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Everything posted by logcabinmama

  1. Remember I had been to 3 baby showers in a couple weeks. Well, one of the babies has arrived. A girl, she was born on Tuesday, here name is Kayleah. She weighed 6 lbs and 11 oz. She is the daughter of one of my nephews and his wife. Two more are due this month and there will be another one born in Sept. Have to get this all writen down in my Family Tree Maker now. ------------------
  2. Happy to hear your mom is doing so good. She is still in my prayers. (((((Hugs))))) for you and your family. ------------------
  3. I canned potatoes in 1999 and we used most of them. I think there may be just a couple jars left. I canned more last fall again. We haven't used many of these yet. I put them in with roast meat I had canned when I put the meat in the oven. Yes, they have a different flavor, but they are good just the same. Also, if you are in a hurry, they come in handy. Like Cat said, you can fry them too. ------------------
  4. Yes, I did get the quilt blocks cut out and the little baby animals transfered on some of them. If I don't make any mistakes when painting, I will be ok. No, I haven't done any dish towels yet, but was in the mood to do the blocks. At least this is a start. ------------------
  5. We probably have close to 5 gallons of oil but we have it in our basement. We have about 8 - 12, not sure, of the very large 3 wick candles too. At least we can have nice canle light when we want it. As for your 12 years of being a pack rat, try living in the same place for 31 years and collecting but not wanting to get rid of things. We went through a lot of stuff a couple years ago, but need to get back in the basement and go through more things. Right now, I still have paper towels, paper napkins and bathroom tissue that I bought in 1999. It is nice to have it on hand, but, it had taken up space too. It is dwendling down little by little so won't be long before I will have more space. ------------------
  6. Glad to hear the money is back in your account. When I started reading this post, I thought 'Oh no,' so am glad the money was there. This is one of the concerns I have about buying on line, but I do buy some things. Thank you for posting again. ------------------
  7. I'm sorry, Nana, I didn't realize your brother and sister were that far away from you. If you can keep in touch by phone or the internet, that will be good. Again, I am sorry about your brother and know I will continue to pray for you and your family. ------------------
  8. Looks like while I was looking, you were too, Ginger. I like what you found, it is very interesting. ------------------
  9. To find out more about the 'Victory Gardens' of WWII, here are some urls to go to. This url will tell you about the gardens. http://www.alsuccess.com/articles/221Feat4.html These urls will give a bit of information on the Victory Gardens, but the first one was the best. http://www.ondeckvideo.com/home-front-usa-article-part1.html http://www.nebraskastudies.org/0800/stories/0801_0131.html My mother-in-law use to talk about her land lady, in Washington state, having a 'Victory Garden'. She had flowers and vegetables mixed in a small patch just outside the door of the house. This was just before and after she was married. She lived in a rooming house and DH's dad was in the Army, based there. My mother always had a garden while I was growing up and always canned what she could and stored the rest in the root cellar basement.
  10. Oh yes, Ginger, that was really great. ------------------
  11. Lynnie, I am sorry about all that is happening and will be praying for you along with the others. I have not gone through this, but our oldest son is going through it now. I don't have any answers for you. I do think what Cat said, about writing it down, is a big help. I have done that when I was depressed, and I really think it helps. How are your girls doing with this? You are right about the doors too, God won't close one without opening another. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you. ------------------
  12. Good morning and welcome to Mrs. S. I brought some warm coffeecake this morning along with some muffins. This should get the day started. ------------------
  13. Thank you Ginger, this is very good. More people need to think about this. It is so right, most people are so busy working they forget they need to spend time with the family. This is so sad, as the kids grow up so fast and then move away and you don't get to see them much. ------------------
  14. Poor kitty. But, he/she may not do that again. Kitty will think about it next time it sees someone coming to shut the window. ------------------
  15. Ok, Ed, it has been a couple days now. How are things going? Yes, by all means, flowers, dinner and whatever else you can think of. LCM, you could be right about the jeep. ------------------
  16. I agree, nothing fancy here either. Although, I do like dresses sometimes. This summer, it has been shorts and tank tops since it has been so hot. Only at home though, I won't wear shorts in town. ------------------
  17. Wow!!! Dee, that is just sooooooo grrreeaattt. Congrats are really in order. You have really done a great job. You have showed the rest of us that it can be done. Thank you so much for letting us know about yourself. (((((Dee))))) Midnightmom, thanks for the pyramid. We were gone all day yesterday, so didn't see this until now. ------------------
  18. Someone once taked about getting the smell from books, (so might work with other things), by putting a small container inside another container. Then adding cat litter to the outside container and putting the book inside the smaller container. Then putting a lid on the large container for about 24 hours. I don't know if it would work, but it might be worth a try if the spray doesn't do the trick. I agree, though, I think I would try the FeBreeze first. ------------------
  19. logcabinmama

    NOT NEW!

    Cat, Fran is still under the weather, or was on Sunday when I talked to her. She is feeling better, but very weak. I do hope she gets better soon. She hasn't even been on to chat with me on Yahoo lately. ------------------
  20. Yes, it was hot yesterday and the humidity was up, but not as bad as some days have been. Like Becca said, it is getting very old. But, just give us a few months, (about 4), and we will have snow. Then people will say it is to cold. As long as I stay where there is an A/C, I am ok. I go out long enough to feed the birds in the mornings and then I am in for the rest of the day. ------------------
  21. logcabinmama

    Can I Join In?

    Very nice pictures Goosie. Sorry, I thought I had posted in this post after you posted your pictures, and I see I hadn't, sorry. I also like the other information on your site. Sometimes if you ask for a 'trim', instead of a cut, it ends up the same way. But, it is nice to have different styles if you can. I like short hair, so when it is short like mine is now, there is nothing to do with it except do it the same way. ------------------
  22. Goosie, I posted about an 'On line' free sewing book. I think it is at the bottom of the posts. You can print it out I think. Check your local Adult Education Classes, sometimes they have sewing classes. Another place to check is your Home Extention for the county. When school starts, if you could get to it when there is a teacher, go to the 'Home Ec', (that is what we called it), room and check with the teacher. Hope this helps some. Let us know when you find out where you can get the lessons in your town. Good luck. ------------------
  23. Momo, I didn't get it. Please try again or send me an e-mail from here. I think there is a place at the top of the posts for that. if not, snowmom43@yahoo.com will get it to me. Hope to hear from you soon. You take care of yourself now. ------------------
  24. Aww Nana, of course we all understand. Right now, you need to be with your sister and brother. I will be praying for you a safe trip and for you, your brother and sister as well. We have all gone through rough times and understand. You just take care of you. You need to take time for yourself and your family. In rough times, I think of the song, 'God Will Take Care of You', and He will. We don't understand why thing happen the way they do, but there is a reason. Please keep us updated, when you feel like it. ((((((Nana)))))) ------------------
  25. Those sound great, Homey, thanks for posting about them. I think I will try to find them on the net too. I have never heard of them before. I use to listen to the Back to the Bible Broadcast years ago. Sometimes we can pick them up on the radio when we are traveling. ------------------
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