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Everything posted by Jeepers

  1. I think I have a problem. I can breathe with my tongue out. Other than that you know me quite well.
  2. Let's see if I can do an internal link. http://mrssurvival.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34297
  3. Sorry you aren't feeling well! At first I was thinking it was something in your new home making you ill. Carpets, mold etc. I never even thought about an adult having Whooping Cough. I also assumed once you were vaccinated you were covered. Guess I need to do some research too. Hope you feel better soon.
  4. I had a dental exam today. UGH! I have 1 cavity that is wedged between two back teeth one being a crown. Sooooo, now he has to remove the crown, fill the cavity on the other tooth and replace the other crown. The crown in question is a gold one about 30 years old. I told him I wanted the crown back. He looked at me like I was crazy. He said, "You do know that it isn't pure gold and most of it is just an alloy to make it strong enough to hold up." I was a smart a$$ and not in the mood so I said, "You do know what the price of gold is today don't you?" He laughed and said I'd get the crown back. He was probably gonna pocket my tooth! I know it's probably worthless but I paid for it and it's mine. I digressed. I had a cleaning, x-rays and consultation and it was $190.00. The filling and new crown will be $1,300.00. Dang. This isn't a fancy schmancy place either. I pay about $1,000.00 a month for health insurance and it doesn't include dental care. So if you still have a job and still have insurance, be sure to get your teeth maintenance up to date now while you can! All is not lost though. I get have me some laughing gas in a couple of weeks. I love when they strap on Mr. Happy Nose.
  5. I figured it was too good to be true. They looked so good too. There is a recipe somewhere on here for banana jam (I think Violet posted it) but I couldn't find it. Maybe she will chime back in. I'll keep looking though. I know it's here.
  6. Glad you got a glimpse of her.
  7. Too hot for kitchen duty Cat. Lets let her off easy with a cool beverage...this time! Welcome Homeschoolshe. Glad you're joining in.
  8. I liked some of the ideas too. The parmesan lid idea caught my attention also. I liked the one using one of the smallest jelly type jars (the short squatty kind) with the band an no lid. They looked nice to use for the table or cookout with mustard, ketchup, relish, onion, etc. Then after the meal, replace the lid under the band and store in the fridge. They looked a little fancier than a squirt bottle. Also a canning jar with a hole punched in the lid for a straw could come in handy too.
  9. Glad you are back home!
  10. Oh Dear, I'm so sorry for your loss! Keeping you close in my prayers.
  11. Stick with me girls...it's hard to tell what you will learn.
  12. There is a really good documentary on the dust bowl out there somewhere. I couldn't find it though. I think it was on either A&E or History Channel. One of those type of stations. If you ever run across it, it's called Black Blizzard. Edited to add link: I found it on Youtube. It was the History Channel. It is in 9 parts but as soon as one part ends the next part starts. At least it does on the Youtube site. Not sure how it playes on the link below. Part 1 is missing but it is still good.
  13. SNIP: I'm guessing super glue or staples. Or maybe chin straps. Do dogs have chins? Under snout strap? http://www.mydoggytails.com/2011/12/photo-dog-days-of-chanukah.html http://www.thisnext.com/item/FFAA8DBB/Dog-Yarmulke-and-Tallis
  14. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I had to do it with my cousin who was like a sister to me all our lives. She asked me to come be with her at the end. I went for her but it was hard. We used to talk everyday on the phone and I miss her so much. I think her passing was worse on me than on her. When she died I couldn't get out of there fast enough to just break down. As much as I love and miss her...I wouldn't wish her back here. It still hurts though. Come here and 'talk' when ever you want. A lot of us have been through it too. Crying does help and remember to breath. As long as you hold her in your heart, she will never really leave you.
  15. Okay, I know this may be off the wall but I know some of us want to cook for our pets especially with the garbage in the pet food coming from China. And I know some of us are Jewish and want to keep a Kosher house especially during certain high holy days. So... http://www.amazon.com/Recipes-for-Dogs-Kosher-ebook/dp/B007CB5SHA%3FSubscriptionId%3D1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502%26tag%3Dkiq-free-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB007CB5SHA It's free for now and the pup pictures are cute. If it isn't for you maybe you know someone who could use it. Oh yeah, you don't have to be Jewish to use the recipes. Edited to fix the link
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We miss you.
  17. I'd like to do some kale too. I can't find it anywhere where I am. Guess I'll have to grow some next year. Or make a 'kale run' to Indiana soon. I want to use it in soup. Olive Garden has a killer soup with Italian sausage, potatoes and kale in a milk base. It's drool worthy. Zuppa Toscana. Maybe throw in a can of corn and call it chowder?
  18. I used to do it exactly the way Jori posted. We were military when I started and if I remember correctly, we got paid once a month! Also, where we were, it was hard to get to the base so I usually had 1 month of food stored. OMG...I just realized that may be where I got the stocking up bug. Anyway, the key is to make a menu. I would make one (like Jori posted) for a month and then rotate it. I started doing it again when my son and DH were home. It was nice because I wouldn't make the same thing for supper that they had for lunch. I kept it posted on the fridge so they could check it in the morning if they wanted to. Also, I didn't have to wonder what in the world I was going to make every night for supper. I did vary it though so every Monday wasn't meatloaf and every Tuesday wasn't chicken etc. It is really easy once you have your menu made out. It's best to list your main dish and the sides. I did this for years.
  19. Just a reminder that if your garden hose stays outside during the summer the water left in it can be SCALDING HOT! Luckily, I remembered before I watered the shrubs because it was so hot I could barely hold on to the nozzle. It only takes a few seconds for the water to cool down though. But the real danger is to the kiddies! One person I know sprayed her grandchild, not realizing the water left in the hose was hot. The water left blisters on the poor child. Needless to say she felt like dirt even though it was an accident. Also, kids sometimes pick up the hose to spray each other or get a quick drink. Or turn the water on to run through the sprinkler. By the way, as my son turned the water off yesterday, I was holding the nozzle open to empty the hose but the water that came out of it today was still scalding hot. Please be careful!
  20. No way would I register. Enjoyed the youtube too.
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