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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Hi Nana! Long time no see. Welcome back.
  2. May be cheaper Vic, but still unaffordable for lil' ole me. THAT's why I'm gonna move in with kappy!!! Hi kappydell.
  3. kappydell- $59.99 * 30 = $1619.70 unfortunately that is higher than my current monthly income. guess I will just have to move in with you!
  4. I must admit, I've never thought of Darwin's Theory of Evolution in quite this way. It makes a whole lot of sense. Thought I would share it with fellow h-schoolers so you can pass it on to your children. Critical thinking is soooooooooooooooo impt, isn't it?
  5. So. did anybody take advantage of the battery sale??? I did. I got 3pks for $12 + tax = $12.87/90 batteries = 13c/battery!!!
  6. Randomness and idiocy aside.................................................... I just found out about a FANTASTIC DEAL at Lowes.com ....................................and you don't have to take any batteries apart!!! 32 AA alkaline batteries for $4.00!!! Sale ends Dec 4
  7. OK. So much for the funny thread title! I dehydrated my cooked, mashed yams in my Excaliber. ONly problem is I don't have fruit leather trays, so I used wax paper. My yams are stuck...stuck...stuck to it! ANy hope of recovery here, or is it all a loss???
  8. Just found this video and thought I would resurrect an old related thread to post it in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXAdtXyEqao
  9. then again, I found this vid..............................
  10. sometimes you'll find this instead (SKIP to the 2min mark )
  11. "I saw it in the window and just couldn't resist it." http://www.itsthecarolburnettshow.com/screengrabs/went_with_the_wind/saw_it_in_the_window.mp3
  12. My page jumps too. But, what is REALLY irritatiing, is when the MOUSE jumps! I can be typing a word in a sentence, and the mouse jumps back to a previous word and sometimes to a previous word in a previous line! The "Mexican Jumping Bean" mouse is very very annoying. (and no, I did NOT format the previous word with strikeout text!!!)
  13. What is the secret? Can you post the method or provide a link??? Midnightmom, Katzcradul is the woman who made the how-to video that Jeepers posted above. She rinses/sorts the beans, then an overnight soak, then drains/rinses, then cooks -- I believe in the video she shares that she uses a pressure cooker but noted regular cooking is also fine. Then she dehydrates them. If I remember correctly she also mentioned the price difference -- 8-10 cents/serving her way verses 80-84 cents/serving buying them freeze-dried. Some significant savings there! She's got a lot of other interesting YouTube videos as well. Are you saying that pre-cooking & then dehydrating is the only way to preserve them for LTS w/o them turning to rocks???
  14. What is the secret? Can you post the method or provide a link???
  15. Jeepers and Nerd- Do you buy the jars as you go along or are these all jars that you've had "forever"?
  16. "2 hour turkey" was wonderful. turkey sandwiches on croissants were tasty, tasty treats. company (my 2 sons) was terrific. Blood sugar reading this morning???????? Off the charts!!! (under 400, but not by much!)
  17. It may be just a little late, but I think you will enjoy anyway. But...............you have to watch the videos in order! The first is a CLASSIC clip from WKRP in Cincinnati: Now watch this clip (Keeping the newscaster's remarks about the turkey's organizing a "counter-attack" ) http://boston.cbslocal.com/video/7987450-turkey-complaints-on-the-rise-in-brookline/
  18. Thank you Cat. I don't have six year old butter, but the butter I do have has been in there for about a year. Nice to know it is still good.
  19. Whoa! Hold the horses! Cat is turning into a ninja!!! And here is her weapon of first choice................................. Here is the "bad guy" when Cat is done with him............. Here is Cat when she is done with the "bad guy." Here is me for thinking up this reply.
  20. Some of those cats were really, really camoflagued camouflaged. (Is there a spell-checker here???)
  21. Gotta love the holiday sales! celery - 35c/bunch yams - 24c/lb turkey - 53c/ with $25 purchase (which can include the bird!) Winco
  22. Finally found the "Mark Forums Read" button! Bottom of the page---left side.
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