized or is that just one of those myths I heard growing up?
  4. Thank ya ladies! I did a search but I wasn't typing in the right words I guess. That rack looks like it would be great. I'm going to an outlet place next week that has 2 kitchen ware stores so I'll look there before I order anything. I checked out Walmart today for a cooling cake rack but they are expanding the store to make it a super store and everything is messed up and the stock is really low. In other words, they didn't have any.
  5. What do you all use in your canners, to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot, when you don't use the rack that came with it? I like to waterbath some things in 1/2 pints and some things even in the 1/4 pint (4 oz.) jars but they fall right through that lifting rack thingy. Also, by canning such small jars I can use my smaller soup pot and save on water and time. It's a big pot but not quite as big as a canner. I think I read somewhere about a folded towel on the bottom of the pot but I'm not sure how stable that would be. Wouldn't it get floaty in bubbling water? And what about water circulation? Maybe line the bottom with upside down canning bands? I just thought about that. I dunno. Even if I use my regular canner, those small jars wouldn't sit on that lifting rack. The flat rack that came with my pressure canner is too big to fit in my soup pot. I suppose I could use my pressure canner without the pressure. Maybe invert the lid to sit on top. Humm. Also, if you wanted to double up the jars and stack them in the waterbath canner, what would you use between the layer? I don't have a clue on that one. I'm not feeling very creative this summer but I do need to get the lead out and get some fruit and jelly in those little jars. Canning for 1 can be a challenge when even pint jars could be a waste of food and fuel.
  6. I can't watch videos in a thread anymore either. I used to. I can hear the sound but no picture.
  7. Arby, that would have freaked me out too! What a stomach turner. I can't remember the last time I've seen even a blood spot in an egg.
  8. Mommato3, did you freeze your rice first? I always freeze mine for about a week or two then let it sit at room temp a day or so before I store it in buckets. Freezing is supposed to kill off any bugs or eggs. I do that no matter where I buy my rice. Who knows what lurks in those store rooms or how long the bags have been there.
  9. Better to over do it than under do it. You can add some Bar-B-Q sauce and use it as pulled chicken sandwiches too. I think KFC sells them that way. Or an open face Bar-B-Q chicken sandwich. People will marvell at how tender your chicken sandwiches are.
  10. Great post CGA. I think I'm going to do some more reading about post WW2 Europe. I have been reading a little about WW2 times in the US, especially during the Depression and the Dirty Thirty era. As bad as it was in the US it was worse "over there."
  11. I thought the same thing. Except the water I store at home comes from the city and I PAID FOR IT! That would be my answer if someone would ever come knocking. What about pool water? Most people fill their pools at the beginning of the season but what about the rain that keeps it filled? It's so hard for me to wrap my head around not being able to collect rain that falls from the sky. But I remember a time when the gas stations starting charging for air and people thought that was crazy. And when they started pay TV. How in the world can they charge you to watch TV? They figured out how...cable. Sometimes it pays to be old. You can remember how things used to be and how far we can sink.
  12. I'm so sorry. I cringe anytime I hear of a rollover.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are having a wonderful day.
  14. Good tip about being clothed around mirrors with a camera. Especially when your address will also be made public. I know what you mean Hazle. When I see a listing with snow on the ground in Aug. I know the sellers are probably getting desperate to sell. I'm not selling this year but when I do sell, I want to be ready so I don't have to rush around doing things that I could be doing now at my leisure.
  15. I had no idea where to put this so it ended up here. I was surfing looking at how to sell your house to it's best advantage and came across this little gem of a site. These are real pictures people/realtors posted in the MLS books. I learned a lot. No animals, no people, no fisheye lens and clean the place up. Most of them are really funny. I'm learning by example...bad example. http://badmlsphotos.com/ http://hookedonhouses.net/2012/01/31/5-reasons-why-homeowners-shouldnt-appear-in-their-real-estate-listings/ Edited: To add another website. Someone has too much time on her hands tonight.
  16. Well...this isn't something I would enjoy (fish phobia) but thought someone here might get some info from it. Shudder. http://www.amazon.com/Fishing-Basics-ebook/dp/B004CRTNAU%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB004CRTNAU#_
  17. Okay, I have to jump in here for a minute. I live alone and sometimes I want 1 baked potato every other week or two. On normal weeks, a 5 pound bag will spoil before I can use it up. So, for singles (especially if you aren't a big burly man) or the elderly, buying 1 potato makes perfect sense.
  18. Those are so sweet. I couldn't Kindle them either but PDF-ed them just fine.
  19. We had a brief shower go through this morning. It wasn't much but it was appreciated. It will help the lawns if nothing else. I can't remember the last time the grass was mowed.
  20. Swim goggles! Adding a pair to my kitchen supply cabinet.
  21. Funny this post popped up. I just took my dehydrator over to my son's house tonight. He wants to do hot peppers. He usually does them in the oven but thought he'd do them in moms dehydrator faster. I have two cheapy ones from Walmart so I still have one here. I told him if he'd use it often he could keep it. He's come a long way this year concerning food. Baby steps...
  22. No advice on a recipe but laughed out loud at the purple poop.
  23. Your class sounds wonderful. I wish there was one close to me. I do a lot of dehydrating but mostly frozen food that is already prepared.
  24. I read through some (not all!) of these and they were pretty cute. Good past time for a sick youngin' or a long car trip. http://www.amazon.com/Laugh-Out-Loud-Clean-Jokes-Kids-ebook/dp/B007T1ID3E%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB007T1ID3E#_
  25. (((((((Christy))))))) It's always good to see you pop in.
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