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Everything posted by snapshotmiki

  1. Thank you so much, Becca Anne! I had a good day!
  2. Wow, Jeepers! I would imagine you feel so much lighter with everything gone! I would. I'm glad that your garden did so well while you were gone, Becca Anne! I'm happy that your garden is doing so well, also Little Sister! This morning, I will walk first. Then walk dogs. Set up DH's meds for the next month. Do laundry. Cook burgers for DH and then make the Birthday shrimp and grits!
  3. Up early and walked first. Ran to neighborhood grocery. Fed dogs and then did ebay photos for DH. Met with previous Church secy. at Church to go over some business stuff. Came home and walked dogs. There is a little kitten living in the woods next to us (probably dumped). I spent a little time trying to get it to come out and eat. Left a couple of bowls with water and cream out for now- will pick up later. Tossed some meatloaf in it's direction. It found and ate that. I guess I will have to get a live trap. Pretty much done for the day. I might make an ice cream cake for my Birthday--using ice cream sandwiches as a base. Tomorrow I will make my Birthday meal--Shrimp and grits! I did stop at our local PD and file an incident report about the mailbox, yesterday. Things seem to be looking up-ish for all of us right now. Yay!
  4. Are Dericho winds the same as Straight line winds? Or more tornado-ish?
  5. I'm so glad for you and DH @Mt_Rider! Praise God! I hope you are home or near home @Becca_Anne! Mailbox vandalized yesterday evening. Sigh I heard them do it but didn't see. Second time in about 5 months and we are right in town. I mentioned to DH last time that we should get a few cameras up outside. He ignored me. This time, it is his idea, so we will get some up. We did get the mailbox back in working order for now. I want a couple of wrought iron bars to put up on either side. Just for kicks. Walked already. Going to help a friend in town for a couple of hours today. Get in garden for a short time when I get home. We are under highest severe heat threat (or something like that). Won't stay out long.
  6. Already walked. Did leaf blowing. Never did purging of night stands yesterday, so today. Will make meatloaf and mashed potatoes a little later. I don't know about you all, but I am just tired of being tired!
  7. That's great news @Mt_Rider! I'm glad you are improving, quickly. Having the right doc in your life really helps! @Becca_Anne, I hope you have a wonderful time today! Already walked. Next will walk dogs. Make a couple of business calls. Purge office dresser and 2 nightstands in bedroom. That may be about it! I have my laptop back and supposedly it is good to go. We will see.
  8. There are a few thousand folks in Northern MS without power today. That was a big tornado, Jeepers!
  9. Walked first and got back just as storms started. Laundry is done. Have 4 trays of sweet potato slices dehydrating in oven for dog treats. Next will make Cajun Shrimp and grits. Maybe make some cookies. After sweet potato slices are done. Have a great day, Mrs Survival!
  10. Already walked this morning. Going to ferry my friend around our little town. Wash dog blankets and then wash dogs. Going to visit a friend in nursing home this afternoon. That's the truth! Have fun sightseeing and get home safely @Becca_Anne! Glad you are getting your house sorted @Littlesister! I keep working on mine, but don't feel like I am getting anywhere because of the ebay items all around me.
  11. Happy Birthday, Madison! Have a great day!
  12. I must have been bored. Made a chocolate pie and froze it. Made croutons from old bread that I found when I put pie in freezer. Made oatmeal for dog treats. Purged entire medicine closet in bathroom plus cabinet in office. What I purged went into a large tote to use for trade if needed in the future. My stepdaughter does coupons and brought 4 suitcases of health and beauty aid stuff when she came to visit a couple of years ago. More than we will use in our life time. So will be barter material.
  13. Always seems to be an eventful drive, @Annarchy. Glad you are there, safely! I will walk first, this morning. Walk dogs. Purge a cabinet in office or more. Bible study, this evening. Nice relaxing day, I hope.
  14. Dogs woke me up at 4:30. Sigh Walked first. Did some computer work. Washed sheets and blankets and put them back on. Added dirt to tomato plants, jalapenos and potatoes. Planted 2 lick tubs of lettuce. Pruned tomato plants. Cut chives and parsley. Next, I will flash freeze chives and parsley. Saving a little back to take to friends this afternoon. Church meeting at 1:30. I was asked to come, but not sure why. I am not on staff or anything. It's about handing all records back over to us from pastor and associate pastor who resigned a couple of weeks ago. We will see. I'm tired!
  15. On DH's laptop which is hooked up to printer and will hopefully work with ebay until my new battery arrives. If that is the problem. Sigh I will be praying for you @Mt_Rider for your DH's upcoming surgery! I'm glad that you are in recovery mode with MS at this time! Praying for you, also @Jeepers. To get more packing done than you imagine and that it goes smoothly! @Becca_Anne, I'm so glad that you are a new Grandma! I hope that you have fun when you sight see! @Littlesister, I'm glad that you have your house back and it is coming around! I'm also, happy that your GS appears to be getting on the ball! I've walked every day, including today. Boy, is it getting warm. Usually 80 and very humid before I get started, but I'm stubborn. Today is easy. Laundry. Set up printer. Misc. business calls. Clean bathrooms and dust house. Maybe go out in garden, but that may wait until Wednesday. We have had a little weather here. Not bad, but power out twice for 2 and 3 hours. I hope you all have a great day!
  16. I've been too busy. Like a whirlwind! I can see I'm not the only one, either. My laptop is down and it's difficult to text replies on my phone. Trying to catch up, but i can't do much more.
  17. You and Jeepers both! I believe that all of us have been through challenging times the past year or so! It's so nice to have a place that we can share it all!
  18. Your life and Ambergris's life keep my head spinning! Both interesting and challenging! Already walked and stopped at local clinic for lab work on the way home. Next will take ebay photos. Shovel out the city gutter in preparation for next round of storms. Make oatmeal and cut carrots, both for dog treats. Not sure what next. My life seems very tame at this time. You all have a good day!
  19. That's surely true! @Mt_Rider, now beavers? Don't ask "what next?" Yesterday was Church and storms. Power was out from 5:30 to 8:30. AC was still set at 80 from during the day, so it was really warm and having the windows open didn't help much. This morning, I walked first. Picked up branches. Walked dogs. Maybe take ebay photos, later. Cut up carrots for dogs.
  20. I'm so sorry for all you two are going through @Mt_Rider! Walked first. Did VA video visit with DH. Cleaned up branches, etc. Will go to local doc visit for me, shortly, then drug store. Ebay photos. Having a tired day!
  21. That's a lot of jars! And paper products!
  22. Will walk first. I get to help a friend who owns a little restaurant for a couple of hours today. Should be fun! Only open a few hours on Fridays. I think it's more of a hobby, but he loves to cook. This afternoon, I intend to pick jalapenos from my garden and blackberries from across the street. Nothing else on my list, but I don't like sitting around much. We will see. That's all I clean. Otherwise it pools on the road and heads into our low lying outer meadow. I keep the shovel ready. Have fun with baby! Praying for you both @Mt_Rider! I'm glad you are getting re-organized, @Littlesister. I understand the drive to get it all done now, but try to take it easy on your shoulder. I have that issue, too.
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